Friday, February 10, 2006

To Lie, To Cheat, To Steal

The State of the Union Address has come and gone. Nothing new was stated, nothing new has been done, it's all just the same old same old. Pretty much par for this Administration, the worst since Carter.

Mr. Bush continues to lie at every chance he gets while Cheney and Rumsfeld and others contnue to cheat and steal. Lie, cheat and steal seems to be the mantra of this Administration and those who speak the truth are vilified, denounced and mocked. Never has there been an Administration as evil or as vindictive as this Bush Administration.

The Rush for War

Several months before Bush was elected, my sources reported to me that a decision had been made to invade Iraq. Only the confirmation of Bush by the American people would be needed to cement and implement this decision.

On the run up to war, Bush and his cronies in the White House selected only those intelligence estimates which supported their views, dismissing the majority of reports which indicated that there was no evidence of weapons of mass destruction, that the Iraqi people would turn on American soldiers and that the presence of American forces would serve as a lightning rod for Muslims throughout the region.

Under orders from his handlers - which include Cheney - Bush made the case for war and committed the American nation to a war solely to line the pockets of those who brought Bush into power.

Our sons and daughters are dying for no other reasons than oil and money and power. Perhaps the oldest reasons in history. Bush can find no money for the poor, but he can find billions to fight a war he initiated, the money of which circles around into the coffers of such organizations as Halliburton and others.

We think terrorists attacked the World Trade Center, but 5 months before the attack my sources insisted that a major disaster of just such a nature was far advanced in planning by the DC gang and orders transmitted from Washington to Saudi Arabia and finally northward into the deserts and mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

I read a report in May of 2001 of how the US had to convince the American people to invade the nations of the Mideast in order to protect powerful American interests from losing the oil fields to others. A probable course was to initiate an attack upon esteemed American institutions in order to rally the American people around the President while he simultaneously stripped those same people of their liberty and their rights.

We have seen how effective this tactic was. The President and his handlers achieved everything they wanted at the cost of just a few thousand American lives.

Bush and Abramoff

My sources now report that Bush has visited with Abramoff at least 7 or 8 times while the President states he doesn't know the man. But my sources indicate that Bush even interrupted a meeting to take an urgent call from Abramoff.

To lie, to cheat, to steal. This is the slogan of the White House.

Fundamental Christians rally around Bush as one of them, deceived by Bush and his handlers, not realizing Bush is only using them and cares nothing for God or religion.

Every word Bush speaks is suspect. Every move he makes is deceptive. Every thought he thinks is evil.

Although Kerry carried Ohio by approximately 250,000 votes, Bush was declared the winner.

To lie, to cheat, to steal. The White House and those in power will do anything to retain and expand their hold on power, oil and money. They see nothing wrong with sending thousands of our sons and daughters to die in a war they themselves started. Now Halliburton has received a 485 million dollar federal contract to build a series of prison camps and detention centers across the United States. What are they up to now?

To lie, to cheat, to steal. This is the mantra of the people in power. This is the slogan of Bush and his handlers. These are the words they live by and their every action confirms this.

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