Those who died on September 11, 2001, have died for nothing. Their deaths have been in vain. Our sons and daughters killed on countless battlefields in numerous wars have also died in vain.
Today, October 17, 2006, President Bush signed into law the Military Commissions Act of 2006 which suspends civil liberties and effectively terminates the U.S. Constitution. This legislation makes a mockery of all those who have died. Passed by a Congress replete with corruption, as ineffective as any in history, beholden to special interests, as partisan and as woefully wrong as any Congress in history, this law turns a great nation small and a strong nation weak.
With this law, The United States loses its status as a shining beacon of hope, principles and liberty and instead becomes a tomb to those principles which have been lost, to those hopes which have perished and those cherished ideals which the world has long admired as a model for all the world.
The principles, rights and the very notion of liberty which our Founding Fathers advanced, to which they pledged their lives and sacred honor, fought for and died for, and which guns, tanks, bullets, riots against discrimination, ill-fated wars and corruption throughout federal government been unable to destroy have all been lost with the stroke of a pen.
During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a young woman asked Benjamin Franklin what kind of government we would have. Benjamin Franklin responded, "A Republic, if we can keep it." Today, October 17, 2006, that Republic has been lost. We have been unable to keep it.
The Darkest Day in American History was not Decemner 7, 1941. It was not November 22, 1963, nor any other date from over 200 years of the democratic experiment. The Darkest Day in American History is today - October 17, 2006, when at the stroke of a pen by a power-mad President, everything Americans have lived for, fought for and died for has been lost. The American Fascist State has been born. The American Democratic State has died. May God forgive us for what we have done.
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