Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Anti-Christ - A Short Description

According to the tradition passed down by the Apostle John and related to and corroborated by his students Polycarp, Irenaeus and Hippolytus, the Anti-Christ will be a hugely popular, very charismatic individual hailed as a great peacemaker. (Note 1)

Leader of the world's democracies, he will also head or be an influential member of a group of 8 of these democracies. (Note 2)

President of a nation considered by some to be the New Roman Empire because of its unsurpassed global military strength, the worldwide influence of its culture and the world dominance of its economy, he will come to world prominence due to his actions in the MidEast. (Note 3)

Initially, he will work from behind the scenes and cause a military strike against Lebanon with attacks against Tyre and Beirut. (Note 4) (Note 5)

He will initiate wars against 3 nations (possibly all in the Mideast) in sequential order with the intent of conquering or destroying them. (Note 6) (Note 7)

The Anti-Christ will grow in power using his influence to eventually usher in a worldwide common currency and a unified world government. (Note 8) I have not located any references in the writings of the above 4 men to indicate anything about a one world religion.

The Anti-Christ will persuade people to willingly relinquish their rights in exchange for safety and security of their person. He will force through laws which change other laws enabling him to accrue power to himself and institute a change in time while exempting himself from the law. (Note 9) (Note 10)

Although working primarily from behind the scenes, he will be recognized by true believers (Note 11), while God causes those who are not true believers to experience a delusion which convinces them that this is a world leader who is a peacable, God-fearing, good-natured, but tough humanitarian who has only the best interests of his nation and people at heart. (Note 12)

Note 2: "...he shall be himself the eighth among them." Irenaeus "Against Heresies" Book V, Line 39.

"The Group of Eight (G8) consists of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Together, these countries represent about 65% of the world economy[1]. The hallmark of the G8 is an annual political summit meeting of the heads of government with international officials, though there are numerous subsidiary meetings and policy research." Wikipedia

Daniel 7:23-25

"...the ten toes of the image are equivalent to democracies,..." Hippolytus "Treatise on Christ and AntiChrist" Line 27

Note 3: "...the US approach to empire looks quintessentially Roman." http://www.prisonplanet.com/hail_bush_a_new_roman_empire.htm

Note 4: "...his first expedition will be against Tyre and Beirut and the adjacent territory." Hippolytus, "Treatise on Christ and AntiChrist" Line 52

Note 5: "Israeli troops punched into south Lebanon ,... as warplanes flattened houses and buildings,..." USAToday

Note 6: "...he has overmastered three horns,... in the array of war,..." Hippolytus, ibid, Line 52

Note 7: "Deadly Afghan War Fades in US Minds" Salt Lake Tribune

"The 2003 invasion of Iraq, termed "Operation Iraqi Freedom" by the US administration, began on March 20. It was originally coined "Operation Iraqi Liberation". "The 2003 Iraq invasion marked the beginning of what is commonly referred to as the Iraq War." Wikipedia

Note 9: "...and shall purpose to change times and laws." Daniel 7:25

"Hippolytus is not saying the AntiChrist will revive the laws of the Roman Empire under Augustus, but that, like Augustus, he will institute laws designed to consolidate his power." Larry D. Harper, Note 103, "The AntiChrist"

The Patriot Act: "...the government gained new power to wiretap phones, confiscate property of suspected terrorists, spy on its own citizens without judicial review, conduct secret searches, (and) snoop on the reading habits of library users, ..."

The Patriot Act: Targeting American Citizens:

Note 10: Daylight Savings Time: The schedule for 2006 in the United States is that DST began on the first Sunday in April (April 2, 2006), and changes back to standard time on the last Sunday in October (October 29, 2006). The time is adjusted at 2 AM. Beginning in 2007, DST will start on the second Sunday in March (March 11, 2007), and change back to standard time on the first Sunday in November (November 4, 2007). Wikipedia

"Rather than veto laws passed by Congress, Bush is using his signing statements to effectively nullify them as they relate to the executive branch." http://writ.news.findlaw.com/dean/20060113.html

Note 11: 2 Thessalonians 8-12

Editor's Note: The above is one possible interpretation of the material I have uncovered. The material I have uncovered is indicated in the Notes. I cannot say for certain at this time that the above is how things are or how they will play out, it is only my interpretation of the material.

1 comment:

theyenguy said...

A Revived Roman Empire, that is a German led Europe, will produce the Little Horn, who will “change the times” and “the law”, Daniel 7:25, that is, he will “mandate sweeping economic and political changes” and do away with the “rule of law”.

Out of sovereign armageddon, that is a credit bust and global financial collapse, regional global governance will be established; this having been called for by the 300 elite of Club of Rome in 1974. Destiny, not any human action, will bring forth a revived Roman Empire, that is a German led Europe. Fate will open the curtains, and out onto the world’s stage will step the most credible of leaders. This Little Authority will work behind the scenes in regional framework agreements to change our times. The rule of law will be replaced by his word, will and way, as he mandates sweeping economic and political changes. The people will be amazed by this, and place their faith and trust in him; they will give their allegiance to his diktat, Revelation 13:3-4.

The Sovereign, Revelation 13:5-10, will be accompanied by a European banker, the Seignior, Revelation 13:11-18, who will appoint stakeholders from government, industry and finance to oversee public private partnerships, PPPs, to provide credit, manage infrastructure, and resources, critical to the security and stability of the Euro zone. This pattern of regional global governance will be replicated in Asia with bilateral trade agreements between Japan and China, as well as the Shanghai cooperative, and the CELAC group in South and Central America. Eventually a defacto North American Union will form; it will be known as CanMexAmerica. Banks globally will be nationalized, better said, integrated into the regional super structure. Structural reforms, austerity measures, pension overhauls, reworked national wage contracts, dismissal of government employees, and debt servitude will be de rigueur.