The gravest threat to America is not terrorism. The most serious threat to America today is not the safety or security of American citizens.
The gravest threat to America today is the loss of American freedoms and liberties and the accumulation of power into the hands of those who hold the reins of state.
Our Founding Fathers recognized that the greatest enemy to our republic would come not from external enemies no matter how dire, but rather from our own government. Thus they created a Constitution of checks and balances which would limit the redistribution of power into the federal government. Today these checks and balances which have served us so well for over 200 years are evaporating.
Our Founding Fathers also recognized that central banking would lead to the redistribution of wealth into the hands of the few and the byproduct would be destitution and economic slavery for the average American. They reflected this observation in the Constitution which proscribes a central banking system. Yet today we have the Federal Reserve - a private corporation owned by a few major banks from which the federal government borrows money and pays interest on that money which it alone has the authority to make.
The Founding Fathers understood that the tendency of government is to grow in an imperial fashion with wealth and power redistributing to those who control the functions and apparatus of the state at the expense and degradation of every citizen not a member of this imperial cabal.
But now we have the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, signing statements and the perpetual, losing war against terrorism.
These acts are not designed to protect American lives nor to preserve American freedoms. Their only function is to strip Americans of their wealth and freedoms so that power and wealth may be more easily distributed to the rich and powerful. These people include George Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and the Clintons.
We face a crossroads in America. We stand upon the threshold of tomorrow. Down one path leads to a decline in America; unrelenting war, economic crisis, environmental disaster, increasing crime and a Big Brother police state in which the individual is reduced to economic slavery and cannon fodder for those in power.
Down the second path stands a new glory for America. Here there is a positive America where fortune and prosperity are available for all. Down this second path is an America in which freedoms, rights, liberty and happiness are not only the hope, but also the fulfillment of every individual, not the exception.
Down this second path, America is great once again. We once again become a bright shining light for all. The principles which made America great can make America great again.
The decision is upon us. The paths are clear. The choice is open. All we must do is choose. Choose the path of freedom. Choose the path of hope. Do not choose the path of slavery, hatred and fear. The choice is yours. Choose wisely.
Views on politics, policy, current affairs, the military and life in general.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The Darkest Day in American History
Those who died on September 11, 2001, have died for nothing. Their deaths have been in vain. Our sons and daughters killed on countless battlefields in numerous wars have also died in vain.
Today, October 17, 2006, President Bush signed into law the Military Commissions Act of 2006 which suspends civil liberties and effectively terminates the U.S. Constitution. This legislation makes a mockery of all those who have died. Passed by a Congress replete with corruption, as ineffective as any in history, beholden to special interests, as partisan and as woefully wrong as any Congress in history, this law turns a great nation small and a strong nation weak.
With this law, The United States loses its status as a shining beacon of hope, principles and liberty and instead becomes a tomb to those principles which have been lost, to those hopes which have perished and those cherished ideals which the world has long admired as a model for all the world.
The principles, rights and the very notion of liberty which our Founding Fathers advanced, to which they pledged their lives and sacred honor, fought for and died for, and which guns, tanks, bullets, riots against discrimination, ill-fated wars and corruption throughout federal government been unable to destroy have all been lost with the stroke of a pen.
During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a young woman asked Benjamin Franklin what kind of government we would have. Benjamin Franklin responded, "A Republic, if we can keep it." Today, October 17, 2006, that Republic has been lost. We have been unable to keep it.
The Darkest Day in American History was not Decemner 7, 1941. It was not November 22, 1963, nor any other date from over 200 years of the democratic experiment. The Darkest Day in American History is today - October 17, 2006, when at the stroke of a pen by a power-mad President, everything Americans have lived for, fought for and died for has been lost. The American Fascist State has been born. The American Democratic State has died. May God forgive us for what we have done.
Today, October 17, 2006, President Bush signed into law the Military Commissions Act of 2006 which suspends civil liberties and effectively terminates the U.S. Constitution. This legislation makes a mockery of all those who have died. Passed by a Congress replete with corruption, as ineffective as any in history, beholden to special interests, as partisan and as woefully wrong as any Congress in history, this law turns a great nation small and a strong nation weak.
With this law, The United States loses its status as a shining beacon of hope, principles and liberty and instead becomes a tomb to those principles which have been lost, to those hopes which have perished and those cherished ideals which the world has long admired as a model for all the world.
The principles, rights and the very notion of liberty which our Founding Fathers advanced, to which they pledged their lives and sacred honor, fought for and died for, and which guns, tanks, bullets, riots against discrimination, ill-fated wars and corruption throughout federal government been unable to destroy have all been lost with the stroke of a pen.
During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a young woman asked Benjamin Franklin what kind of government we would have. Benjamin Franklin responded, "A Republic, if we can keep it." Today, October 17, 2006, that Republic has been lost. We have been unable to keep it.
The Darkest Day in American History was not Decemner 7, 1941. It was not November 22, 1963, nor any other date from over 200 years of the democratic experiment. The Darkest Day in American History is today - October 17, 2006, when at the stroke of a pen by a power-mad President, everything Americans have lived for, fought for and died for has been lost. The American Fascist State has been born. The American Democratic State has died. May God forgive us for what we have done.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
February 28, 1933 All Over Again
"Those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it."
On February 28, 1933 a law in Nazi Germany was signed which suspended civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. This law; "The Decree for the Protection of the People and the State" rings suspisciously like the laws passed by the Bush Administration.
President Bush brings into law laws which advance the totalitarian powers of the government. The most recent law "The Military Commissions Act of 2006" suspends our right of habeas corpus which guarantees every citizen the reason why they are being jailed.
Without this fundamental right, much of the power of our other rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution are reduced or eradicated.
President Bush has optimized the situation of international terrorism and world insecurity to nullify those things which made America great; our principles.
Every act President Bush makes reduces America and weakens us. Every word he speaks helps to turn more of the Constitution into dust. Only truth can prevail over the powers of darkness. "When deceit reigns, truth is a revolutionary concept." Only love can win victory over hate.
The path America is advancing on will only weaken America. The steps we are taking only strengthen our enemies. The actions we are taking only spread discord around the world. In coming years, will we see the United States as a "has-been" nation, its greatest moments lying in the past? Will we find ourselves in a war against another great power which leaves the United States morally, financially and spiritualy bankrupt? Will we as loyal patriots of the greatest nation that has ever been allow this to occur?
We must not allow this to continue. The time has come when we must not only stand up for what is right, we must speak out for what is wrong.
Do what you think is right. But do something, for the time is late.
On February 28, 1933 a law in Nazi Germany was signed which suspended civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. This law; "The Decree for the Protection of the People and the State" rings suspisciously like the laws passed by the Bush Administration.
President Bush brings into law laws which advance the totalitarian powers of the government. The most recent law "The Military Commissions Act of 2006" suspends our right of habeas corpus which guarantees every citizen the reason why they are being jailed.
Without this fundamental right, much of the power of our other rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution are reduced or eradicated.
President Bush has optimized the situation of international terrorism and world insecurity to nullify those things which made America great; our principles.
Every act President Bush makes reduces America and weakens us. Every word he speaks helps to turn more of the Constitution into dust. Only truth can prevail over the powers of darkness. "When deceit reigns, truth is a revolutionary concept." Only love can win victory over hate.
The path America is advancing on will only weaken America. The steps we are taking only strengthen our enemies. The actions we are taking only spread discord around the world. In coming years, will we see the United States as a "has-been" nation, its greatest moments lying in the past? Will we find ourselves in a war against another great power which leaves the United States morally, financially and spiritualy bankrupt? Will we as loyal patriots of the greatest nation that has ever been allow this to occur?
We must not allow this to continue. The time has come when we must not only stand up for what is right, we must speak out for what is wrong.
Do what you think is right. But do something, for the time is late.
Resolving the "Cuban Question"
Here's an answer to resolving the "Cuban Question:" Declare it the 51st state.
The Merry-Go-Round War
Bush's ever-changing rationale for the war in Iraq is a sure indication that the Real reason lies hidden and remains hidden. Bush keeps changing his story about why we went to war in Iraq and he continues to paint a glossy picture about the substance of the war. We must not allow ourselves to be deceived by a master deceiver.
A hidden agenda is at work. What that hidden agenda is we may never know. It may simply be for Bush and his cronies and those who brought him to power - the Kissinger's and Rockefeller's of the world - to amass more power and wealth at the expense of the lives of our sons and daughters and or it could be to weaken America in order to allow another great power to achieve world dominance.
Whatever the real story may be, the war in Iraq will continue for as long as the President is receiving some sort of benefit from it. As soon as the benefits cease, so will the war.
A hidden agenda is at work. What that hidden agenda is we may never know. It may simply be for Bush and his cronies and those who brought him to power - the Kissinger's and Rockefeller's of the world - to amass more power and wealth at the expense of the lives of our sons and daughters and or it could be to weaken America in order to allow another great power to achieve world dominance.
Whatever the real story may be, the war in Iraq will continue for as long as the President is receiving some sort of benefit from it. As soon as the benefits cease, so will the war.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Second Thoughts on the Anti-Christ
The writings of Hippolytus which I have mentioned previously indicate that the Anti-Christ will head a democracy which is the eighth member of a group of 8 democracies.
Alphabetically this would be the United States, however Russia was the eighth country to join the G8. Therefore, Vladimir Putin could be the Anti-Christ.
In addition, the Anti-Christ would be the one to bring peace to a war-ravaged world. President Bush seems to be the person who is starting wars around the world, not the person to bring peace. This further suggests that President Bush is the person who will herald the Anti-Christ, not the Anti-Christ himself.
Finally, Hippolytus and Iraeneus indicate that the first military action of the Anti-Christ would be a strike against Lebanon, which has just occurred, not attacks against Afghanistan or Iraq. Next would come attacks against Ethiopia, Egypt and Libya. As of Oct 9, 2006, Islamic militants have declared jihad against Ethiopia, a further sign that the Anti-Christ may be someone other than George Bush.
Militant Islam would then seem to be the vehicle the Anti-Christ may use to achieve his rise to power, albeit covertly. Working from behind the scenes he will start the wars mentioned above. Later, he will step out from the shadows and bring peace to a war weary world, but probably not as a leader of Islam. The entire world will praise him for ending these wars which he himself had started. People everywhere will respect and admire him for his charisma and graciousness, for his apparent gentle strength and his ability to bring peace where all others have failed.
Alphabetically this would be the United States, however Russia was the eighth country to join the G8. Therefore, Vladimir Putin could be the Anti-Christ.
In addition, the Anti-Christ would be the one to bring peace to a war-ravaged world. President Bush seems to be the person who is starting wars around the world, not the person to bring peace. This further suggests that President Bush is the person who will herald the Anti-Christ, not the Anti-Christ himself.
Finally, Hippolytus and Iraeneus indicate that the first military action of the Anti-Christ would be a strike against Lebanon, which has just occurred, not attacks against Afghanistan or Iraq. Next would come attacks against Ethiopia, Egypt and Libya. As of Oct 9, 2006, Islamic militants have declared jihad against Ethiopia, a further sign that the Anti-Christ may be someone other than George Bush.
Militant Islam would then seem to be the vehicle the Anti-Christ may use to achieve his rise to power, albeit covertly. Working from behind the scenes he will start the wars mentioned above. Later, he will step out from the shadows and bring peace to a war weary world, but probably not as a leader of Islam. The entire world will praise him for ending these wars which he himself had started. People everywhere will respect and admire him for his charisma and graciousness, for his apparent gentle strength and his ability to bring peace where all others have failed.
Are School Shootings a Ploy to Ban Guns?
The recent spate of school shootings in American schools is a tragedy. Yet it will be a greater tragedy if we allow these horrific events to suspend one of our greatest rights - the right to keep and bear arms.
There is no current evidence to suggest that these events are in any way related, except perhaps as a result of copycats, nor that they are in any way being controlled or manipulated into being by covert sources. But they could be.
In any case, the greatest tragedy would be allow the Bush Administration to take the next step - to suspend our right to keep and bear arms.
This may be what they intend. Time will tell.
There is no current evidence to suggest that these events are in any way related, except perhaps as a result of copycats, nor that they are in any way being controlled or manipulated into being by covert sources. But they could be.
In any case, the greatest tragedy would be allow the Bush Administration to take the next step - to suspend our right to keep and bear arms.
This may be what they intend. Time will tell.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Conduct of the War in Iraq
Is the war in Iraq being fought to save American lives, or is it being fought to save American ideals?
If this war is being fought solely to save American lives then how we conduct the war is immaterial as long as we destroy the enemy.
If, however, we are fighting to advance the principles which made America great, then how we conduct the war is at least as important as the fact that the war is being conducted.
If this war is being fought solely to save American lives then how we conduct the war is immaterial as long as we destroy the enemy.
If, however, we are fighting to advance the principles which made America great, then how we conduct the war is at least as important as the fact that the war is being conducted.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
The Anti-Christ - A Short Description
According to the tradition passed down by the Apostle John and related to and corroborated by his students Polycarp, Irenaeus and Hippolytus, the Anti-Christ will be a hugely popular, very charismatic individual hailed as a great peacemaker. (Note 1)
Leader of the world's democracies, he will also head or be an influential member of a group of 8 of these democracies. (Note 2)
President of a nation considered by some to be the New Roman Empire because of its unsurpassed global military strength, the worldwide influence of its culture and the world dominance of its economy, he will come to world prominence due to his actions in the MidEast. (Note 3)
Initially, he will work from behind the scenes and cause a military strike against Lebanon with attacks against Tyre and Beirut. (Note 4) (Note 5)
He will initiate wars against 3 nations (possibly all in the Mideast) in sequential order with the intent of conquering or destroying them. (Note 6) (Note 7)
The Anti-Christ will grow in power using his influence to eventually usher in a worldwide common currency and a unified world government. (Note 8) I have not located any references in the writings of the above 4 men to indicate anything about a one world religion.
The Anti-Christ will persuade people to willingly relinquish their rights in exchange for safety and security of their person. He will force through laws which change other laws enabling him to accrue power to himself and institute a change in time while exempting himself from the law. (Note 9) (Note 10)
Although working primarily from behind the scenes, he will be recognized by true believers (Note 11), while God causes those who are not true believers to experience a delusion which convinces them that this is a world leader who is a peacable, God-fearing, good-natured, but tough humanitarian who has only the best interests of his nation and people at heart. (Note 12)
Note 2: "...he shall be himself the eighth among them." Irenaeus "Against Heresies" Book V, Line 39.
"The Group of Eight (G8) consists of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Together, these countries represent about 65% of the world economy[1]. The hallmark of the G8 is an annual political summit meeting of the heads of government with international officials, though there are numerous subsidiary meetings and policy research." Wikipedia
Daniel 7:23-25
"...the ten toes of the image are equivalent to democracies,..." Hippolytus "Treatise on Christ and AntiChrist" Line 27
Note 3: "...the US approach to empire looks quintessentially Roman."
Note 4: "...his first expedition will be against Tyre and Beirut and the adjacent territory." Hippolytus, "Treatise on Christ and AntiChrist" Line 52
Note 5: "Israeli troops punched into south Lebanon ,... as warplanes flattened houses and buildings,..." USAToday
Note 6: "...he has overmastered three horns,... in the array of war,..." Hippolytus, ibid, Line 52
Note 7: "Deadly Afghan War Fades in US Minds" Salt Lake Tribune
"The 2003 invasion of Iraq, termed "Operation Iraqi Freedom" by the US administration, began on March 20. It was originally coined "Operation Iraqi Liberation". "The 2003 Iraq invasion marked the beginning of what is commonly referred to as the Iraq War." Wikipedia
Note 9: "...and shall purpose to change times and laws." Daniel 7:25
"Hippolytus is not saying the AntiChrist will revive the laws of the Roman Empire under Augustus, but that, like Augustus, he will institute laws designed to consolidate his power." Larry D. Harper, Note 103, "The AntiChrist"
The Patriot Act: "...the government gained new power to wiretap phones, confiscate property of suspected terrorists, spy on its own citizens without judicial review, conduct secret searches, (and) snoop on the reading habits of library users, ..."
The Patriot Act: Targeting American Citizens:
Note 10: Daylight Savings Time: The schedule for 2006 in the United States is that DST began on the first Sunday in April (April 2, 2006), and changes back to standard time on the last Sunday in October (October 29, 2006). The time is adjusted at 2 AM. Beginning in 2007, DST will start on the second Sunday in March (March 11, 2007), and change back to standard time on the first Sunday in November (November 4, 2007). Wikipedia
"Rather than veto laws passed by Congress, Bush is using his signing statements to effectively nullify them as they relate to the executive branch."
Note 11: 2 Thessalonians 8-12
Editor's Note: The above is one possible interpretation of the material I have uncovered. The material I have uncovered is indicated in the Notes. I cannot say for certain at this time that the above is how things are or how they will play out, it is only my interpretation of the material.
Leader of the world's democracies, he will also head or be an influential member of a group of 8 of these democracies. (Note 2)
President of a nation considered by some to be the New Roman Empire because of its unsurpassed global military strength, the worldwide influence of its culture and the world dominance of its economy, he will come to world prominence due to his actions in the MidEast. (Note 3)
Initially, he will work from behind the scenes and cause a military strike against Lebanon with attacks against Tyre and Beirut. (Note 4) (Note 5)
He will initiate wars against 3 nations (possibly all in the Mideast) in sequential order with the intent of conquering or destroying them. (Note 6) (Note 7)
The Anti-Christ will grow in power using his influence to eventually usher in a worldwide common currency and a unified world government. (Note 8) I have not located any references in the writings of the above 4 men to indicate anything about a one world religion.
The Anti-Christ will persuade people to willingly relinquish their rights in exchange for safety and security of their person. He will force through laws which change other laws enabling him to accrue power to himself and institute a change in time while exempting himself from the law. (Note 9) (Note 10)
Although working primarily from behind the scenes, he will be recognized by true believers (Note 11), while God causes those who are not true believers to experience a delusion which convinces them that this is a world leader who is a peacable, God-fearing, good-natured, but tough humanitarian who has only the best interests of his nation and people at heart. (Note 12)
Note 2: "...he shall be himself the eighth among them." Irenaeus "Against Heresies" Book V, Line 39.
"The Group of Eight (G8) consists of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Together, these countries represent about 65% of the world economy[1]. The hallmark of the G8 is an annual political summit meeting of the heads of government with international officials, though there are numerous subsidiary meetings and policy research." Wikipedia
Daniel 7:23-25
"...the ten toes of the image are equivalent to democracies,..." Hippolytus "Treatise on Christ and AntiChrist" Line 27
Note 3: "...the US approach to empire looks quintessentially Roman."
Note 4: "...his first expedition will be against Tyre and Beirut and the adjacent territory." Hippolytus, "Treatise on Christ and AntiChrist" Line 52
Note 5: "Israeli troops punched into south Lebanon ,... as warplanes flattened houses and buildings,..." USAToday
Note 6: "...he has overmastered three horns,... in the array of war,..." Hippolytus, ibid, Line 52
Note 7: "Deadly Afghan War Fades in US Minds" Salt Lake Tribune
"The 2003 invasion of Iraq, termed "Operation Iraqi Freedom" by the US administration, began on March 20. It was originally coined "Operation Iraqi Liberation". "The 2003 Iraq invasion marked the beginning of what is commonly referred to as the Iraq War." Wikipedia
Note 9: "...and shall purpose to change times and laws." Daniel 7:25
"Hippolytus is not saying the AntiChrist will revive the laws of the Roman Empire under Augustus, but that, like Augustus, he will institute laws designed to consolidate his power." Larry D. Harper, Note 103, "The AntiChrist"
The Patriot Act: "...the government gained new power to wiretap phones, confiscate property of suspected terrorists, spy on its own citizens without judicial review, conduct secret searches, (and) snoop on the reading habits of library users, ..."
The Patriot Act: Targeting American Citizens:
Note 10: Daylight Savings Time: The schedule for 2006 in the United States is that DST began on the first Sunday in April (April 2, 2006), and changes back to standard time on the last Sunday in October (October 29, 2006). The time is adjusted at 2 AM. Beginning in 2007, DST will start on the second Sunday in March (March 11, 2007), and change back to standard time on the first Sunday in November (November 4, 2007). Wikipedia
"Rather than veto laws passed by Congress, Bush is using his signing statements to effectively nullify them as they relate to the executive branch."
Note 11: 2 Thessalonians 8-12
Editor's Note: The above is one possible interpretation of the material I have uncovered. The material I have uncovered is indicated in the Notes. I cannot say for certain at this time that the above is how things are or how they will play out, it is only my interpretation of the material.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
A Few Thoughts and Observations
Torture is wrong, regardless of where it occurs, regardless of who does it or why and regardless of whom it is done to.
Anonymity and privacy are paramount in a democracy. When the citizens feel their government is watching their every move and listening to their every statement, this will tend to stifle dissent and freedom of expression which are overarching values of a democracy.
You cannot end tyranny in the world by acting tyrannically.
You cannot extend democracy into the world by limiting it at home.
You cannot speak for open and accountable government throughout the world and then deny it at home.
You cannot advance liberty and then suppress it within your own borders.
The enhanced security at airports seems less designed to secure against terrorists and more designed to control the traveling public, to increase their inconvenience in traveling so they will travel less (making them easier to track and control), and get the public more accustomed to intrusions by the government into their private affairs.
As an observer of human events and the human experience I have discovered many patterns. From these patterns I have established several hypotheses. Of these hypotheses I have tested them and found most to be accurate from 90 to 95% of the time. As such they then constitute a theory.
Therefore, from the pattern I have discerned from observing the war on terrorism I present the following postulate:
The objective of terrorism seems not to destroy the United States but rather to increase the totalitarian powers of this Administration and/or the forces behind the government.
If we use this as our postulate, then the whole war on terrorism suddenly makes sense and we can see that this objective is succeeding.
Therefore, it seems predictable that events will occur to enhance the totalitarian powers of this Administration, whether it is by terrorist action, incessant war in the Mideast or some other activity or by some combination of these. Should these activites fail and the American public refuses to relinquish their rights in a timely fashion, then a war with China may be scheduled.
America will cease to be America if America accepts torture as a tool it can use.
America will cease to be America if we allow our President to tap into our phone conversations and read our email without oversight by the public.
America will cease to be America if we abrogate the rule of law, especially by the President, in order to enhance the security of the "state" (those who run the appratus of the state).
America will cease to be America if we cease to be good.
A long war has never benefitted a democracy.
Most people are unwilling to accept the whole truth. Most people only accept a partial truth - a small truth - only that amount which fits within their comfort zone. All people accept only that truth which fits into their belief system - their personal ideology. If it doesn't fit, most people will have one or more of these reactions: they will ignore it. They will seek to suppress it. They will malign it. They will vilify it. They will ridicule it. They will seek to destroy it. We can see then, that truth has many obstacles to overcome before it is accepted by most people. Those people who accept more truth must, almost by definition, be ignored, suppressed, maligned, vilified, ridiculed or destroyed by those who perceive a lesser truth. They who witness a greater truth perceive a wider and far different reality than those whose experience of truth is less.
We cannot defeat the enemy by becoming the enemy. To do so will allow the enemy to have won, regardless of what happens on the battlefield.
History reveals that the gravest threat to democracy has always been not from external enemies, but from internal parties who seek to extend security and wealth and power for themselves at the expense of liberty.
Anonymity and privacy are paramount in a democracy. When the citizens feel their government is watching their every move and listening to their every statement, this will tend to stifle dissent and freedom of expression which are overarching values of a democracy.
You cannot end tyranny in the world by acting tyrannically.
You cannot extend democracy into the world by limiting it at home.
You cannot speak for open and accountable government throughout the world and then deny it at home.
You cannot advance liberty and then suppress it within your own borders.
The enhanced security at airports seems less designed to secure against terrorists and more designed to control the traveling public, to increase their inconvenience in traveling so they will travel less (making them easier to track and control), and get the public more accustomed to intrusions by the government into their private affairs.
As an observer of human events and the human experience I have discovered many patterns. From these patterns I have established several hypotheses. Of these hypotheses I have tested them and found most to be accurate from 90 to 95% of the time. As such they then constitute a theory.
Therefore, from the pattern I have discerned from observing the war on terrorism I present the following postulate:
The objective of terrorism seems not to destroy the United States but rather to increase the totalitarian powers of this Administration and/or the forces behind the government.
If we use this as our postulate, then the whole war on terrorism suddenly makes sense and we can see that this objective is succeeding.
Therefore, it seems predictable that events will occur to enhance the totalitarian powers of this Administration, whether it is by terrorist action, incessant war in the Mideast or some other activity or by some combination of these. Should these activites fail and the American public refuses to relinquish their rights in a timely fashion, then a war with China may be scheduled.
America will cease to be America if America accepts torture as a tool it can use.
America will cease to be America if we allow our President to tap into our phone conversations and read our email without oversight by the public.
America will cease to be America if we abrogate the rule of law, especially by the President, in order to enhance the security of the "state" (those who run the appratus of the state).
America will cease to be America if we cease to be good.
A long war has never benefitted a democracy.
Most people are unwilling to accept the whole truth. Most people only accept a partial truth - a small truth - only that amount which fits within their comfort zone. All people accept only that truth which fits into their belief system - their personal ideology. If it doesn't fit, most people will have one or more of these reactions: they will ignore it. They will seek to suppress it. They will malign it. They will vilify it. They will ridicule it. They will seek to destroy it. We can see then, that truth has many obstacles to overcome before it is accepted by most people. Those people who accept more truth must, almost by definition, be ignored, suppressed, maligned, vilified, ridiculed or destroyed by those who perceive a lesser truth. They who witness a greater truth perceive a wider and far different reality than those whose experience of truth is less.
We cannot defeat the enemy by becoming the enemy. To do so will allow the enemy to have won, regardless of what happens on the battlefield.
History reveals that the gravest threat to democracy has always been not from external enemies, but from internal parties who seek to extend security and wealth and power for themselves at the expense of liberty.
Friday, September 08, 2006
You Work for Me!
You Work For Me!
An Open Letter to President Bush
Copyright 2006 by Perry Jones
All Rights Reserved
Mr. President, you work for me. I am your boss. You are my employee. You work for me.
Your continued employment is only by favor of your employer and your performance is - wanting.
You work for me. You work for we the people. Perhaps this is something you have forgotten, or maybe it's something you never understood. We are one nation under God; of the people, by the people, for the people. Those who choose public service and those we elect to governmental positions are Servants of The People. You work for me. You work for we the people.
As your employer, your job performance must improve markedly and must improve immediately.
We all know the areas in which you are failing: the war in Iraq, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, illegal wiretaps and liberty at home, Katrina, the environment, gas prices.
I have listened to your reasoning and considered your conclusions. Essentially, it is all immaterial; you work for me!
If we were to look at this nation as a corporation, we can see that what you say and what you do are dichotomous. You are creating dissension within the ranks of the "work force" setting one group against another. You are spending money with no appreciable gain for the corporation (country) except - possibly - to line your own pockets and those of your friends.
You are tapping our phone calls, reading our email and even reviewing the books we check out at the library supposedly to watch for some bogeyman terrorist but I suspect it's all just to keep tabs on those who disagree with you and when the time is right to even the score against them.
As Chairman of the Board of We the People, I observe that these actions are having negative effects on the organization, on our money and on our morale. You have scared us in order to wring concessions from us most likely to accrue more wealth and power for yourself and friends.
You are draining the company (country) of its ability to function effectively. I cannot allow this to continue.
As your boss, you must do as I request. You must either move or be removed.
If you move, there are only 2 ways you can move. 1. You can move to do as I ask, or 2. You can move yourself out of office. If you do neither, then you leave me, as your employer, no other choice, you shall be removed. And you will need to find yourself another job. Either get going or get out.
Mr. Cheney, your performance is below par. And has been all along. As the chief trumpet for this Administration I hold you chiefly responsible for all that has gone wrong. Your actions have been despicable. Your pockets and Halliburton and those of your friends are lined with my money. Mr. Cheney, if it were up to me, your time has come, You're fired!
Mr. Rumsfeld. You've presided over a war in which our sons and daughters, our husbands and wives, our brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends and neighbors are dead and dying - day by day.
There were no weapons of mass destruction, there was no link to terrorism. You planned a war which may not be won, with too few troops to win it. The strategy and tactics you required to be followed only strengthened our enemies while weakening our military.
You said mistakes have been made, you're right, you made them.
Mr. Rumsfeld, I am your boss. You work for me. Your opinions make no difference to me. Either do as I ask or move on down the road.
The time has come when we must stand up for what is right and we must speak out for what is wrong. We know what is wrong. We know who is doing it.
Mr. President, Vice President Cheney, Secretary Rumsfeld. You work for me. I am your boss. You are my employee. The time has come to do what I ask and get going, or get gone.
Mr. President, if we should have this conversation again, I won't be saying "You work for me!", I'll say, "Mr. President, you're fired!"
An Open Letter to President Bush
Copyright 2006 by Perry Jones
All Rights Reserved
Mr. President, you work for me. I am your boss. You are my employee. You work for me.
Your continued employment is only by favor of your employer and your performance is - wanting.
You work for me. You work for we the people. Perhaps this is something you have forgotten, or maybe it's something you never understood. We are one nation under God; of the people, by the people, for the people. Those who choose public service and those we elect to governmental positions are Servants of The People. You work for me. You work for we the people.
As your employer, your job performance must improve markedly and must improve immediately.
We all know the areas in which you are failing: the war in Iraq, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, illegal wiretaps and liberty at home, Katrina, the environment, gas prices.
I have listened to your reasoning and considered your conclusions. Essentially, it is all immaterial; you work for me!
If we were to look at this nation as a corporation, we can see that what you say and what you do are dichotomous. You are creating dissension within the ranks of the "work force" setting one group against another. You are spending money with no appreciable gain for the corporation (country) except - possibly - to line your own pockets and those of your friends.
You are tapping our phone calls, reading our email and even reviewing the books we check out at the library supposedly to watch for some bogeyman terrorist but I suspect it's all just to keep tabs on those who disagree with you and when the time is right to even the score against them.
As Chairman of the Board of We the People, I observe that these actions are having negative effects on the organization, on our money and on our morale. You have scared us in order to wring concessions from us most likely to accrue more wealth and power for yourself and friends.
You are draining the company (country) of its ability to function effectively. I cannot allow this to continue.
As your boss, you must do as I request. You must either move or be removed.
If you move, there are only 2 ways you can move. 1. You can move to do as I ask, or 2. You can move yourself out of office. If you do neither, then you leave me, as your employer, no other choice, you shall be removed. And you will need to find yourself another job. Either get going or get out.
Mr. Cheney, your performance is below par. And has been all along. As the chief trumpet for this Administration I hold you chiefly responsible for all that has gone wrong. Your actions have been despicable. Your pockets and Halliburton and those of your friends are lined with my money. Mr. Cheney, if it were up to me, your time has come, You're fired!
Mr. Rumsfeld. You've presided over a war in which our sons and daughters, our husbands and wives, our brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends and neighbors are dead and dying - day by day.
There were no weapons of mass destruction, there was no link to terrorism. You planned a war which may not be won, with too few troops to win it. The strategy and tactics you required to be followed only strengthened our enemies while weakening our military.
You said mistakes have been made, you're right, you made them.
Mr. Rumsfeld, I am your boss. You work for me. Your opinions make no difference to me. Either do as I ask or move on down the road.
The time has come when we must stand up for what is right and we must speak out for what is wrong. We know what is wrong. We know who is doing it.
Mr. President, Vice President Cheney, Secretary Rumsfeld. You work for me. I am your boss. You are my employee. The time has come to do what I ask and get going, or get gone.
Mr. President, if we should have this conversation again, I won't be saying "You work for me!", I'll say, "Mr. President, you're fired!"
Thursday, September 07, 2006
The Mind Matter Connection
The Mind Matter Connection
A Short Treatise on the New Physics
50% of the information received by our eyes is filtered out by our brains and never reaches our everyday conscious mind. Although there has been speculation as to why, I feel the best answer is simply that of information overload. The conscious mind simply cannot handle the vast amount of data perceived by our 5 senses. If our conscious mind were to accept all the data our senses perceive, we would succumb to sensory overload resulting in a failure of our systems to function - a type of coma.
Up to another 10% of information received is filtered out because of our worldview. These are our beliefs about reality and the world and how things are and the way things work.
An additional 10% of information is further filtered because of our personal belief systems. This is how we believe we function in the world and our role and interactions with it.
The average person has between 50% to 70% of the information they receive from their senses - primarily the eyes - bypassing our conscious mind and going directly to our subconcious. This information becomes dreams or nightmares and is added to our unconscious states of unfulfilled desires.
This leads to a schism in that which we want and that which we believe we can have. This schism leads to an ever-widening chasm in our conscious states which leads to changes in our states of hope and health and has direct impact on depression, alcohol and drug use, health and cancer, accidents and injuries, our attitudes, personal relationships and our social interactions.
People who have expansive worldviews and open opinions about themselves may receive as much as 80% of the information which their senses receive. Those who favor a more restricted worldview and maintain narrow opinions may deny themselves as much as 70% to 80% of the world's reality.
An example of these states within ourselves (and those with whom we cohabitate) may be when we look for lost keys. We may tear the house apart looking for those keys but they are nowhere to be found. Then when we have nearly exhausted our search we suddenly find them - often in a place we have previously looked!
It is not that the keys have suddenly materialized (but in the New Physics that's a possibility, see Note below), but rather that the inexactness of our conscious state caused our brains to make an error and filter out the perception of our keys from a location where they were. The keys were always there, we just didn't see them.
These realities also affect our relationships and interactions with other people. We can get into discussions and conversations, observe some bit of information on the news or read about it on the net or a magazine and - even agree to it or accept it as a valid statement when said - but when asked about it later or trying to recall that information at a later time - we will deny such an observation or memory. We are not lying. It is just that the inexactness of these states has subsequently filtered out information that does not fit in comfortably with our previously held worldviews and personal belief states.
Now when a spouse or loved one agrees to something and then denies they ever agreed to something so outrageous, just remember it is just their belief state and not them talking.
Note: For more information please review Hyperspace Calculations at:
A Short Treatise on the New Physics
50% of the information received by our eyes is filtered out by our brains and never reaches our everyday conscious mind. Although there has been speculation as to why, I feel the best answer is simply that of information overload. The conscious mind simply cannot handle the vast amount of data perceived by our 5 senses. If our conscious mind were to accept all the data our senses perceive, we would succumb to sensory overload resulting in a failure of our systems to function - a type of coma.
Up to another 10% of information received is filtered out because of our worldview. These are our beliefs about reality and the world and how things are and the way things work.
An additional 10% of information is further filtered because of our personal belief systems. This is how we believe we function in the world and our role and interactions with it.
The average person has between 50% to 70% of the information they receive from their senses - primarily the eyes - bypassing our conscious mind and going directly to our subconcious. This information becomes dreams or nightmares and is added to our unconscious states of unfulfilled desires.
This leads to a schism in that which we want and that which we believe we can have. This schism leads to an ever-widening chasm in our conscious states which leads to changes in our states of hope and health and has direct impact on depression, alcohol and drug use, health and cancer, accidents and injuries, our attitudes, personal relationships and our social interactions.
People who have expansive worldviews and open opinions about themselves may receive as much as 80% of the information which their senses receive. Those who favor a more restricted worldview and maintain narrow opinions may deny themselves as much as 70% to 80% of the world's reality.
An example of these states within ourselves (and those with whom we cohabitate) may be when we look for lost keys. We may tear the house apart looking for those keys but they are nowhere to be found. Then when we have nearly exhausted our search we suddenly find them - often in a place we have previously looked!
It is not that the keys have suddenly materialized (but in the New Physics that's a possibility, see Note below), but rather that the inexactness of our conscious state caused our brains to make an error and filter out the perception of our keys from a location where they were. The keys were always there, we just didn't see them.
These realities also affect our relationships and interactions with other people. We can get into discussions and conversations, observe some bit of information on the news or read about it on the net or a magazine and - even agree to it or accept it as a valid statement when said - but when asked about it later or trying to recall that information at a later time - we will deny such an observation or memory. We are not lying. It is just that the inexactness of these states has subsequently filtered out information that does not fit in comfortably with our previously held worldviews and personal belief states.
Now when a spouse or loved one agrees to something and then denies they ever agreed to something so outrageous, just remember it is just their belief state and not them talking.
Note: For more information please review Hyperspace Calculations at:
Paradoxes Of the Bush Administration
He speaks of peace but plans for war. He speaks of democracy but denies it at home. He calls for sacrifice then cuts taxes for the rich. He passes laws then excludes himself from those very laws. He called for a war on terror then attacked a nation which had nothing to do with terrorism. He called for a quick end to the war then sent in too few troops to finish the job, needlessly and recklessly exposing our troops to greater danger. He asks for international cooperation but acts unilaterally. Is every word he speaks a lie? Is every action he takes a deception? Is every move hiding the truth?
For more of the Bush Paradoxes, please see the following article in the Christian Science Monitor:
For more of the Bush Paradoxes, please see the following article in the Christian Science Monitor:
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
The New Fascism
Today Donald Rumsfeld stated that the critics of the Administration's policies regarding the war in Iraq and the war on terrorism were misguided and confused. Mr. Rumsfeld claims that a new threat of fascism threatens America.
In this regard, Mr. Rumsfeld is correct. A new era of fascism is indeed abrew in the world. This fascism threatens to destroy democracy and liberty and the rights we as free people have fought countless wars, spilled gallons of blood and shed interminable tears to preserve.
But it is not world terrorism from which this threat of fascism derives. Rather, it is the power mongers, the greedy industrial executives and the modern "land barons" from whom this threat stems.
All we need to do to determine the truth of this hypothesis is to follow the money trail and we will see that this path leads us straight to the streets of America, past the avenues of New York and the monuments of Washington and into the cloistered chambers of the White House, the ivory towers of academia and the soaring towers of urbania.
Mr. Rumsfeld understands this threat clearly as do Vice President Cheney and President Bush. If not the creators of this fascism, they are clearly in league with those who are. This Administration paints the world in black and white - either you support the Administration and its growing totalitarian powers or you are labeled a terrorist.
But liberty is not painted in black and white. Democracy is a multitude of color like flowers in a field - crimson, gold, violet, aquamarine, vermillion, tangerine. Democracy is not a regimented formation of troops marching in lockstep, it is children playing.
Democracy is not destroyed buildings and clouds of smoke from burning pyres, snipers on rooftops or children with crushed bodies lying dead in the street. Democracy is lovers walking hand in hand along a beach, young adults dancing at a nightclub with flashing lights and battering sound, a jazz band in New Orleans, a poetry slam at a coffee shop in Portland, strangers donating blood at the Red Cross and volunteers at an animal shelter.
Liberty cannot be ordered or predicted. Democracy is colors and sound and children and dancing. It is meant to be lived to the fullest extent of our spirit. It is meant to be lived with the full experience of our heart. It can only be understaood at the level of our soul and it can only be fully appreciated at the spiritual level of our being. This Administration does not understand that. We, who are the rest of America, do.
In this regard, Mr. Rumsfeld is correct. A new era of fascism is indeed abrew in the world. This fascism threatens to destroy democracy and liberty and the rights we as free people have fought countless wars, spilled gallons of blood and shed interminable tears to preserve.
But it is not world terrorism from which this threat of fascism derives. Rather, it is the power mongers, the greedy industrial executives and the modern "land barons" from whom this threat stems.
All we need to do to determine the truth of this hypothesis is to follow the money trail and we will see that this path leads us straight to the streets of America, past the avenues of New York and the monuments of Washington and into the cloistered chambers of the White House, the ivory towers of academia and the soaring towers of urbania.
Mr. Rumsfeld understands this threat clearly as do Vice President Cheney and President Bush. If not the creators of this fascism, they are clearly in league with those who are. This Administration paints the world in black and white - either you support the Administration and its growing totalitarian powers or you are labeled a terrorist.
But liberty is not painted in black and white. Democracy is a multitude of color like flowers in a field - crimson, gold, violet, aquamarine, vermillion, tangerine. Democracy is not a regimented formation of troops marching in lockstep, it is children playing.
Democracy is not destroyed buildings and clouds of smoke from burning pyres, snipers on rooftops or children with crushed bodies lying dead in the street. Democracy is lovers walking hand in hand along a beach, young adults dancing at a nightclub with flashing lights and battering sound, a jazz band in New Orleans, a poetry slam at a coffee shop in Portland, strangers donating blood at the Red Cross and volunteers at an animal shelter.
Liberty cannot be ordered or predicted. Democracy is colors and sound and children and dancing. It is meant to be lived to the fullest extent of our spirit. It is meant to be lived with the full experience of our heart. It can only be understaood at the level of our soul and it can only be fully appreciated at the spiritual level of our being. This Administration does not understand that. We, who are the rest of America, do.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Lebanon - First Battle of the Anti-Christ?
Lebanon - First Battle of the Anti-Christ?
To understand how the Israeli assault into Lebanon may be the first battle of the Anti-Christ we need to go back to the Original Teachings in the first and second centuries AD.
Hippolytus, a student of Irenaeus who had been a student of Polycarp who studied under the tutelage of the Apostle John;
Each of these men agreed that there was but one interpretation of the Holy Scriptures and that the vast majority of the Holy Scriptures consisted of Oral History which would be passed down from generation to generation.
The written portion of the Holy Scriptures - which we today call "the Bible" was only a very small portion of the total Scriptures and was to be used in conjunction with the oral portion, first as a check and balance of the oral to ensure the untainted version and nonvariance of the oral and secondly, to fill out the oral with additional detail.
Hippolytus, writing in the second century AD, in his treatise, Treatise on Christ and AntiChrist, states that the 10 toes of Daniel's dream (Daniel 7) and the 10 kingdoms of John's Revelation are one and the same, and that they refer not to 10 nations, but rather to a form of government.
The form of government Hippolytus refers to is democracy.
We think of democracy as a modern invention, but we forget that democracy is nearly as old as history itself.
Rome, prior to its transformation into an empire, was founded as a democracy - the Republic of Rome in about 750 BC.
The Greek city states, of which Athens is perhaps the most memorable, were also democracies.
The AntiChrist will rise to power in the MidEast. This does not necessarily mean he will be president or dictator or governor or king of any Middle Eastern nation. Rather, his rise to power and world notoriety will be a result of his actions in the MidEast.
In his treatise, Hippolytus states the the first strike of the Anti-Christ will be against Tyre and Beirut (Lebanon) - an attack of which has just occured. Next, the Anti-Christ will turn his attention to 3 democracies and conquer them, leaving himself as leader of the world's democracies.
The Anti-Christ will not reveal himself until he has conquered these other nations and stands in The Temple of Israel. Thus, events will be long advanced before we of human descent can claim any certainty as to the Anti-Christ's identity.
Until his unveiling, the Anti-Christ will work behind the scenes, preferring to consolidate his power, manipulating circumstances to his favor.
Are we now living in the End Times? Has the first assault occurred? Only God knows. And men may speculate.
P.S. Obviously I have left out much evidence. You may review more at and
To understand how the Israeli assault into Lebanon may be the first battle of the Anti-Christ we need to go back to the Original Teachings in the first and second centuries AD.
Hippolytus, a student of Irenaeus who had been a student of Polycarp who studied under the tutelage of the Apostle John;
Each of these men agreed that there was but one interpretation of the Holy Scriptures and that the vast majority of the Holy Scriptures consisted of Oral History which would be passed down from generation to generation.
The written portion of the Holy Scriptures - which we today call "the Bible" was only a very small portion of the total Scriptures and was to be used in conjunction with the oral portion, first as a check and balance of the oral to ensure the untainted version and nonvariance of the oral and secondly, to fill out the oral with additional detail.
Hippolytus, writing in the second century AD, in his treatise, Treatise on Christ and AntiChrist, states that the 10 toes of Daniel's dream (Daniel 7) and the 10 kingdoms of John's Revelation are one and the same, and that they refer not to 10 nations, but rather to a form of government.
The form of government Hippolytus refers to is democracy.
We think of democracy as a modern invention, but we forget that democracy is nearly as old as history itself.
Rome, prior to its transformation into an empire, was founded as a democracy - the Republic of Rome in about 750 BC.
The Greek city states, of which Athens is perhaps the most memorable, were also democracies.
The AntiChrist will rise to power in the MidEast. This does not necessarily mean he will be president or dictator or governor or king of any Middle Eastern nation. Rather, his rise to power and world notoriety will be a result of his actions in the MidEast.
In his treatise, Hippolytus states the the first strike of the Anti-Christ will be against Tyre and Beirut (Lebanon) - an attack of which has just occured. Next, the Anti-Christ will turn his attention to 3 democracies and conquer them, leaving himself as leader of the world's democracies.
The Anti-Christ will not reveal himself until he has conquered these other nations and stands in The Temple of Israel. Thus, events will be long advanced before we of human descent can claim any certainty as to the Anti-Christ's identity.
Until his unveiling, the Anti-Christ will work behind the scenes, preferring to consolidate his power, manipulating circumstances to his favor.
Are we now living in the End Times? Has the first assault occurred? Only God knows. And men may speculate.
P.S. Obviously I have left out much evidence. You may review more at and
Thursday, August 10, 2006
When Power Fades, Use Fear
When Power Fades, Use Fear and the Aug. 10 London Terrorism Plot
The recent loss by a pro-war, pro-Bush Democrat in Connecticut must have been more unsettling to the Bush Administration than has been revealed publicly.
To counter this loss and reinforce the notion that the US is still at war and that only the Republicans are able to handle this crisis, the Bush Administration has concocted a terrorism plot in London involving liquids aboard airliners bound for the USA.
The level of terror is now at red across the US and people have shifted their focus away from the the loss by Liebermann in Connecticut to the White House and to how this Administration can "protect us" from "those" terrorists.
This should give the Bush regime a much needed upward bump in some of the poll ratings.
The recent loss by a pro-war, pro-Bush Democrat in Connecticut must have been more unsettling to the Bush Administration than has been revealed publicly.
To counter this loss and reinforce the notion that the US is still at war and that only the Republicans are able to handle this crisis, the Bush Administration has concocted a terrorism plot in London involving liquids aboard airliners bound for the USA.
The level of terror is now at red across the US and people have shifted their focus away from the the loss by Liebermann in Connecticut to the White House and to how this Administration can "protect us" from "those" terrorists.
This should give the Bush regime a much needed upward bump in some of the poll ratings.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Israel & Lebanon:Chess Pieces in Play
The current Israeli incursion into Lebanon seems to be no more than an orchestrated set-up to allow for the preposition of forces prior to the next stage of the game.
This preposition of forces may be to allow UN forces to patrol southern Lebanon or to allow Russian forces into Lebanon.
In either case, the buildup of US power and influence in the Mideast seems determined, persistent and on-track. Now the US itself may decide to preposition troops in southern Lebanon as it already does along the border of Egypt and Israel.
The de facto US occupation of the Mideast seems on course. Is this designed to encourage a Chinese military strike in future years? We shall see.
More later.
This preposition of forces may be to allow UN forces to patrol southern Lebanon or to allow Russian forces into Lebanon.
In either case, the buildup of US power and influence in the Mideast seems determined, persistent and on-track. Now the US itself may decide to preposition troops in southern Lebanon as it already does along the border of Egypt and Israel.
The de facto US occupation of the Mideast seems on course. Is this designed to encourage a Chinese military strike in future years? We shall see.
More later.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Holy Rights & National Security
The United States was founded upon the belief that there are certain things that are more important than life.
What is more important than life? Than living?
Some would argue that there is nothing more important than life. This is a common position of some communist ideologues. But even these communist ideologues, when pressed, would agree that their ideology is more important than life.
If life itself were paramount, than all else would fall by the wayside and wars would become meaningless. But life is not paramount and ideology is only one of several factors that are more important than life.
Wars are often fought on the basis of principle. Some of these principles include wealth, power and territory.
In the United States, our founding fathers and our traditions proclaim that human rights, universal democracy, freedom and liberty are all more important than life itself. These are the supposed reasons we are fighting the war in Iraq. If this is not true, then the war in Iraq is a sham, a mockery of the principles upon which America was founded. The war in Iraq would then be a war being fought by the rich and powerful, for the rich and powerful, to protect or to increase their wealth and power.
Whether or not this last statement is true - that the war in Iraq is being fought on bequest of the rich and powerful to maintain or expand their hold on wealth and power - is easily determined by observing the actions of our government in other areas.
If the government shows compassion, caring and attention to the individual rights of the people; to fairness, to peace, to honesty, to integrity, to liberty, to democracy, to freedom; then we can be assured that the government is one in which the Principles of America are a function of the character of the government. But if these principles are excluded in the way the government functions; if we see no or little evidence of such principles in the daily activities and operations of the government, then we can be certain that this administration is one in which only power and wealth have meaning.
Should this administration and the governmental apparatus under its control be found in activities which seek to preserve its wealth, power or security, then the Principles of America are being ignored by those who control the functions of the state. If this administration resorts to torture, secret detentions, abuse or violation of the rights of any individual foreign or domestic, then the reins of government are held by those who believe only in power and wealth and the maintenance of their own position (security).
The government may claim such actions are necessary to protect national security, but what is "national security"?
If our nation was founded upon the principles of freedom, liberty, human rights and democracy with such rights innate upon each individual, then our nation is dependent upon maintaining and securing (security) these rights and principles for each individual.
Our nation's security (National Security) then is based on the government preserving, maintaining and where and when possible expanding these rights for each person.
If the government fails to do this, it is not acting upon the basis of national security but only on the privilege and prestige of the rich and powerful - of those who lay claim to the functions of government.
Such a position is antithetical to a nation founded upon human rights, democracy, freedom and liberty for all. Such a position cannot be said to be "national security" but only the protection of those who seek to expand their wealth and power.
Is our nation protecting the rights of the individual which is true national security, or is it protecting only the power and riches of a few?
"Governments are mere machinery. It is the men who control them that count."
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin
Decide for yourself. Does this administration believe in the Principles of our Founding Fathers? Or is the war in Iraq a sham conducted only to preserve the wealth and power of those running the government?
The truth is revealed in the evidence. The evidence is the actions of government. Katrina, domestic spying and lies from the White House are all evidence.
You decide. What kind of government do we have? What kind of Administration is this?
What is more important than life? Than living?
Some would argue that there is nothing more important than life. This is a common position of some communist ideologues. But even these communist ideologues, when pressed, would agree that their ideology is more important than life.
If life itself were paramount, than all else would fall by the wayside and wars would become meaningless. But life is not paramount and ideology is only one of several factors that are more important than life.
Wars are often fought on the basis of principle. Some of these principles include wealth, power and territory.
In the United States, our founding fathers and our traditions proclaim that human rights, universal democracy, freedom and liberty are all more important than life itself. These are the supposed reasons we are fighting the war in Iraq. If this is not true, then the war in Iraq is a sham, a mockery of the principles upon which America was founded. The war in Iraq would then be a war being fought by the rich and powerful, for the rich and powerful, to protect or to increase their wealth and power.
Whether or not this last statement is true - that the war in Iraq is being fought on bequest of the rich and powerful to maintain or expand their hold on wealth and power - is easily determined by observing the actions of our government in other areas.
If the government shows compassion, caring and attention to the individual rights of the people; to fairness, to peace, to honesty, to integrity, to liberty, to democracy, to freedom; then we can be assured that the government is one in which the Principles of America are a function of the character of the government. But if these principles are excluded in the way the government functions; if we see no or little evidence of such principles in the daily activities and operations of the government, then we can be certain that this administration is one in which only power and wealth have meaning.
Should this administration and the governmental apparatus under its control be found in activities which seek to preserve its wealth, power or security, then the Principles of America are being ignored by those who control the functions of the state. If this administration resorts to torture, secret detentions, abuse or violation of the rights of any individual foreign or domestic, then the reins of government are held by those who believe only in power and wealth and the maintenance of their own position (security).
The government may claim such actions are necessary to protect national security, but what is "national security"?
If our nation was founded upon the principles of freedom, liberty, human rights and democracy with such rights innate upon each individual, then our nation is dependent upon maintaining and securing (security) these rights and principles for each individual.
Our nation's security (National Security) then is based on the government preserving, maintaining and where and when possible expanding these rights for each person.
If the government fails to do this, it is not acting upon the basis of national security but only on the privilege and prestige of the rich and powerful - of those who lay claim to the functions of government.
Such a position is antithetical to a nation founded upon human rights, democracy, freedom and liberty for all. Such a position cannot be said to be "national security" but only the protection of those who seek to expand their wealth and power.
Is our nation protecting the rights of the individual which is true national security, or is it protecting only the power and riches of a few?
"Governments are mere machinery. It is the men who control them that count."
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin
Decide for yourself. Does this administration believe in the Principles of our Founding Fathers? Or is the war in Iraq a sham conducted only to preserve the wealth and power of those running the government?
The truth is revealed in the evidence. The evidence is the actions of government. Katrina, domestic spying and lies from the White House are all evidence.
You decide. What kind of government do we have? What kind of Administration is this?
Thursday, February 23, 2006
2006 Inflation Projection
Jones Inflation Estimate for 2006
Using an algorithm I developed approximately 1986, I have prepared an estimate for the 2006 rate of inflation.
I'm projecting a target rate of inflation of 2.45%. Of course, this will depend on vagaries in the economy and world economic-political developments.
This year my algorithm has disclosed a broad range of .67 to 5.74, (first time ever for such a broad range) although the target range remains essentially unchanged at 2.124 to 2.545.
This years' broad range indicates an underlying instability in the world economic and geopolitical situation. Continuing restructuring in the industrialized nations, continuing prospects for war, mass layoffs in the United States, fluctuations in commodities, oil prices and gold prices all converge at this point in history to present the widest range in inflation estimates to date.
As usual, only time will tell, but my estimated rate has been accurate every year within 1/10 of a percent since 1986 when I developed this algorithm.
Using an algorithm I developed approximately 1986, I have prepared an estimate for the 2006 rate of inflation.
I'm projecting a target rate of inflation of 2.45%. Of course, this will depend on vagaries in the economy and world economic-political developments.
This year my algorithm has disclosed a broad range of .67 to 5.74, (first time ever for such a broad range) although the target range remains essentially unchanged at 2.124 to 2.545.
This years' broad range indicates an underlying instability in the world economic and geopolitical situation. Continuing restructuring in the industrialized nations, continuing prospects for war, mass layoffs in the United States, fluctuations in commodities, oil prices and gold prices all converge at this point in history to present the widest range in inflation estimates to date.
As usual, only time will tell, but my estimated rate has been accurate every year within 1/10 of a percent since 1986 when I developed this algorithm.
Friday, February 10, 2006
To Lie, To Cheat, To Steal
The State of the Union Address has come and gone. Nothing new was stated, nothing new has been done, it's all just the same old same old. Pretty much par for this Administration, the worst since Carter.
Mr. Bush continues to lie at every chance he gets while Cheney and Rumsfeld and others contnue to cheat and steal. Lie, cheat and steal seems to be the mantra of this Administration and those who speak the truth are vilified, denounced and mocked. Never has there been an Administration as evil or as vindictive as this Bush Administration.
The Rush for War
Several months before Bush was elected, my sources reported to me that a decision had been made to invade Iraq. Only the confirmation of Bush by the American people would be needed to cement and implement this decision.
On the run up to war, Bush and his cronies in the White House selected only those intelligence estimates which supported their views, dismissing the majority of reports which indicated that there was no evidence of weapons of mass destruction, that the Iraqi people would turn on American soldiers and that the presence of American forces would serve as a lightning rod for Muslims throughout the region.
Under orders from his handlers - which include Cheney - Bush made the case for war and committed the American nation to a war solely to line the pockets of those who brought Bush into power.
Our sons and daughters are dying for no other reasons than oil and money and power. Perhaps the oldest reasons in history. Bush can find no money for the poor, but he can find billions to fight a war he initiated, the money of which circles around into the coffers of such organizations as Halliburton and others.
We think terrorists attacked the World Trade Center, but 5 months before the attack my sources insisted that a major disaster of just such a nature was far advanced in planning by the DC gang and orders transmitted from Washington to Saudi Arabia and finally northward into the deserts and mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
I read a report in May of 2001 of how the US had to convince the American people to invade the nations of the Mideast in order to protect powerful American interests from losing the oil fields to others. A probable course was to initiate an attack upon esteemed American institutions in order to rally the American people around the President while he simultaneously stripped those same people of their liberty and their rights.
We have seen how effective this tactic was. The President and his handlers achieved everything they wanted at the cost of just a few thousand American lives.
Bush and Abramoff
My sources now report that Bush has visited with Abramoff at least 7 or 8 times while the President states he doesn't know the man. But my sources indicate that Bush even interrupted a meeting to take an urgent call from Abramoff.
To lie, to cheat, to steal. This is the slogan of the White House.
Fundamental Christians rally around Bush as one of them, deceived by Bush and his handlers, not realizing Bush is only using them and cares nothing for God or religion.
Every word Bush speaks is suspect. Every move he makes is deceptive. Every thought he thinks is evil.
Although Kerry carried Ohio by approximately 250,000 votes, Bush was declared the winner.
To lie, to cheat, to steal. The White House and those in power will do anything to retain and expand their hold on power, oil and money. They see nothing wrong with sending thousands of our sons and daughters to die in a war they themselves started. Now Halliburton has received a 485 million dollar federal contract to build a series of prison camps and detention centers across the United States. What are they up to now?
To lie, to cheat, to steal. This is the mantra of the people in power. This is the slogan of Bush and his handlers. These are the words they live by and their every action confirms this.
Mr. Bush continues to lie at every chance he gets while Cheney and Rumsfeld and others contnue to cheat and steal. Lie, cheat and steal seems to be the mantra of this Administration and those who speak the truth are vilified, denounced and mocked. Never has there been an Administration as evil or as vindictive as this Bush Administration.
The Rush for War
Several months before Bush was elected, my sources reported to me that a decision had been made to invade Iraq. Only the confirmation of Bush by the American people would be needed to cement and implement this decision.
On the run up to war, Bush and his cronies in the White House selected only those intelligence estimates which supported their views, dismissing the majority of reports which indicated that there was no evidence of weapons of mass destruction, that the Iraqi people would turn on American soldiers and that the presence of American forces would serve as a lightning rod for Muslims throughout the region.
Under orders from his handlers - which include Cheney - Bush made the case for war and committed the American nation to a war solely to line the pockets of those who brought Bush into power.
Our sons and daughters are dying for no other reasons than oil and money and power. Perhaps the oldest reasons in history. Bush can find no money for the poor, but he can find billions to fight a war he initiated, the money of which circles around into the coffers of such organizations as Halliburton and others.
We think terrorists attacked the World Trade Center, but 5 months before the attack my sources insisted that a major disaster of just such a nature was far advanced in planning by the DC gang and orders transmitted from Washington to Saudi Arabia and finally northward into the deserts and mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
I read a report in May of 2001 of how the US had to convince the American people to invade the nations of the Mideast in order to protect powerful American interests from losing the oil fields to others. A probable course was to initiate an attack upon esteemed American institutions in order to rally the American people around the President while he simultaneously stripped those same people of their liberty and their rights.
We have seen how effective this tactic was. The President and his handlers achieved everything they wanted at the cost of just a few thousand American lives.
Bush and Abramoff
My sources now report that Bush has visited with Abramoff at least 7 or 8 times while the President states he doesn't know the man. But my sources indicate that Bush even interrupted a meeting to take an urgent call from Abramoff.
To lie, to cheat, to steal. This is the slogan of the White House.
Fundamental Christians rally around Bush as one of them, deceived by Bush and his handlers, not realizing Bush is only using them and cares nothing for God or religion.
Every word Bush speaks is suspect. Every move he makes is deceptive. Every thought he thinks is evil.
Although Kerry carried Ohio by approximately 250,000 votes, Bush was declared the winner.
To lie, to cheat, to steal. The White House and those in power will do anything to retain and expand their hold on power, oil and money. They see nothing wrong with sending thousands of our sons and daughters to die in a war they themselves started. Now Halliburton has received a 485 million dollar federal contract to build a series of prison camps and detention centers across the United States. What are they up to now?
To lie, to cheat, to steal. This is the mantra of the people in power. This is the slogan of Bush and his handlers. These are the words they live by and their every action confirms this.
Friday, February 03, 2006
"I've Been Outsourced!" Now What?
Your job is not secure.
Centuries ago - or was it the 1990's? - we anticipated that many US manufacturing jobs would outsource to Asia or other 3rd world countries.
This has occured. What we didn't expect was that just a few years later, IT/high tech jobes would follow.
Economists and career consultants all expected that the US would retain its high tech careers with many of those workers displaced and out of work due to outsourcing would retrain and find employment in the IT sector.
It didn't happen that way.
Today thousands of high tech jobs are themselves outsourcing to places like India and China. Even several formerly East Bloc nations of Eastern Europe are capturing high tech work.
With employees in India and China receiving just $5000 a year in salary for a high tech position, the US simply cannot compete - especially when those same Indian and Chinese employees hold advanced degrees from such US institutions as Harvard, MIT, Stanford and Princeton.
You're standing on shaky ground if you plan on retiring in your current job if it's in a high tech or manufacturing field. In fact, it's more like standing on quicksand, because the reality seems to be not "if" that job will disappear but "when."
So what can you do?Start your own business.
It doesn't have be a Fortune 500 company. It doesn't have to have acres of office space and 5000 employees. All it needs is you.
Doing this will require a revolution in the way Americans view themselves vis-a-vis work. Yesterday you could count on some big company cradling you from graduation to retirement, protecting you from all the ins and outs, intricacies and responsibility in earning a profit.
You simply did not need to know that.
But things have changed.
Now we have to relearn how work is done.
Creativity, fast thinking, bias for action and the ability to communicate are all essentials in the new fastpaced global economy.
You don't need to do it all yourself - in fact, you shouldn't. But you do need to communicate to others what you can't or won't do and partner with those who understand what you (your business) needs and can provide the skills and abilities you can't.
Maybe you will have a one-man or one-woman operation outsourcing your work to those Indian and Chinese employees. Maybe you will have just a few employees in the US and Europe all connected by the internet videoconferencing by web, cell phone and iPod or similar devices with your manufacturing or research or software development center in Shanghai, New Delhi or Beijing.
Now is the perfect time to figure out what makes you the happiest doing and creates the highest profit.
For more details about how you can choose to be self-employed and receive a good living go to
The biggest change in how we perceive work lies in our own minds. That's also the location to all of our barriers to being successfully self-employed.
We need to learn to think "outside the box." The box is the way we have learned to think and work from birth. We have to rethink all our biases and opinions about working and discover ways of releasing our creativity.
The world is filled with abundance and there is enough to go around for everyone.Don't believe in the old dogmatic lies of the industrial revolution. Your financial security depends on your ability to find out what makes you the happiest and then identifying a path within that field that will make you financially independent. Your financial security does not depend on some company that gives you a paycheck a couple of times a month.
Your financial security depends on your ability to take an idea germinated in your own mind and then nurturing that idea into a profitable enterprise for yourself.
Yes, that requires work, courage and a whole new way of thinking. But we have no other choice.
We can perceive the advent of the global economy as a great threat or we can perceive it as extraordinarily liberating.
It's all just a choice - a perception.
Choose to be free. Start your own home-based business.
Centuries ago - or was it the 1990's? - we anticipated that many US manufacturing jobs would outsource to Asia or other 3rd world countries.
This has occured. What we didn't expect was that just a few years later, IT/high tech jobes would follow.
Economists and career consultants all expected that the US would retain its high tech careers with many of those workers displaced and out of work due to outsourcing would retrain and find employment in the IT sector.
It didn't happen that way.
Today thousands of high tech jobs are themselves outsourcing to places like India and China. Even several formerly East Bloc nations of Eastern Europe are capturing high tech work.
With employees in India and China receiving just $5000 a year in salary for a high tech position, the US simply cannot compete - especially when those same Indian and Chinese employees hold advanced degrees from such US institutions as Harvard, MIT, Stanford and Princeton.
You're standing on shaky ground if you plan on retiring in your current job if it's in a high tech or manufacturing field. In fact, it's more like standing on quicksand, because the reality seems to be not "if" that job will disappear but "when."
So what can you do?Start your own business.
It doesn't have be a Fortune 500 company. It doesn't have to have acres of office space and 5000 employees. All it needs is you.
Doing this will require a revolution in the way Americans view themselves vis-a-vis work. Yesterday you could count on some big company cradling you from graduation to retirement, protecting you from all the ins and outs, intricacies and responsibility in earning a profit.
You simply did not need to know that.
But things have changed.
Now we have to relearn how work is done.
Creativity, fast thinking, bias for action and the ability to communicate are all essentials in the new fastpaced global economy.
You don't need to do it all yourself - in fact, you shouldn't. But you do need to communicate to others what you can't or won't do and partner with those who understand what you (your business) needs and can provide the skills and abilities you can't.
Maybe you will have a one-man or one-woman operation outsourcing your work to those Indian and Chinese employees. Maybe you will have just a few employees in the US and Europe all connected by the internet videoconferencing by web, cell phone and iPod or similar devices with your manufacturing or research or software development center in Shanghai, New Delhi or Beijing.
Now is the perfect time to figure out what makes you the happiest doing and creates the highest profit.
For more details about how you can choose to be self-employed and receive a good living go to
The biggest change in how we perceive work lies in our own minds. That's also the location to all of our barriers to being successfully self-employed.
We need to learn to think "outside the box." The box is the way we have learned to think and work from birth. We have to rethink all our biases and opinions about working and discover ways of releasing our creativity.
The world is filled with abundance and there is enough to go around for everyone.Don't believe in the old dogmatic lies of the industrial revolution. Your financial security depends on your ability to find out what makes you the happiest and then identifying a path within that field that will make you financially independent. Your financial security does not depend on some company that gives you a paycheck a couple of times a month.
Your financial security depends on your ability to take an idea germinated in your own mind and then nurturing that idea into a profitable enterprise for yourself.
Yes, that requires work, courage and a whole new way of thinking. But we have no other choice.
We can perceive the advent of the global economy as a great threat or we can perceive it as extraordinarily liberating.
It's all just a choice - a perception.
Choose to be free. Start your own home-based business.
Monday, January 09, 2006
The Purpose of Money
The purpose of money is not to have money. The purpose of money is to give you the financial ability to pursue your dreams. |
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
My New Year's Resolutions
I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions, but this year I decided to make an exception. My New Year's Resolutions To laugh more To love more To spend more time with my family To spend more time with my friends To grow into a closer relationship with God To relax more To stop and smell the flowers more To have more fun If I can accomplish just these things throughout this year, I will consider this year to have been a success. Here's wishing you and yours the very best and most prosperous year ever! |
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
A Time of Tempest
That we are in a time of tempest cannot be denied. All that remains is the reason why.
Bold minds will seek the truth even if the truth is without their common and/or understood experience, and even if their imaginations are too meager to fully comprehend the depths of the truth they discover.
George Bush and friends seem intent upon introducing the New World Order regardless of the deprivation and degradation of the principles and rights which are the foundation upon which this nation was founded.
The Imperial presidency has come at last, as perhaps, it must always come eventually to nations which experiment with democracy and inalienable rights from a Divine Creator.
To forestall our fall into the deathgrip of authoritarianism which could slip into totalitarianism upon the American continent, we need a new revolution.
This revolution must be as counter to the mainstream as was the cultural revolution of the 1960's. It must be as productive as that revolution was with love, peace and music filling the air and the hearts and souls of those who would walk the path of a different drum.
This new revolution must also be a spiritual revolution, for we are a nation adrift without the foundation our Founding Fathers gave us - a nation founded upon the Gospel of Jesus - a Christian nation - born in battle, inspired by principle and dedicated to the promises of equality and self-determination for all.
That we have allowed our government to trample us and use us and rule as slaves is no fault of our government but only the fault of the people, who have allowed themselves - ourselves - to be led like cattle with rings in the noses.
It is never too late to turn about, to stand up for our rights. It is never too late to do what is right. It is never too late for the truth.
There are many who have blazed a path before us - Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, JFK. All had the courage to sit at the front of the bus when the back of the bus was their "rightful place." All had the courage to make known their hopes, dreams and vision of what could be. "Some people see things as they are and ask, why? I see things as they could be, and ask, why not?"
We stand upon a threshold in American history. We stand at two open doors. One leads to a bold future filled with light and promise. The other leads to a dark, dead end street piled with the garbage of decayed minds, the odor of violence and the depression of lost dreams.
George Bush stands beside one of these doors. To determine which door he stands beside we need to look at an ancient Chinese proverb: "To know the character of a small man, look at what he does. To know the character of a leader, look at his lieutenents."
I fear that most people will be unable to discern the truth. For I know that most people will ignore facts which are contrary to their preset beliefs dismissing such facts as irrevelant or erroneous or by simply ignoring them.
The future of our nation and that of our children and possibly the whole world lies in your hands. It is up to you to speak the truth. It is up to you to do what is right. It is up to you to do what is bold. It is up to you to do.
"For evil to win requires only that good men do nothing."
Don't do nothing. Be bold. Live Your dreams. Think for yourself. Do what is right.
Bold minds will seek the truth even if the truth is without their common and/or understood experience, and even if their imaginations are too meager to fully comprehend the depths of the truth they discover.
George Bush and friends seem intent upon introducing the New World Order regardless of the deprivation and degradation of the principles and rights which are the foundation upon which this nation was founded.
The Imperial presidency has come at last, as perhaps, it must always come eventually to nations which experiment with democracy and inalienable rights from a Divine Creator.
To forestall our fall into the deathgrip of authoritarianism which could slip into totalitarianism upon the American continent, we need a new revolution.
This revolution must be as counter to the mainstream as was the cultural revolution of the 1960's. It must be as productive as that revolution was with love, peace and music filling the air and the hearts and souls of those who would walk the path of a different drum.
This new revolution must also be a spiritual revolution, for we are a nation adrift without the foundation our Founding Fathers gave us - a nation founded upon the Gospel of Jesus - a Christian nation - born in battle, inspired by principle and dedicated to the promises of equality and self-determination for all.
That we have allowed our government to trample us and use us and rule as slaves is no fault of our government but only the fault of the people, who have allowed themselves - ourselves - to be led like cattle with rings in the noses.
It is never too late to turn about, to stand up for our rights. It is never too late to do what is right. It is never too late for the truth.
There are many who have blazed a path before us - Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, JFK. All had the courage to sit at the front of the bus when the back of the bus was their "rightful place." All had the courage to make known their hopes, dreams and vision of what could be. "Some people see things as they are and ask, why? I see things as they could be, and ask, why not?"
We stand upon a threshold in American history. We stand at two open doors. One leads to a bold future filled with light and promise. The other leads to a dark, dead end street piled with the garbage of decayed minds, the odor of violence and the depression of lost dreams.
George Bush stands beside one of these doors. To determine which door he stands beside we need to look at an ancient Chinese proverb: "To know the character of a small man, look at what he does. To know the character of a leader, look at his lieutenents."
I fear that most people will be unable to discern the truth. For I know that most people will ignore facts which are contrary to their preset beliefs dismissing such facts as irrevelant or erroneous or by simply ignoring them.
The future of our nation and that of our children and possibly the whole world lies in your hands. It is up to you to speak the truth. It is up to you to do what is right. It is up to you to do what is bold. It is up to you to do.
"For evil to win requires only that good men do nothing."
Don't do nothing. Be bold. Live Your dreams. Think for yourself. Do what is right.
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