Friday, February 11, 2011

Investing in the Future

A Policy for the Next President
This is a work in process and subject to change, expansion and clarification.

The Military

1. Size – the size of the American military is excessive. The budget of the United States military equals or exceeds the arms expenditures of all other nations combined. Therefore, a 5% reduction in military spending each year for five years will be established. This budgetary decrease may be terminated or reversed at any time as world affairs may require. It is suggested that of this reduction, 5% be transferred to the space program, 5% to infrastructure reconstruction and maintenance, 5% to debt reduction and 5% to education, half of which shall go to tuition scholarships and half to identify the world’s leading nations in education and send American teachers to attend, observe and be certified in the teaching methods of those nations. Upon their return to the United States after certification, these teachers shall disperse their educational reforms to their constituent schools, local, national or international bodies as they see fit.

2. Objective – The objective of the American military establishment is first and foremost, to protect the people and territory of the United States from all enemies, to secure and protect international lines of communication and commerce for all nations, to present American influence and provide for the security of allies and friends, to project American military force and power and provide for the successful conclusion of any engagement. When necessary, the military shall fight to preserve these tenets but only when the endgame is clearly defined, the necessary forces are assembled, adequately trained and equipped, senior military commanders are provided with clear instruction as to the politics and endgame and objectives and political leaders free the military to commit to battle and complete the war without micromanagement from the political establishment.

3. Maritime Policy – The United States Navy shall be forward deployed and actively engaged. The United States Navy retains a long tradition of honor and bravery and this tradition shall be preserved and maintained. The sea forces of the United States are generally considered the first arm of the United States to present the presence and power of the United States in areas where such presence and power are deemed necessary by the political arm of the United States. To this end, the United States Navy and US Marine Corps must receive the necessary funds to secure adequate equipment, supply and training of its forces capable of meeting and defeating any conceivable threat within its purview of action and theater of operations.

a. Piracy – The anti-piracy role of the United States has been presented. The United States Navy and Marine Corps shall implement this policy and secure the objectives of this policy as stated.

4. Terrorism – The terrorist policy of the United States has also been presented. It is likely that the United States Army and/or Air Force will take precedence in these operations. Adequate funding to secure the objectives as stated must be provided.

5. United States Space Force – A United States Space Force shall be established to protect the right of the United States and its citizens and of all nations and entities the freedom of space operations as they see fit. No entity or nation has the right to adversely affect the operations of any other organization or entity in the conduct of its space affairs.

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