Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Lebanon - First Battle of the Anti-Christ?

Lebanon - First Battle of the Anti-Christ?

To understand how the Israeli assault into Lebanon may be the first battle of the Anti-Christ we need to go back to the Original Teachings in the first and second centuries AD.

Hippolytus, a student of Irenaeus who had been a student of Polycarp who studied under the tutelage of the Apostle John;

Each of these men agreed that there was but one interpretation of the Holy Scriptures and that the vast majority of the Holy Scriptures consisted of Oral History which would be passed down from generation to generation.

The written portion of the Holy Scriptures - which we today call "the Bible" was only a very small portion of the total Scriptures and was to be used in conjunction with the oral portion, first as a check and balance of the oral to ensure the untainted version and nonvariance of the oral and secondly, to fill out the oral with additional detail.

Hippolytus, writing in the second century AD, in his treatise, Treatise on Christ and AntiChrist, states that the 10 toes of Daniel's dream (Daniel 7) and the 10 kingdoms of John's Revelation are one and the same, and that they refer not to 10 nations, but rather to a form of government.

The form of government Hippolytus refers to is democracy.

We think of democracy as a modern invention, but we forget that democracy is nearly as old as history itself.

Rome, prior to its transformation into an empire, was founded as a democracy - the Republic of Rome in about 750 BC.

The Greek city states, of which Athens is perhaps the most memorable, were also democracies.

The AntiChrist will rise to power in the MidEast. This does not necessarily mean he will be president or dictator or governor or king of any Middle Eastern nation. Rather, his rise to power and world notoriety will be a result of his actions in the MidEast.

In his treatise, Hippolytus states the the first strike of the Anti-Christ will be against Tyre and Beirut (Lebanon) - an attack of which has just occured. Next, the Anti-Christ will turn his attention to 3 democracies and conquer them, leaving himself as leader of the world's democracies.

The Anti-Christ will not reveal himself until he has conquered these other nations and stands in The Temple of Israel. Thus, events will be long advanced before we of human descent can claim any certainty as to the Anti-Christ's identity.

Until his unveiling, the Anti-Christ will work behind the scenes, preferring to consolidate his power, manipulating circumstances to his favor.

Are we now living in the End Times? Has the first assault occurred? Only God knows. And men may speculate.

P.S. Obviously I have left out much evidence. You may review more at
http://www.voiceofelijah.org and

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