Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Mind Matter Connection

The Mind Matter Connection
A Short Treatise on the New Physics

50% of the information received by our eyes is filtered out by our brains and never reaches our everyday conscious mind. Although there has been speculation as to why, I feel the best answer is simply that of information overload. The conscious mind simply cannot handle the vast amount of data perceived by our 5 senses. If our conscious mind were to accept all the data our senses perceive, we would succumb to sensory overload resulting in a failure of our systems to function - a type of coma.

Up to another 10% of information received is filtered out because of our worldview. These are our beliefs about reality and the world and how things are and the way things work.

An additional 10% of information is further filtered because of our personal belief systems. This is how we believe we function in the world and our role and interactions with it.

The average person has between 50% to 70% of the information they receive from their senses - primarily the eyes - bypassing our conscious mind and going directly to our subconcious. This information becomes dreams or nightmares and is added to our unconscious states of unfulfilled desires.

This leads to a schism in that which we want and that which we believe we can have. This schism leads to an ever-widening chasm in our conscious states which leads to changes in our states of hope and health and has direct impact on depression, alcohol and drug use, health and cancer, accidents and injuries, our attitudes, personal relationships and our social interactions.

People who have expansive worldviews and open opinions about themselves may receive as much as 80% of the information which their senses receive. Those who favor a more restricted worldview and maintain narrow opinions may deny themselves as much as 70% to 80% of the world's reality.

An example of these states within ourselves (and those with whom we cohabitate) may be when we look for lost keys. We may tear the house apart looking for those keys but they are nowhere to be found. Then when we have nearly exhausted our search we suddenly find them - often in a place we have previously looked!

It is not that the keys have suddenly materialized (but in the New Physics that's a possibility, see Note below), but rather that the inexactness of our conscious state caused our brains to make an error and filter out the perception of our keys from a location where they were. The keys were always there, we just didn't see them.

These realities also affect our relationships and interactions with other people. We can get into discussions and conversations, observe some bit of information on the news or read about it on the net or a magazine and - even agree to it or accept it as a valid statement when said - but when asked about it later or trying to recall that information at a later time - we will deny such an observation or memory. We are not lying. It is just that the inexactness of these states has subsequently filtered out information that does not fit in comfortably with our previously held worldviews and personal belief states.

Now when a spouse or loved one agrees to something and then denies they ever agreed to something so outrageous, just remember it is just their belief state and not them talking.

Note: For more information please review Hyperspace Calculations at:

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