Saturday, September 23, 2006

Conduct of the War in Iraq

Is the war in Iraq being fought to save American lives, or is it being fought to save American ideals?

If this war is being fought solely to save American lives then how we conduct the war is immaterial as long as we destroy the enemy.

If, however, we are fighting to advance the principles which made America great, then how we conduct the war is at least as important as the fact that the war is being conducted.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Anti-Christ - A Short Description

According to the tradition passed down by the Apostle John and related to and corroborated by his students Polycarp, Irenaeus and Hippolytus, the Anti-Christ will be a hugely popular, very charismatic individual hailed as a great peacemaker. (Note 1)

Leader of the world's democracies, he will also head or be an influential member of a group of 8 of these democracies. (Note 2)

President of a nation considered by some to be the New Roman Empire because of its unsurpassed global military strength, the worldwide influence of its culture and the world dominance of its economy, he will come to world prominence due to his actions in the MidEast. (Note 3)

Initially, he will work from behind the scenes and cause a military strike against Lebanon with attacks against Tyre and Beirut. (Note 4) (Note 5)

He will initiate wars against 3 nations (possibly all in the Mideast) in sequential order with the intent of conquering or destroying them. (Note 6) (Note 7)

The Anti-Christ will grow in power using his influence to eventually usher in a worldwide common currency and a unified world government. (Note 8) I have not located any references in the writings of the above 4 men to indicate anything about a one world religion.

The Anti-Christ will persuade people to willingly relinquish their rights in exchange for safety and security of their person. He will force through laws which change other laws enabling him to accrue power to himself and institute a change in time while exempting himself from the law. (Note 9) (Note 10)

Although working primarily from behind the scenes, he will be recognized by true believers (Note 11), while God causes those who are not true believers to experience a delusion which convinces them that this is a world leader who is a peacable, God-fearing, good-natured, but tough humanitarian who has only the best interests of his nation and people at heart. (Note 12)

Note 2: "...he shall be himself the eighth among them." Irenaeus "Against Heresies" Book V, Line 39.

"The Group of Eight (G8) consists of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Together, these countries represent about 65% of the world economy[1]. The hallmark of the G8 is an annual political summit meeting of the heads of government with international officials, though there are numerous subsidiary meetings and policy research." Wikipedia

Daniel 7:23-25

"...the ten toes of the image are equivalent to democracies,..." Hippolytus "Treatise on Christ and AntiChrist" Line 27

Note 3: "...the US approach to empire looks quintessentially Roman."

Note 4: "...his first expedition will be against Tyre and Beirut and the adjacent territory." Hippolytus, "Treatise on Christ and AntiChrist" Line 52

Note 5: "Israeli troops punched into south Lebanon ,... as warplanes flattened houses and buildings,..." USAToday

Note 6: "...he has overmastered three horns,... in the array of war,..." Hippolytus, ibid, Line 52

Note 7: "Deadly Afghan War Fades in US Minds" Salt Lake Tribune

"The 2003 invasion of Iraq, termed "Operation Iraqi Freedom" by the US administration, began on March 20. It was originally coined "Operation Iraqi Liberation". "The 2003 Iraq invasion marked the beginning of what is commonly referred to as the Iraq War." Wikipedia

Note 9: "...and shall purpose to change times and laws." Daniel 7:25

"Hippolytus is not saying the AntiChrist will revive the laws of the Roman Empire under Augustus, but that, like Augustus, he will institute laws designed to consolidate his power." Larry D. Harper, Note 103, "The AntiChrist"

The Patriot Act: "...the government gained new power to wiretap phones, confiscate property of suspected terrorists, spy on its own citizens without judicial review, conduct secret searches, (and) snoop on the reading habits of library users, ..."

The Patriot Act: Targeting American Citizens:

Note 10: Daylight Savings Time: The schedule for 2006 in the United States is that DST began on the first Sunday in April (April 2, 2006), and changes back to standard time on the last Sunday in October (October 29, 2006). The time is adjusted at 2 AM. Beginning in 2007, DST will start on the second Sunday in March (March 11, 2007), and change back to standard time on the first Sunday in November (November 4, 2007). Wikipedia

"Rather than veto laws passed by Congress, Bush is using his signing statements to effectively nullify them as they relate to the executive branch."

Note 11: 2 Thessalonians 8-12

Editor's Note: The above is one possible interpretation of the material I have uncovered. The material I have uncovered is indicated in the Notes. I cannot say for certain at this time that the above is how things are or how they will play out, it is only my interpretation of the material.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

A Few Thoughts and Observations

Torture is wrong, regardless of where it occurs, regardless of who does it or why and regardless of whom it is done to.

Anonymity and privacy are paramount in a democracy. When the citizens feel their government is watching their every move and listening to their every statement, this will tend to stifle dissent and freedom of expression which are overarching values of a democracy.

You cannot end tyranny in the world by acting tyrannically.

You cannot extend democracy into the world by limiting it at home.

You cannot speak for open and accountable government throughout the world and then deny it at home.

You cannot advance liberty and then suppress it within your own borders.

The enhanced security at airports seems less designed to secure against terrorists and more designed to control the traveling public, to increase their inconvenience in traveling so they will travel less (making them easier to track and control), and get the public more accustomed to intrusions by the government into their private affairs.

As an observer of human events and the human experience I have discovered many patterns. From these patterns I have established several hypotheses. Of these hypotheses I have tested them and found most to be accurate from 90 to 95% of the time. As such they then constitute a theory.

Therefore, from the pattern I have discerned from observing the war on terrorism I present the following postulate:

The objective of terrorism seems not to destroy the United States but rather to increase the totalitarian powers of this Administration and/or the forces behind the government.

If we use this as our postulate, then the whole war on terrorism suddenly makes sense and we can see that this objective is succeeding.

Therefore, it seems predictable that events will occur to enhance the totalitarian powers of this Administration, whether it is by terrorist action, incessant war in the Mideast or some other activity or by some combination of these. Should these activites fail and the American public refuses to relinquish their rights in a timely fashion, then a war with China may be scheduled.

America will cease to be America if America accepts torture as a tool it can use.

America will cease to be America if we allow our President to tap into our phone conversations and read our email without oversight by the public.

America will cease to be America if we abrogate the rule of law, especially by the President, in order to enhance the security of the "state" (those who run the appratus of the state).

America will cease to be America if we cease to be good.

A long war has never benefitted a democracy.

Most people are unwilling to accept the whole truth. Most people only accept a partial truth - a small truth - only that amount which fits within their comfort zone. All people accept only that truth which fits into their belief system - their personal ideology. If it doesn't fit, most people will have one or more of these reactions: they will ignore it. They will seek to suppress it. They will malign it. They will vilify it. They will ridicule it. They will seek to destroy it. We can see then, that truth has many obstacles to overcome before it is accepted by most people. Those people who accept more truth must, almost by definition, be ignored, suppressed, maligned, vilified, ridiculed or destroyed by those who perceive a lesser truth. They who witness a greater truth perceive a wider and far different reality than those whose experience of truth is less.

We cannot defeat the enemy by becoming the enemy. To do so will allow the enemy to have won, regardless of what happens on the battlefield.

History reveals that the gravest threat to democracy has always been not from external enemies, but from internal parties who seek to extend security and wealth and power for themselves at the expense of liberty.

Friday, September 08, 2006

You Work for Me!

You Work For Me!
An Open Letter to President Bush

Copyright 2006 by Perry Jones
All Rights Reserved

Mr. President, you work for me. I am your boss. You are my employee. You work for me.

Your continued employment is only by favor of your employer and your performance is - wanting.

You work for me. You work for we the people. Perhaps this is something you have forgotten, or maybe it's something you never understood. We are one nation under God; of the people, by the people, for the people. Those who choose public service and those we elect to governmental positions are Servants of The People. You work for me. You work for we the people.

As your employer, your job performance must improve markedly and must improve immediately.

We all know the areas in which you are failing: the war in Iraq, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, illegal wiretaps and liberty at home, Katrina, the environment, gas prices.

I have listened to your reasoning and considered your conclusions. Essentially, it is all immaterial; you work for me!

If we were to look at this nation as a corporation, we can see that what you say and what you do are dichotomous. You are creating dissension within the ranks of the "work force" setting one group against another. You are spending money with no appreciable gain for the corporation (country) except - possibly - to line your own pockets and those of your friends.

You are tapping our phone calls, reading our email and even reviewing the books we check out at the library supposedly to watch for some bogeyman terrorist but I suspect it's all just to keep tabs on those who disagree with you and when the time is right to even the score against them.

As Chairman of the Board of We the People, I observe that these actions are having negative effects on the organization, on our money and on our morale. You have scared us in order to wring concessions from us most likely to accrue more wealth and power for yourself and friends.

You are draining the company (country) of its ability to function effectively. I cannot allow this to continue.

As your boss, you must do as I request. You must either move or be removed.

If you move, there are only 2 ways you can move. 1. You can move to do as I ask, or 2. You can move yourself out of office. If you do neither, then you leave me, as your employer, no other choice, you shall be removed. And you will need to find yourself another job. Either get going or get out.

Mr. Cheney, your performance is below par. And has been all along. As the chief trumpet for this Administration I hold you chiefly responsible for all that has gone wrong. Your actions have been despicable. Your pockets and Halliburton and those of your friends are lined with my money. Mr. Cheney, if it were up to me, your time has come, You're fired!

Mr. Rumsfeld. You've presided over a war in which our sons and daughters, our husbands and wives, our brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends and neighbors are dead and dying - day by day.

There were no weapons of mass destruction, there was no link to terrorism. You planned a war which may not be won, with too few troops to win it. The strategy and tactics you required to be followed only strengthened our enemies while weakening our military.

You said mistakes have been made, you're right, you made them.

Mr. Rumsfeld, I am your boss. You work for me. Your opinions make no difference to me. Either do as I ask or move on down the road.

The time has come when we must stand up for what is right and we must speak out for what is wrong. We know what is wrong. We know who is doing it.

Mr. President, Vice President Cheney, Secretary Rumsfeld. You work for me. I am your boss. You are my employee. The time has come to do what I ask and get going, or get gone.

Mr. President, if we should have this conversation again, I won't be saying "You work for me!", I'll say, "Mr. President, you're fired!"

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Mind Matter Connection

The Mind Matter Connection
A Short Treatise on the New Physics

50% of the information received by our eyes is filtered out by our brains and never reaches our everyday conscious mind. Although there has been speculation as to why, I feel the best answer is simply that of information overload. The conscious mind simply cannot handle the vast amount of data perceived by our 5 senses. If our conscious mind were to accept all the data our senses perceive, we would succumb to sensory overload resulting in a failure of our systems to function - a type of coma.

Up to another 10% of information received is filtered out because of our worldview. These are our beliefs about reality and the world and how things are and the way things work.

An additional 10% of information is further filtered because of our personal belief systems. This is how we believe we function in the world and our role and interactions with it.

The average person has between 50% to 70% of the information they receive from their senses - primarily the eyes - bypassing our conscious mind and going directly to our subconcious. This information becomes dreams or nightmares and is added to our unconscious states of unfulfilled desires.

This leads to a schism in that which we want and that which we believe we can have. This schism leads to an ever-widening chasm in our conscious states which leads to changes in our states of hope and health and has direct impact on depression, alcohol and drug use, health and cancer, accidents and injuries, our attitudes, personal relationships and our social interactions.

People who have expansive worldviews and open opinions about themselves may receive as much as 80% of the information which their senses receive. Those who favor a more restricted worldview and maintain narrow opinions may deny themselves as much as 70% to 80% of the world's reality.

An example of these states within ourselves (and those with whom we cohabitate) may be when we look for lost keys. We may tear the house apart looking for those keys but they are nowhere to be found. Then when we have nearly exhausted our search we suddenly find them - often in a place we have previously looked!

It is not that the keys have suddenly materialized (but in the New Physics that's a possibility, see Note below), but rather that the inexactness of our conscious state caused our brains to make an error and filter out the perception of our keys from a location where they were. The keys were always there, we just didn't see them.

These realities also affect our relationships and interactions with other people. We can get into discussions and conversations, observe some bit of information on the news or read about it on the net or a magazine and - even agree to it or accept it as a valid statement when said - but when asked about it later or trying to recall that information at a later time - we will deny such an observation or memory. We are not lying. It is just that the inexactness of these states has subsequently filtered out information that does not fit in comfortably with our previously held worldviews and personal belief states.

Now when a spouse or loved one agrees to something and then denies they ever agreed to something so outrageous, just remember it is just their belief state and not them talking.

Note: For more information please review Hyperspace Calculations at:

Paradoxes Of the Bush Administration

He speaks of peace but plans for war. He speaks of democracy but denies it at home. He calls for sacrifice then cuts taxes for the rich. He passes laws then excludes himself from those very laws. He called for a war on terror then attacked a nation which had nothing to do with terrorism. He called for a quick end to the war then sent in too few troops to finish the job, needlessly and recklessly exposing our troops to greater danger. He asks for international cooperation but acts unilaterally. Is every word he speaks a lie? Is every action he takes a deception? Is every move hiding the truth?

For more of the Bush Paradoxes, please see the following article in the Christian Science Monitor: