Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Merry-Go-Round War

Bush's ever-changing rationale for the war in Iraq is a sure indication that the Real reason lies hidden and remains hidden. Bush keeps changing his story about why we went to war in Iraq and he continues to paint a glossy picture about the substance of the war. We must not allow ourselves to be deceived by a master deceiver.

A hidden agenda is at work. What that hidden agenda is we may never know. It may simply be for Bush and his cronies and those who brought him to power - the Kissinger's and Rockefeller's of the world - to amass more power and wealth at the expense of the lives of our sons and daughters and or it could be to weaken America in order to allow another great power to achieve world dominance.

Whatever the real story may be, the war in Iraq will continue for as long as the President is receiving some sort of benefit from it. As soon as the benefits cease, so will the war.

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