Sunday, October 31, 2010

Conspiracy of the End Times

I have researched and studied finance, military strategy, economics, physics, history, business, religion and politics for over 30 years. Based on the understanding that arose from said research, I was able, in January 1986, to determine that a secret organization operating out of the White House basement was raising heroin and opium in Iran for sale in the US and Europe. With the money thus obtained, this organization then purchased weapons that were shipped onward to the Contra's in Nicaragua. The weapons seemed to have been mostly purchased through contacts (or a contact) in South Africa. Additional funding seemed to originate within Saudi Arabia. Some of the money was used to hire Israeli commandos to train the Contra's in Nicaragua.

With my understanding of military strategy, I devised a war plan for Iraq in November of 1990. This plan was essentially 95% identical as implemented on the ground by Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf in February of 1991. The only operational difference is that I envisioned an amphibious assault just north of Basra up the Umm Al Qasr. Where military talking heads were estimating no less than 10,000 combat deaths with some estimates as high as 30,000 and a war length of 3 to 6 months, I expected 750 combat deaths with a war length of 100 to 1000 hours.

The ground war lasted exactly 100 hours and approximately 250 Coalition troops were killed in combat.

In 1986, I devised an Inflation Algorithm which has been correct in predicting the forthcoming year's inflation rate to within 1/10 of a percent. This continued until just a few years ago when manipulation of the markets overrode organic market forces.

In 2005, I advised several of my acquaintances to pull out of the real estate market if they had investments therein and I advised others to withhold investing in real estate because a bubble had formed and would most likely burst within 1 to 3 years.

It was easy to see that George Bush would be elected President and I accurately projected that his election would be based on spurious results in Florida and then for his second term - in Ohio.

The election of Barack Obama was too obvious to require attention.

I do not provide this to brag, I provide this only to express that my insights have merit and validity.

We can all see that the United States has taken a dramatic turn for the worse over the last 2 or 3 decades. From the lies of the Nixon White House, the corruption and deceit of the federal government has only grown worse. Simultaneously, the Harvard/Wharton MBA's have sacrificed morality and ethics in business on the altar of high finance and greater profits. The average American knows this is wrong; he and she know that something is wrong with America. It is this feeling which has given rise to the Tea Party whose purpose is to restore the government to the people from whom it has been hijacked.

There are many who contend, and I am one of them, that a conspiracy exists at the highest levels of governmental affairs to thwart the will of the American people, subordinate the Constitution to the fancy of these conspirators and strip Americans not only of their rights, but of their wealth and property as well.

We see the signs that this plan is well underway and well advanced.

In August 2001, William Cooper, a "conspiracy theorist" reported to the subscribers of his newsletter, to neighbors and friends, at a seminar and over the air by his private short wave radio station, that the US government was planning an attack against its own people. This would be a false flag operation as the government would affix blame on a non-participating third party.

William Cooper reported that this operation would probably occur shortly and would consist of apparently commercial airliners being hijacked and flown into significant American landmarks with the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans. Further, he reported that the government would frame Osama Bin Laden to take the blame.

A few days after this announcement, William Cooper was killed in a shootout with Arizona Sheriff's deputies.

Earlier in 2001, a newspaper in India reported that China was proposing to negotiate with Saddam Hussein to purchase a significant amount of Iraq's oil production with the hope of procuring 100%. This newspaper article predicted that the US would have to attack Iraq in order to protect its oil supply.

In Afghanistan, the Afghan government had rebuffed all US proposals to build an oil pipeline across Afghanistan to provide the US with an alternative route for MidEast oil delivery if for some reason the Straits of Hormuz were to be shut down. The Board of Directors of Halliburton considered a proposal to prepare the American people for a war with Afghanistan which would serve the US by permitting an oil pipeline to be built across Afghanistan.

In 2000, the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) prepared a plan to spread the "virtues" of America around the world. These virtues would include American style democracy, American style markets and economics and American style consumer consumption. These "virtues" would be spread even to those nations unwilling to accept such "virtues" by any means necessary including the military option. Accepting this dominance by America would essentially enslave such nations into subservience to the United States.

Founding members of PNAC include important members of the Bush (W) Adminstration: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and others. Other members include Dan Quayle, Richard Perle, William Bennett, Steve Forbes and Jeb Bush, to name a few. It is significant to note that many of these members were draft dodgers and deferments - the chicken hawks who glorify war but have never served during war.

Based on this and other, evidence, future directions for the United States can be assessed.

These are in no particular order.

1. A state of martial law must occur in the United States. This would be accompanied by limitations on travel and communications. Prior to this, enhanced "security" measures will slowly desensitize the American public to the infringement of their rights guaranteed to them by the Constitution.

2. An international organization will be established to deal with the threat from an asteroid collision with Earth. This will serve to consolidate military command and control operations across various nations and engender communications and operations between said nation's military forces with each other.

3. Possibly, a state of hyperinflation may occur in the United States. Although this is speculative, what is not is that any end to the recession and a rebound in economic growth will be shortly followed by another economic bust. This may be the excuse to impose martial law. In any case, a period of artificially induced inflation must soon occur.

4. Military organizations from perhaps five other nations will patrol American streets in conjunction with the American military.

5. I hope I am wrong, but in my heart I feel this is inevitable and irreversible: the United States will be destroyed in war. I do not know how, when or by what forces, but the powers that be will sacrifice the nation and people of the United States in order to spread fear and terror across the world. This is so they can then assume control of the world's military, civil and religious organizations "in order to prevent another catastrophic war." "Peace and security" is the phrase the powers that be will use to consolidate their control and power over the world. This will also serve to acquire the world's wealth and place natural resources under their control.

6. A new organization will be established to deal with the threat from aliens or an existing organization will be reconfigured to deal with this threat.
7. Global climate changes and increasing natural disasters and larger and larger and more destructive storms will occur. This is already too far advanced to stop.

8. Strange and new diseases and pandemics will spread across the world. Most of these will be said to be natural in origin but most, if not all, will be human engineered.

9. The time has nearly come (and may be here) for True Believers in Christ to depart the United States. I believe God will soon call or is now calling His people to leave the US or face the destruction that will occur. I do not know of a safe place to go, you must consult God and your own heart. Some ideas may be the American deserts and deep forests, northern Canada, Siberia, the Sahara, the African savanna, central Australia or possibly Baja California. Any industrialized and "civilized" area or nation will experience unprecedented violence, turmoil and oppression. This will probably be accompanied with famine and pandemics.

This is but a simple and off the cuff observation of world affairs. This is all based on a simple reading of news reports and media broadcasts that all people have access to and to which many of us may hear but not listen. In no way do I claim infallibility or divine insight or inspiration. This is all a simple understanding of history and politics.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Holy Rights and National Security

The United States was founded upon the belief that there are certain things that are more important than life.

What is more important than life? Than living?

Some would argue that there is nothing more important than life. This is a common position of some communist ideologues. But even these communist ideologues, when pressed, would agree that their ideology is more important than life.

If life itself were paramount, than all else would fall by the wayside and wars would become meaningless. But life is not paramount and ideology is only one of several factors that are more important than life.

Wars are often fought on the basis of principle. Some of these principles include wealth, power and territory.

In the United States, our founding fathers and our traditions proclaim that human rights, universal democracy, freedom and liberty are all more important than life itself. These are the supposed reasons we are fighting the war in Iraq. If this is not true, then the war in Iraq is a sham, a mockery of the principles upon which America was founded. The war in Iraq would then be a war being fought by the rich and powerful, for the rich and powerful, to protect or to increase their wealth and power.

Whether or not this last statement is true - that the war in Iraq is being fought on bequest of the rich and powerful to maintain or expand their hold on wealth and power - is easily determined by observing the actions of our government in other areas.

If the government shows compassion, caring and attention to the individual rights of the people; to fairness, to peace, to honesty, to integrity, to liberty, to democracy, to freedom; then we can be assured that the government is one in which the Principles of America are a function of the character of the government. But if these principles are excluded in the way the government functions; if we see no or little evidence of such principles in the daily activities and operations of the government, then we can be certain that this administration is one in which only power and wealth have meaning.

Should the administration and the governmental apparatus under its control be found in activities which seek to preserve its wealth, power or security, then the Principles of America are being ignored by those who control the functions of the state. If the administration resorts to torture, renditions, secret detentions, abuse or violation of the rights of any individual foreign or domestic, then the reins of government are held by those who believe only in power and wealth and the maintenance of their own position (security).

The government may claim such actions are necessary to protect national security, but what is "national security"?

If our nation was founded upon the principles of freedom, liberty, human rights and democracy with such rights innate upon each individual, then our nation is dependent upon maintaining and securing (security) these rights and principles for each individual.

Our nation's security (National Security) then is based on the government preserving, maintaining and where and when possible expanding these rights for each person.

If the government fails to do this, it is not acting upon the basis of national security but only on the privilege and prestige of the rich and powerful - of those who lay claim to the functions of government.

Such a position is antithetical to a nation founded upon human rights, democracy, freedom and liberty for all. Such a position cannot be said to be "national security" but only the protection of those who seek to expand their wealth and power.

Is our nation protecting the rights of the individual which is true national security, or is it protecting only the power and riches of a few?

"Governments are mere machinery. It is the men who control them that count."

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin

Decide for yourself. Analyze each administration. Does it believe in the Principles of our Founding Fathers? Or is the war in Iraq a sham conducted only to preserve the wealth and power of those running the government?

The truth is revealed in the evidence. The evidence is the actions of government. Katrina, domestic spying and lies from the White House are all evidence. The passage of the Health Care Bill, bailouts of big corporations while the average person suffers and millions are out of work may also be symptoms.

You decide. What kind of government do we have? What kind of Administration is this?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Trash Talking Cheney

Mr. Cheney talks trash. He may think he's all that but he's not. He's all just BS. From getting the US into a war, to financing terrorist plots against the US just to line his pockets, all he wants is more money and more power paid for with the blood of Americans.

Pres. Bush and VP Cheney were the creators of the Politics of Fear that ruled America for 8 years, got us into 2 wars, helped the rich get richer while Main Street suffered, took away our Constitutional rights and swept us into the greatest recession since the Great Depression. And Mr. Cheney says Obama is screwing up? With screwups you created Mr. Cheney, I think the President is doing just fine. He is still trying to clean up your mess and mend fences with all the nations you ostracized. Do you remember them - other nations? This isn't a world of only the USA, there are other countries out there too, or maybe you forgot.

Or maybe you just don't care the way you don't care about the US troops. Remember them? When you appeared before them and flippantly stated that basically they had to die because you hadn't gotten around to providing the equipment they needed to do their job while you sat on your fat butt and made money from their blood? Hmmm.

Ok, enough of my tirade. I'm pretty much over all this anyway. This country has drifted so far right that decent citizens can't live here anymore. People who believe in the Constitution and the Bil of Rights need to go somewhere where such things are still respected and admired and remain the law of the land - like Canada or Australia.

It won't be long before I'm there myself, suntanning on the beaches of Perth. Hello Australia!

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Free Medical Clinic

For 175 million dollars a year, I can create a free medical clinic in any community that will provide free basic and intermediate medical, dental and vision care to 10,000 - 20,000 people a year.

This free medical clinic would be staffed by volunteers and military medical personnel as training for their military career, for pre-deployment training and annual Reserve training.

This 175 million dollars would provide for operating expenses, equipment costs and insurance as well as full pay for some personnel medical specialties and a stipend for others.

A free medical clinic would reduce health care costs in the local area as well as providing basic and intermediary health care for those individuals currently without health care.

Advanced health care would require the services of a full service hospital. An additional 50 million dollars would probably cover the costs of this advanced health care.


* amnesty to all current immigrants
* followed by through background checks on each individual
* no quotas on new immigration - all those desiring immigration are free to emigrate to the US
* all those desiring to immigrate must have valid photo id's
* registration with US government required
* a visa must be granted, but there will be no visa denials except in case of convicted felons and known terrorists