The gravest threat to America is not terrorism. The most serious threat to America today is not the safety or security of American citizens.
The gravest threat to America today is the loss of American freedoms and liberties and the accumulation of power into the hands of those who hold the reins of state.
Our Founding Fathers recognized that the greatest enemy to our republic would come not from external enemies no matter how dire, but rather from our own government. Thus they created a Constitution of checks and balances which would limit the redistribution of power into the federal government. Today these checks and balances which have served us so well for over 200 years are evaporating.
Our Founding Fathers also recognized that central banking would lead to the redistribution of wealth into the hands of the few and the byproduct would be destitution and economic slavery for the average American. They reflected this observation in the Constitution which proscribes a central banking system. Yet today we have the Federal Reserve - a private corporation owned by a few major banks from which the federal government borrows money and pays interest on that money which it alone has the authority to make.
The Founding Fathers understood that the tendency of government is to grow in an imperial fashion with wealth and power redistributing to those who control the functions and apparatus of the state at the expense and degradation of every citizen not a member of this imperial cabal.
But now we have the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, signing statements and the perpetual, losing war against terrorism.
These acts are not designed to protect American lives nor to preserve American freedoms. Their only function is to strip Americans of their wealth and freedoms so that power and wealth may be more easily distributed to the rich and powerful. These people include George Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and the Clintons.
We face a crossroads in America. We stand upon the threshold of tomorrow. Down one path leads to a decline in America; unrelenting war, economic crisis, environmental disaster, increasing crime and a Big Brother police state in which the individual is reduced to economic slavery and cannon fodder for those in power.
Down the second path stands a new glory for America. Here there is a positive America where fortune and prosperity are available for all. Down this second path is an America in which freedoms, rights, liberty and happiness are not only the hope, but also the fulfillment of every individual, not the exception.
Down this second path, America is great once again. We once again become a bright shining light for all. The principles which made America great can make America great again.
The decision is upon us. The paths are clear. The choice is open. All we must do is choose. Choose the path of freedom. Choose the path of hope. Do not choose the path of slavery, hatred and fear. The choice is yours. Choose wisely.
Views on politics, policy, current affairs, the military and life in general.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The Darkest Day in American History
Those who died on September 11, 2001, have died for nothing. Their deaths have been in vain. Our sons and daughters killed on countless battlefields in numerous wars have also died in vain.
Today, October 17, 2006, President Bush signed into law the Military Commissions Act of 2006 which suspends civil liberties and effectively terminates the U.S. Constitution. This legislation makes a mockery of all those who have died. Passed by a Congress replete with corruption, as ineffective as any in history, beholden to special interests, as partisan and as woefully wrong as any Congress in history, this law turns a great nation small and a strong nation weak.
With this law, The United States loses its status as a shining beacon of hope, principles and liberty and instead becomes a tomb to those principles which have been lost, to those hopes which have perished and those cherished ideals which the world has long admired as a model for all the world.
The principles, rights and the very notion of liberty which our Founding Fathers advanced, to which they pledged their lives and sacred honor, fought for and died for, and which guns, tanks, bullets, riots against discrimination, ill-fated wars and corruption throughout federal government been unable to destroy have all been lost with the stroke of a pen.
During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a young woman asked Benjamin Franklin what kind of government we would have. Benjamin Franklin responded, "A Republic, if we can keep it." Today, October 17, 2006, that Republic has been lost. We have been unable to keep it.
The Darkest Day in American History was not Decemner 7, 1941. It was not November 22, 1963, nor any other date from over 200 years of the democratic experiment. The Darkest Day in American History is today - October 17, 2006, when at the stroke of a pen by a power-mad President, everything Americans have lived for, fought for and died for has been lost. The American Fascist State has been born. The American Democratic State has died. May God forgive us for what we have done.
Today, October 17, 2006, President Bush signed into law the Military Commissions Act of 2006 which suspends civil liberties and effectively terminates the U.S. Constitution. This legislation makes a mockery of all those who have died. Passed by a Congress replete with corruption, as ineffective as any in history, beholden to special interests, as partisan and as woefully wrong as any Congress in history, this law turns a great nation small and a strong nation weak.
With this law, The United States loses its status as a shining beacon of hope, principles and liberty and instead becomes a tomb to those principles which have been lost, to those hopes which have perished and those cherished ideals which the world has long admired as a model for all the world.
The principles, rights and the very notion of liberty which our Founding Fathers advanced, to which they pledged their lives and sacred honor, fought for and died for, and which guns, tanks, bullets, riots against discrimination, ill-fated wars and corruption throughout federal government been unable to destroy have all been lost with the stroke of a pen.
During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a young woman asked Benjamin Franklin what kind of government we would have. Benjamin Franklin responded, "A Republic, if we can keep it." Today, October 17, 2006, that Republic has been lost. We have been unable to keep it.
The Darkest Day in American History was not Decemner 7, 1941. It was not November 22, 1963, nor any other date from over 200 years of the democratic experiment. The Darkest Day in American History is today - October 17, 2006, when at the stroke of a pen by a power-mad President, everything Americans have lived for, fought for and died for has been lost. The American Fascist State has been born. The American Democratic State has died. May God forgive us for what we have done.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
February 28, 1933 All Over Again
"Those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it."
On February 28, 1933 a law in Nazi Germany was signed which suspended civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. This law; "The Decree for the Protection of the People and the State" rings suspisciously like the laws passed by the Bush Administration.
President Bush brings into law laws which advance the totalitarian powers of the government. The most recent law "The Military Commissions Act of 2006" suspends our right of habeas corpus which guarantees every citizen the reason why they are being jailed.
Without this fundamental right, much of the power of our other rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution are reduced or eradicated.
President Bush has optimized the situation of international terrorism and world insecurity to nullify those things which made America great; our principles.
Every act President Bush makes reduces America and weakens us. Every word he speaks helps to turn more of the Constitution into dust. Only truth can prevail over the powers of darkness. "When deceit reigns, truth is a revolutionary concept." Only love can win victory over hate.
The path America is advancing on will only weaken America. The steps we are taking only strengthen our enemies. The actions we are taking only spread discord around the world. In coming years, will we see the United States as a "has-been" nation, its greatest moments lying in the past? Will we find ourselves in a war against another great power which leaves the United States morally, financially and spiritualy bankrupt? Will we as loyal patriots of the greatest nation that has ever been allow this to occur?
We must not allow this to continue. The time has come when we must not only stand up for what is right, we must speak out for what is wrong.
Do what you think is right. But do something, for the time is late.
On February 28, 1933 a law in Nazi Germany was signed which suspended civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. This law; "The Decree for the Protection of the People and the State" rings suspisciously like the laws passed by the Bush Administration.
President Bush brings into law laws which advance the totalitarian powers of the government. The most recent law "The Military Commissions Act of 2006" suspends our right of habeas corpus which guarantees every citizen the reason why they are being jailed.
Without this fundamental right, much of the power of our other rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution are reduced or eradicated.
President Bush has optimized the situation of international terrorism and world insecurity to nullify those things which made America great; our principles.
Every act President Bush makes reduces America and weakens us. Every word he speaks helps to turn more of the Constitution into dust. Only truth can prevail over the powers of darkness. "When deceit reigns, truth is a revolutionary concept." Only love can win victory over hate.
The path America is advancing on will only weaken America. The steps we are taking only strengthen our enemies. The actions we are taking only spread discord around the world. In coming years, will we see the United States as a "has-been" nation, its greatest moments lying in the past? Will we find ourselves in a war against another great power which leaves the United States morally, financially and spiritualy bankrupt? Will we as loyal patriots of the greatest nation that has ever been allow this to occur?
We must not allow this to continue. The time has come when we must not only stand up for what is right, we must speak out for what is wrong.
Do what you think is right. But do something, for the time is late.
Resolving the "Cuban Question"
Here's an answer to resolving the "Cuban Question:" Declare it the 51st state.
The Merry-Go-Round War
Bush's ever-changing rationale for the war in Iraq is a sure indication that the Real reason lies hidden and remains hidden. Bush keeps changing his story about why we went to war in Iraq and he continues to paint a glossy picture about the substance of the war. We must not allow ourselves to be deceived by a master deceiver.
A hidden agenda is at work. What that hidden agenda is we may never know. It may simply be for Bush and his cronies and those who brought him to power - the Kissinger's and Rockefeller's of the world - to amass more power and wealth at the expense of the lives of our sons and daughters and or it could be to weaken America in order to allow another great power to achieve world dominance.
Whatever the real story may be, the war in Iraq will continue for as long as the President is receiving some sort of benefit from it. As soon as the benefits cease, so will the war.
A hidden agenda is at work. What that hidden agenda is we may never know. It may simply be for Bush and his cronies and those who brought him to power - the Kissinger's and Rockefeller's of the world - to amass more power and wealth at the expense of the lives of our sons and daughters and or it could be to weaken America in order to allow another great power to achieve world dominance.
Whatever the real story may be, the war in Iraq will continue for as long as the President is receiving some sort of benefit from it. As soon as the benefits cease, so will the war.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Second Thoughts on the Anti-Christ
The writings of Hippolytus which I have mentioned previously indicate that the Anti-Christ will head a democracy which is the eighth member of a group of 8 democracies.
Alphabetically this would be the United States, however Russia was the eighth country to join the G8. Therefore, Vladimir Putin could be the Anti-Christ.
In addition, the Anti-Christ would be the one to bring peace to a war-ravaged world. President Bush seems to be the person who is starting wars around the world, not the person to bring peace. This further suggests that President Bush is the person who will herald the Anti-Christ, not the Anti-Christ himself.
Finally, Hippolytus and Iraeneus indicate that the first military action of the Anti-Christ would be a strike against Lebanon, which has just occurred, not attacks against Afghanistan or Iraq. Next would come attacks against Ethiopia, Egypt and Libya. As of Oct 9, 2006, Islamic militants have declared jihad against Ethiopia, a further sign that the Anti-Christ may be someone other than George Bush.
Militant Islam would then seem to be the vehicle the Anti-Christ may use to achieve his rise to power, albeit covertly. Working from behind the scenes he will start the wars mentioned above. Later, he will step out from the shadows and bring peace to a war weary world, but probably not as a leader of Islam. The entire world will praise him for ending these wars which he himself had started. People everywhere will respect and admire him for his charisma and graciousness, for his apparent gentle strength and his ability to bring peace where all others have failed.
Alphabetically this would be the United States, however Russia was the eighth country to join the G8. Therefore, Vladimir Putin could be the Anti-Christ.
In addition, the Anti-Christ would be the one to bring peace to a war-ravaged world. President Bush seems to be the person who is starting wars around the world, not the person to bring peace. This further suggests that President Bush is the person who will herald the Anti-Christ, not the Anti-Christ himself.
Finally, Hippolytus and Iraeneus indicate that the first military action of the Anti-Christ would be a strike against Lebanon, which has just occurred, not attacks against Afghanistan or Iraq. Next would come attacks against Ethiopia, Egypt and Libya. As of Oct 9, 2006, Islamic militants have declared jihad against Ethiopia, a further sign that the Anti-Christ may be someone other than George Bush.
Militant Islam would then seem to be the vehicle the Anti-Christ may use to achieve his rise to power, albeit covertly. Working from behind the scenes he will start the wars mentioned above. Later, he will step out from the shadows and bring peace to a war weary world, but probably not as a leader of Islam. The entire world will praise him for ending these wars which he himself had started. People everywhere will respect and admire him for his charisma and graciousness, for his apparent gentle strength and his ability to bring peace where all others have failed.
Are School Shootings a Ploy to Ban Guns?
The recent spate of school shootings in American schools is a tragedy. Yet it will be a greater tragedy if we allow these horrific events to suspend one of our greatest rights - the right to keep and bear arms.
There is no current evidence to suggest that these events are in any way related, except perhaps as a result of copycats, nor that they are in any way being controlled or manipulated into being by covert sources. But they could be.
In any case, the greatest tragedy would be allow the Bush Administration to take the next step - to suspend our right to keep and bear arms.
This may be what they intend. Time will tell.
There is no current evidence to suggest that these events are in any way related, except perhaps as a result of copycats, nor that they are in any way being controlled or manipulated into being by covert sources. But they could be.
In any case, the greatest tragedy would be allow the Bush Administration to take the next step - to suspend our right to keep and bear arms.
This may be what they intend. Time will tell.
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