Your job is not secure.
Centuries ago - or was it the 1990's? - we anticipated that many US manufacturing jobs would outsource to Asia or other 3rd world countries.
This has occured. What we didn't expect was that just a few years later, IT/high tech jobes would follow.
Economists and career consultants all expected that the US would retain its high tech careers with many of those workers displaced and out of work due to outsourcing would retrain and find employment in the IT sector.
It didn't happen that way.
Today thousands of high tech jobs are themselves outsourcing to places like India and China. Even several formerly East Bloc nations of Eastern Europe are capturing high tech work.
With employees in India and China receiving just $5000 a year in salary for a high tech position, the US simply cannot compete - especially when those same Indian and Chinese employees hold advanced degrees from such US institutions as Harvard, MIT, Stanford and Princeton.
You're standing on shaky ground if you plan on retiring in your current job if it's in a high tech or manufacturing field. In fact, it's more like standing on quicksand, because the reality seems to be not "if" that job will disappear but "when."
So what can you do?Start your own business.
It doesn't have be a Fortune 500 company. It doesn't have to have acres of office space and 5000 employees. All it needs is you.
Doing this will require a revolution in the way Americans view themselves vis-a-vis work. Yesterday you could count on some big company cradling you from graduation to retirement, protecting you from all the ins and outs, intricacies and responsibility in earning a profit.
You simply did not need to know that.
But things have changed.
Now we have to relearn how work is done.
Creativity, fast thinking, bias for action and the ability to communicate are all essentials in the new fastpaced global economy.
You don't need to do it all yourself - in fact, you shouldn't. But you do need to communicate to others what you can't or won't do and partner with those who understand what you (your business) needs and can provide the skills and abilities you can't.
Maybe you will have a one-man or one-woman operation outsourcing your work to those Indian and Chinese employees. Maybe you will have just a few employees in the US and Europe all connected by the internet videoconferencing by web, cell phone and iPod or similar devices with your manufacturing or research or software development center in Shanghai, New Delhi or Beijing.
Now is the perfect time to figure out what makes you the happiest doing and creates the highest profit.
For more details about how you can choose to be self-employed and receive a good living go to
The biggest change in how we perceive work lies in our own minds. That's also the location to all of our barriers to being successfully self-employed.
We need to learn to think "outside the box." The box is the way we have learned to think and work from birth. We have to rethink all our biases and opinions about working and discover ways of releasing our creativity.
The world is filled with abundance and there is enough to go around for everyone.Don't believe in the old dogmatic lies of the industrial revolution. Your financial security depends on your ability to find out what makes you the happiest and then identifying a path within that field that will make you financially independent. Your financial security does not depend on some company that gives you a paycheck a couple of times a month.
Your financial security depends on your ability to take an idea germinated in your own mind and then nurturing that idea into a profitable enterprise for yourself.
Yes, that requires work, courage and a whole new way of thinking. But we have no other choice.
We can perceive the advent of the global economy as a great threat or we can perceive it as extraordinarily liberating.
It's all just a choice - a perception.
Choose to be free. Start your own home-based business.
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