Monday, October 09, 2006

Second Thoughts on the Anti-Christ

The writings of Hippolytus which I have mentioned previously indicate that the Anti-Christ will head a democracy which is the eighth member of a group of 8 democracies.

Alphabetically this would be the United States, however Russia was the eighth country to join the G8. Therefore, Vladimir Putin could be the Anti-Christ.

In addition, the Anti-Christ would be the one to bring peace to a war-ravaged world. President Bush seems to be the person who is starting wars around the world, not the person to bring peace. This further suggests that President Bush is the person who will herald the Anti-Christ, not the Anti-Christ himself.

Finally, Hippolytus and Iraeneus indicate that the first military action of the Anti-Christ would be a strike against Lebanon, which has just occurred, not attacks against Afghanistan or Iraq. Next would come attacks against Ethiopia, Egypt and Libya. As of Oct 9, 2006, Islamic militants have declared jihad against Ethiopia, a further sign that the Anti-Christ may be someone other than George Bush.

Militant Islam would then seem to be the vehicle the Anti-Christ may use to achieve his rise to power, albeit covertly. Working from behind the scenes he will start the wars mentioned above. Later, he will step out from the shadows and bring peace to a war weary world, but probably not as a leader of Islam. The entire world will praise him for ending these wars which he himself had started. People everywhere will respect and admire him for his charisma and graciousness, for his apparent gentle strength and his ability to bring peace where all others have failed.

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