Saturday, September 05, 2015

Campaign 2016 and 2 Failed Administrations

The best that we can say about the Administration of George Bush is that it is over. The best we can say about the Obama Administration is that it will soon be over - unless Obama finds a way to complete the shredding of the Constitution and remain in power.

16 years of abject failure in American politics is far too long. We need a strong candidate with a powerful message who is not afraid to stand up to our enemies, support our allies and start making things right at home.

My estimates place the actual inflation rate at approximately 6% while my unemployment figure is 10.8% - both far higher than official US estimates.

People want to work and they can't find work. People want to buy products without finding the items they buy shrinking in size while the price remains the same. Obama touts his Obamacare as being more affordable without telling anyone that their deductible has risen - in many cases - to several thousand dollars. Drug costs and college costs have continuously risen. Our infrastructure is literally falling apart while corporations escape paying tax. the tax burden falls on the middle class.

Hillary states that it is unjustifiable for a few people to make 300 times more than the average income yet her and Bill's combined income of 25 million dollars in 2014 is - 300 times more (or better) than the average middle class income. Hmmm, where did she get her figure from?

Washington is corrupt to the core. Several white papers indicate that the United States federal government is more corrupt than the governments of most third world nations.

Congress is paralyzed and the Tea Party members that were elected to force change have been co-opted by a corrupt and broken system. Nothing is working anymore and it is the common person that is paying the price.

College students face mountains of educational debt studying for jobs that no longer exist. Only the lucky few will be able to pay off their debt without bearing a load that threatens to drown them and ensures their slavery to a system that is broken. They will pay with their labor to serve those who have fixed the system to serve only themselves.

There are few good choices in this campaign season. There are fewer good reasons to even get involved. As I have said at most every election for the last 25 years, hope for the best and vote for the person you think will do the least damage. Unfortunately, for the last two Administrations, that has not been the case - the worst was elected - but we can always hope - and pray - for a miracle this time.

Tianjin and the South China Sea

The recent explosions at Tianjin is a clear signal to China that the US will not stand by undeterred while China exerts its imperialist ambitions throughout the world, particularly the South China Sea.

Although the explosion at Tianjin was a direct response by the US against China's cyberwarfare against the United States, the message is clear that China can expect consequences for its actions.

Doves, pundits, talking heads, liberals and even conservatives and ex-military may all cite the fact that the explosion at Tianjin was due to unknown factors or the result of a horrible accident, but my sources are telling me something quite different - the explosion was planned, directed, orchestrated and timed. My sources are uncertain if the explosion and subsequent destruction of thousands of square meters of harbor infrastructure was the result of U.S. Special Forces on-scene or a stand-off attack from U.S. space-based weapon systems. They are, however, quite certain that the United States was behind these explosions.

The message to China should be clear and ring loudly: Any further incursion into U.S. cyber networks will be met with kinetic or a like-kind response. The corollary is that neither will the U.S. stand idly by while China builds up military forces in the South China Sea. Today, U.S. forces are entering the area to demonstrate freedom of navigation, project influence and support U.S. friends and allies in the region. Additional assets are also being deployed. Other assets have been tasked to systematically identify and assess Chinese strengths and weaknesses in the region while keeping track of all Chinese movements and positioning within the area.

While the 2016 political season gets underway in the US, China and other nations should note that the U.S. stands ready to defend its interests and those of its allies - if the current failed administration does not shoot itself in its own foot and resist the advice of its own military.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Obama Vetoes Ukraine's Request to Join NATO

Under President Obama, the United States continues to run scared and display weakness. With the recent Russian aggression in Ukraine and the subsequent annexation of Crimea, the United States has abandoned Ukraine to Putin telling Ukrainian officials in private that the United States will veto any attempt by Ukraine to join NATO.

Obama lives in a world of his own making that has no connection to the real world. Being played by Putin, he continues to believe the world is a rosy place in which if people only talk everything will be better. With this naivete', Obama allows himself to be played by those who see the world differently - and more realistically.

Our Liar-in-Chief is now saying that he hopes to avoid a hot war with Russia and will do anything and everything in his power to avoid it. If only Reagan were President now. Reagan understood tyrants and bullies and real-world politics. If Reagan were President, the Russian aggression of Ukraine would probably never have happened.

Those who use force to achieve their aims are stopped only by the threat of force. Talk has little sway over them because they do not believe in talk unless it serves their purpose - which is to attain more of their political or military agenda. Obama has walked into this quicksand by wearing rose-colored glasses that do not permit him to see quicksand or quagmires. As a result, Obama's actions over the last five years have encouraged tyrants, despots, dictators and powerful nations around the world to exercise their power to achieve their aims at the expense of the White House and the rule of law. Not only is Putin's actions a case in point, but so is Chinese action in the western Pacific, Assad's actions in Syria and Kim's actions in North Korea. Will there be another international ploy by someone who wants to play Obama?

Obama is getting played, and what is really sad is he doesn't even know it. By abandoning Ukraine and vetoing any application by Ukraine to join NATO, the United States is only making the current situation worse and laying the groundwork for more repercussions from other states and non-state actors in the future. Obama is making thins worse not better. Obama is making the world less safe, not more safe.

Obama has a view of geopolitics that is naive at best and dangerous at worst. To prevent a hot war as he seeks, you must prepare for one. Only by displaying strength do you prevent wars, not by appearing weak or appeasing bullies. This was a lesson we laerned during World War Two, but Obama seems never to have learned it nor studied history.

Our worst President in history may destroy the United States yet. This Amateur in the White House remains the worst choice the American people have made in our deteriorating state of the Executive office. From bad to worse, the caliber of our President's have been sliding downhill since Ronald Reagan. I feel only God can save us now. It is certainly beyond any human's capability and far beyond President Obama's.

by Perry Jones

Sunday, March 02, 2014

Ukraine: World War 3 Begins?

The invasion of the Crimean peninsula of Ukraine by Russia on Friday, February 28th represents a clear and dangerous challenge to European peace and stability and the international rule of law.

This challenge to international law is a direct result of the failed foreign policy of a weak United States President who imposes "lines in the sand" and then turns around and runs away with his tail between his legs whenever any of his lines is crossed.

This cowardly action on the part of the current American Administration has emboldened powerful tyrants and despots around the world. The only time the current American President shows a stiff spine is when he is siccing the IRS and other executive tools against the very American people whose civil rights and liberty he is supposed to be protecting.

From a vacillating President, whose domestic policy is as much a shambles and train wreck as his foreign policy, we have a weakened American military which may be unable to adequately protect American interests and defend American allies.

Now is the time of decision. The President must act quickly, he must act decisively and he must act forcefully. Diplomatic solutions are ineffective with those who would use force to achieve their aims, unless they have already succeeded in those aims.

The worst that could happen is for the American President to do nothing except express grave concerns and spout unnamed "consequences" for the actions of those who would flout world peace and stability. To do nothing now only will embolden and encourage dictators, despots and tyrants around the world. Syria's Assad, North Korea's Kim, Iran, China and terrorist groups around the world may all be emboldened and encouraged to seek aggression to achieve their aims.

The President must act quickly. He must act decisively and he must act forcefully. These three aspects are outside the character of the American President who usually chooses to vacillate, to appease and then to turn tail whenever he is directly challenged. But the President must find it somewhere within himself to act, for now is the time for deliberate and forceful action.

The Russian President must be made aware that world tolerance for this type of behavior on the part of a great power will not be tolerated. Therefore, I propose the following actions to be taken immediately: 1. Cancellation of the G8 Summit in Sochi to be relocated to Paris or London and reconstituted as a G7 Summit. 2. Send elements of the 101st Air Assault and 102nd Airborne to Kiev. 3. Request the Polish President to request American anti-air and Patriot missile batteries to the border between Poland and Russia. 4. Send Patriot and anti-air batteries to the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine to be replaced with permanent anti-aircraft and anti-missile batteries at some point in the future. 5. Send U.S. naval forces to shadow Russian fleet movements in the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, off the Atlantic seaboard of the United States and in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. 6. Freeze Russian assets in United States banks, the World Bank and the IMF. 7. Convene the UN Security Council to deliver a strong denunciation of Russian actions in Ukraine. 8. Call NATO to consider troop allocations and deployment within Europe and Turkey in light of the Russian aggression.

These steps are incremental, limited and deliberate. They constitute a forceful response to the Russian invasion in Crimea and all of these except for creating the East European missile shield are open to negotiation between Russia and the western powers.

By showing restraint coupled with the limited steps I have proposed, Russia will need to negotiate. The future of Crimea must be left to the people of Crimea and Ukraine, it cannot be and must not be allowed to be decided by a malevolent dictator bent on the forceful acquisition of a peaceful people. Russian troops must roll back to the bases within Russia, and 150,000 Russian troops on the border of Ukraine must return to their bases. The steps I have herein proposed will help assure that these measures occur.

The American President must act. To do nothing now will only encourage those around the world to use force to achieve their aims. They will be opposed by those who have the courage to oppose but who may not have the might to do so. This would lead to war. The American President must act quickly, decisively and forcefully now because to do nothing could very well lead to the beginning of World War Three.

Friday, January 24, 2014

China and the Hitler Philosophy

It's the 1930's all over again. Two nations in the world seem to repeating a pattern that occurred in the 1930's. In the 1930's, this pattern could have been stopped early on - if opposing nations had taken a strong stance and said "No!"

In the 1930's, Hitler was elected to office in Germany bringing his National Socialist (Nazi) party into office with him. Implementing a policy of intimidation of European nations and moving armed forces into disputed areas - without opposition from other nations - Hitler was continuously emboldened to pursue more aggressive and expansionary goals. His initial entry to this stage of intimidation was to build his military to unprecedented levels and train them to extraordinary standards of achievement.

But Hitler knew he could not achieve his aims of European, and later world, domination without compliance from his own people. To achieve this, Hitler initiated a national policy of incrementally stripping his people of their rights, registering and then confiscating guns and targeting segments of the population for special degradation, intimidation and harassment.

In today's world, we have two nations that each are implementing portions of Hitler's philosophy and which may be converging to a flashpoint that could cause a war.

On one side of the Pacific, the Imperial Communist Government of China is building its military far beyond that required for its own self-defense needs. And it has now begun to move armed forces into territory it does not own and cannot historically claim.

Recently, the Imperial Communist Government of China has established an air defense warning zone far beyond its own territory, extending over international waters and now is proclaiming that any entry into this zone is a violation of China's sovereignty.

In India, China has moved forces into disputed territory along the border of India and removed them only after a protest by the Indian government.

China is laying claim to islands in the western pacific that rightfully belong to other nations in the area. The Imperial Communist Government of China is expanding its military and intimidating its neighbors - and the world - just as Hitler did in the 1930's.

On the other side of the Pacific, two failed administrations have left the once strong and proud United States in shambles. Its economy sputters along in a continuing recession now entering its 6th year. Two illegal administrations have incrementally stripped the people of their rights and replaced rule of law with rule of the mighty. Rights of the people are continuing to be usurped by a power-mad government that can't govern, does not know how to govern, cannot stand up to intimidation, doesn't understand the nuances of world politics and is unable to grasp even the most fundamental concepts of business and job creation. Its every policy seems to be intentionally crafted to be diametrically opposed to the well-being of the people and the economy. Even an oppositional world leader - Vladimir Putin of Russia - states that the current U.S. President is destroying his own country's economy.

The armed forces of the United States has decayed. Personnel are at their lowest level of morale in many years. The military has degraded to the point where any robust defense against a world power would be nearly impossible with the forces at hand that are combat ready.

The most serious issue with the United States is the degradation of the human rights of the people. The Constitution is being ignored. Led by two failed administrations, the executive branch and security forces around the country trample on people's livelihoods, strip people of their rights, spy on citizens and ignore the mandates of law.

If people and nations in Europe and the United States had stood up to Hitler in his early stages of rearmament and intimidation, World War Two - and the deaths of 20 million or more lives - may have been prevented.

Today we must unite. The people of the United States must unite to protest against the intrusion of the federal government into the private affairs of the people. Business, conversations, religious practice and farming are all private affairs of the people, the federal government has no business in interfering with these affairs. The people must remove from office those who support the federal government in trampling on the rights and livelihoods of the people, stymie business with excessive and unnecessary regulations and high taxes. The people of the United States must make their voices heard to the power players in Washington D.C. "Enough is enough." It's time to send the rogues home. If we do not, the federal government will simply continue along its current path and far worse consequences will ensue.

Today we must unite. The people and nations of the world must unite in opposing the Imperial Communist Government of China. This is a government that - like the current U.S. government - has no regard for itsown people. But China is worse. The Imperial Communist Government of China has seen fit to kill thousands of innocent student protesters in June of 1989. It cares not for the rights of the people. It cares only for its own power and the accumulation of greater and greater wealth to its own political elite who have amassed many billions of dollars at the expense of the people.

The Imperial Communist Government of China is aggressively expanding its military and antagonistically extending its power over regions and territories the greed of its leaders feel they must possess for their own aggrandizement. Should this continue, war will be the result. We can stop this war before it begins, we can and we must stop this before it begins, or else the Imperial Communist Government of China may lay claim to half the world.

Now is the time to stand up and be counted as one who confronts the ambition of powerful men and avaricious nations who have no sense of honor, no grasp of morality and no concerns for the welfare of their fellow human beings. In China as in the United States, the concerns of those in power is only their own power and greed. The people have no choice but to oppose them or risk losing their liberty, their freedom and their future.

We must act now to oppose the dark forces which can only result in an even darker future. To choose to do nothing is to choose to walk into darkness. Join with me and oppose those who would steal the future of our children. Join with me and let the sunrise begin.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

North Korea

North Korea continues its bellicose rhetoric thinking it can defy international standards of order. Following continued statements throughout the week, North Korea today moved a long range missile to its east coast. This missile may have the range to reach the west coast of the United States.

President Obama's response to date has been extremely measured. A series of military exercises have been ongoing on the Korean peninsula conducted in conjunction with out South Korean allies. In response to Kim Jung Un's saber rattling, the United States has sent in two B2 Stealth bombers that dropped inert munitions on a training range on an island off South Korea, moved two destroyers into the region and transferred two F-22 Stealth fighters to a base in South Korea.

The Administration has also spoken of moving an offshore anti-missile platform into the region and beefing up anti-missile missiles in Alaska and Guam. But combined with the continued warmongering by North Korea which has upped the ante by positioning a long range missile on its east coast, the United States must in like turn up the ante.

Continued posturing by the current Administration is no longer enough to indicate to North Korea the resolve of the United States. Additional measures that North Korea can clearly understand must be initiated immediately in order to quell North Korea's bloodthirst for war.

The following actions must be immediately taken by the United States:
1. Move a carrier battle group into the region.
2. Move at least 1 and possibly up to 3 amphibious groups into the region.
3. Move a squadron of F-22 Stealth fighters to South Korea.
4. Move a squadron of F-35 Stealth fighters into the region.
5. Accelerate the trials of the F-37 naval Stealth fighter.
6. Open the current wargames to participation by the 82nd Airborne.
7. Open the current wargames to participation by the 101st Air Assault.
8. Announce to North Korea that all talks between the U.S. and North Korea are on hold until North Korea terminates its wartalk and saber rattling.
9. Announce to North Korea that the United States has opened talks with Mongolia, Russia and China to preposition interceptor missiles manned by American military personnel on their territory.
10. Move three guided missile and four attack submarines into the region.
11. Announce that the current wargames with South Korea will be extended by one month.
12. Announce to North Korea that all these actions are solely in response to North Korean actions over the last several weeks.
13. Announce to North Korea that these actions are irrevocable and that these forces will be removed only after a 90 day period of time in which the rhetoric and actions from North Korea maintain acceptable international standards of order.
14. The American President will go on TV to announce to the American people publicly the steps taken in 1 - 8 above and 10 - 13 above and reiterate that these measures are appropriate and responsible and taken only in response to the continuing threats to the United States and its allies by North Korea and that these measures will be reversed only when North Korea can demonstrate that it is a responsible member of the international community.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Obama in Jerusalem & Ice Sculpture

Obama is due to arrive in Jerusalem on March 20, according to local Israeli newspapers. At the top of the President's agenda is to convince (confirm?) Prime Minister Netanyahu that the US is serious about preventing Iran from developing a nuclear bomb. Is this "And he will confirm a covenant with many." - Daniel 9:27?

On the second day of Obama's visit, at precisely noon time, Obama will visit a model of Jerusalem during the Second Temple period.

Israel is also featuring an Ice Festival during the months of March and April. Although it is unclear if Obama will visit, a sculpture has been constructed in his image. Revelation 13:15 - "The second beast (the Pope?) was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed."

According to the prophecy of Saint Malachy written in 1138 A.D. St. Malachy stated there would be 112 popes of the Roman Catholic Church. St. Malachy did not assign names to these popes, but rather he described them in a descriptive manner. Pope number 111 he described as being of the olives or somehow being connected to olives. To some of his friends, Pope Benedict - who has recently resigned - was known as the Olivet Pope. Pope Benedict was also pope number 111.

Saint Malachy did make one exception in his descriptions of the future Popes of the Catholic Church. He said the final Pope, Pope number 112, would be a black man whom he named Peter of Rome.

Revelation 8:1, "When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour." On February 3, 2013, the Superbowl was played between the Baltimore Ravens and the San Francisco 49er's. About a minute and a half into the third quarter following a 109 yard punt return by Jacoby Jones, the lights went out in the stadium. After about half an hour (34 minutes) the lights came on again. I have heard, and I tend to agree, that this period of about half an hour is symbolic of Revelation 8:1.

The second half of this game was also totally different than the first half. Although the Ravens held off the attack by San Francisco, the game was a much different game in the second half than it was during the first half. I believe this is also God's way of saying that the next three and a half years will be totally different than the last three and a half years.

A couple of years ago while sitting in church on a Sunday morning, I suddenly felt the impression to write something. I grabbed a church bulletin and on the back of it I wrote, "Within the next five days, the world will have changed." Five days later, the Arab Spring began.

I have that sane feeling again. But this time, I have this feeling: Within the next ten days, the world will have changed.

God is coming, Jesus will be here soon, I am ready to meet my maker (can;t wait in fact) are you ready?

Sunday, March 10, 2013

the 2nd Amendment Limits the Government, Not the People

The Bill of Rights was put into place to limit the government, not to limit the people.

There is no such thing as gun control, call it for what it is - people control.

North Korean Threats Warrant Response

North Korea's bellicose rhetoric warrants a response. With tensions as high as they are, the traditional avenues of sending in the 101st Airborne or deploying an aircraft carrier to the region would only heighten tensions further. Military action of any type is the wrong way to go, but the severity of Kim Jung Un's statements require that the United States make a firm, but reasonable reply.

The United States could establish a Radio Free Korea in Seoul. This would broadcast actual news - not the fiction broadcast by North Korean media - to the North Korean people. Although this broadcast could be conducted by shortwave, there is probably no one in North Korea who has a shortwave receiver therefore Radio Free Korea would need to broadcast over existing channels, perhaps even overriding existing North Korean broadcasts.

In addition, I would create a TV station, based aboard a U.S. Navy ship. This would be positioned in international waters off the coast of North Korea and broadcast into North Korea, most likely also overriding existing North Korean TV.

Next, I would let the North Korean people know, perhaps through the above two media, that any North Korean citizen escaping the country into China, may ask for asylum in the United States and be granted asylum. They would be provided food, medical care, clothes, a home and education up to and including any college or university in the United States.

Finally, I would inform the North Korean leadership that their bellicose rhetoric is taken seriously, and that, as a result, the United States and its allies are considering extending NATO to include South Korea.

Prior to the implementation of these measures, I would send a message to the North Korean leadership that the United States will implement the first three of these measures unless an immediate toning down and cessation of North Korea's scaremongering is undertaken. Failing that, these first three measures will be implemented within 90 days. If North Korea should continue its dangerous war threats beyond this period, the inclusion of South Korea to the NATO alliance will be brought before the NATO members. All of this must be made clear to North Korea in order that they may make a reasoned reply by curtailing their saber rattling.

In no way would I escalate tensions in a military dimension at this time, except for certain naval assets and Patriot missile batteries. Planned redeployments of naval assets to the Western Pacific would continue as planned while ships and aircraft capable of spotting and shooting down a North Korean missile barrage, as well as Patriot missile batteries, would be positioned in and about South Korea.

I believe this is a fair but firm, and measured response to the North Korean threats and that this response sends the message to North Korea that the United States takes these threats seriously, will respond appropriately and has the means and the will to defend the people of the United States as well as friends and allies.