"Those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it."
On February 28, 1933 a law in Nazi Germany was signed which suspended civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. This law; "The Decree for the Protection of the People and the State" rings suspisciously like the laws passed by the Bush Administration.
President Bush brings into law laws which advance the totalitarian powers of the government. The most recent law "The Military Commissions Act of 2006" suspends our right of habeas corpus which guarantees every citizen the reason why they are being jailed.
Without this fundamental right, much of the power of our other rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution are reduced or eradicated.
President Bush has optimized the situation of international terrorism and world insecurity to nullify those things which made America great; our principles.
Every act President Bush makes reduces America and weakens us. Every word he speaks helps to turn more of the Constitution into dust. Only truth can prevail over the powers of darkness. "When deceit reigns, truth is a revolutionary concept." Only love can win victory over hate.
The path America is advancing on will only weaken America. The steps we are taking only strengthen our enemies. The actions we are taking only spread discord around the world. In coming years, will we see the United States as a "has-been" nation, its greatest moments lying in the past? Will we find ourselves in a war against another great power which leaves the United States morally, financially and spiritualy bankrupt? Will we as loyal patriots of the greatest nation that has ever been allow this to occur?
We must not allow this to continue. The time has come when we must not only stand up for what is right, we must speak out for what is wrong.
Do what you think is right. But do something, for the time is late.
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