Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Safe Refuge During the Coming Police State

You may call this an opinion piece because I have no "solid evidence" to support the following":

As of today, Dec 6, 2011, my sources are telling me,

1. If you value your freedom and liberty, the United States is no longer the place to be. It will take another couple of years, but if you don't want to live in a police state, you had best begin plans to move out-country, preferably no later than summer 2012. see 3 and 4 below.

2. Both Newt and Romney are fully co-opted; to a lesser degree, so are most of the other GOP candidates. The only candidate who - so far - won't conform to the agenda is Ron Paul. But my sources have no data on Bachman, Huntsman or Santorum - too far out of the pack for the elite to pay any attention to yet. My sources are saying that whether Newt or Mitt is elected, they will both play the game and conform to the agenda laid out for them - essentially, nothing will change, although surface changes may occur to placate the "unruly."

3. Obviously, Obama is fully "in-camp." The only way to prevent a socialist-fascist-police state is for a non-co-opted candidate to win in November AND for both houses of Congress to elect a GOP majority.

4. My sources state they see no "human" solution to this mess. The only solution is to follow God's lead and do whatever He tells you to do. Just be sure it's God leading you.

5. Safe Refuge: the number of "safe refuges" in and outside of the United States has been reduced to the following. Although no place will truly be safe, these will all be better than the US. Two of these may come as a surprise. Seminole Res in Florida, Hopi Res in Arizona, Baja California Sur in Mexico, Aborigine lands in Australia, desert areas in Jordan, Israel, deep Sahara, Hong Kong, China (!?). Altho, if you're a Christian, you won't be able to practice your belief in Jordan or China, the situation in the US is planned to become so dire that all of these places will be far better and safer. The safest areas will be where no one else is, no one knows you're there and no one can find you.

6. If you choose to remain within the US, expect the following within a few years (with ANY human solution): midnight to dawn curfew, police or troops patrolling the streets, you won't be able to move money or take cash out of the country, food shortages, possible temporary spot electrical outages or brownouts, gasoline shortages, scattered rolling checkpoints on roads and highways across the US with other more stringent measures probable at a later time.

Caveat: Usually I tend to extremes, all of the above represents one extreme. The other extreme is that everything turns out exactly as we hope, the fed gov shrinks and begins turning a surplus. We pay down our debt, the troops come home because there are no more wars to fight, gas prices keep decreasing, the fed stops printing money, the dollar gains strength worldwide, the US returns to Constitutional principles, the TSA adopts a pragmatic method of airport screening without violating the Constitution, the FDA stops raiding homes and farms for "illegal" food or food supplies, cheap renewable energy sources are released, the economy recovers and millions of jobs are created, foreclosures stop and everyone pays off all their debts, people switch from a debt economy to a credit economy, regulations restricting private enterprise and restricting the free market are dropped, - anyone have anything else?

What usually happens is often in the middle of the two extremes. In this case, the middle would seem to be that nothing changes. Or, that only slight, primarily "cosmetic" changes occur.

I know I will face derision and ridicule from this post, but I feel it is necessary to post this to help - maybe that one person who may heed this advice - people who will listen. Sometimes people listen to what I say, sometimes not: for example:

Iraq War - prior to the invasion, I was vigorously opposed to any war because 1. the war would drag on for years and not take just a few weeks or months as we were being told, 2. "we would not find any wmd" - specific quote I made, 3. the cost of the war would be "at least 400 to 600 billion dollars" not 40 to 60 as I believe was being projected, 4. thousands of American lives would be lost not hundreds, 5. the invasion would trigger the activation of groups around the world to begin openly fomenting against the US and some of these groups - within and without Iraq - would take action destroying innocent lives, 6. nothing much would change regardless of what happened - the US would not be safer, the world would not be safer, Iraq Might be a tad bit safer, but there would be no clear cut increase in safety for American citizens, if anything, things might get a little worse - in my opinion they have - huge deficits, millions out of work, rapid decline in dollar, security not substantially increased, loss of freedom & liberty in the US.

2005 - In 2005 I began telling people about the real estate bubble and how it would burst within a year or two. I figured people had 1 year to get out and divest their real estate assets - and I advised them to put their returns in cash and ride out the consequences. Then be ready to jump back in and snap up property at bargain basement values. I began advising to Slowly get back in the market as of June of this year - keep 50% in cash and estimate a property may lose up to 30% current revenue. If it is still paying a profit, buy it - or flip it.

Begin your plans for safe refuge now, time is running out.

Monday, December 05, 2011

The Solution That Will Save Our Nation

It seems obvious to me that we as a nation, and we as a people, do not have the answers to the questions that divide us; we cannot even agree on the questions. It seems obvious to me that neither the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators, nor the Democrats, nor the Republicans, nor the Tea Party, nor the independents, nor Obama, nor Newt, nor Ron Paul, nor Romney have the solutions that are best for this nation.

Further, it seems obvious to me that although we all agree that the path we are on is the wrong path for this nation to travel, none of us can agree on what the right path is.

Therefore, I think we should forget about politics and about all the problems this nation has. We are not going to agree on the answers, we are not even going to agree on the questions.

No one knows who the best candidate is, but God knows. No one knows what the best solutions are for our nation, but God knows. No one knows how to heal the polarization between the parties or in Congress or how to unite us when so much seems to divide us. I don't have the answers to these questions nor does anyone, but God does.

We need to place all our concerns, questions and worries at the feet of God. Then we need to get down on our knees and pray. God has promised that if we are sincere and earnest and bring our concerns to him, he will meet us halfway and provide the answers to our prayers, the solutions to our questions and relief from our worries. He will dry our tears, remove our fear and bring us through safely to a new, brighter, better day.

We need to stop the bickering and ask God to show us the candidate who will be best for our nation.

We need to stop arguing amongst ourselves and ask God to show us what solutions are best for our country.

We need to stop blaming each other and ask God to show us what each of us must do personally to help God bring each of us and this nation back to Him.

Finally, we need to stop in our haste and the busyness of our every day lives and enjoy the life that God has ordained for us. We need to stop wondering what to do and ask God to show us what must be done to restore those things that made this nation great and made us a light to all nations.

We don't know the answers, we don't know the solutions, but God does, and He will show us what they are, if we but honestly, humbly and sincerely ask.

Friday, December 02, 2011

Building Wealth, Making Money

Beginning with industrialization, governments sought to expand their economies by replacing the long-term and slow growth modality of capital creation with the faster and more expedient means of debt creation. But as economies expanded, debt ballooned. Over time, as a nation's market expanded at a fairly steady pace (with the occasional downturn and setback), ensuring a commensurate increase in incomes, apparent wealth and living standards, the total debt increased at an exponential rate exceeding by many magnitudes the growth rate of the economy. As a result, at any major downturn and national or regional setback, nations businesses and individuals are left foundering in a sea of debt.

There can be no "fix" to an economy based on debt nor for a business' or individual's debt load unless the "fix" originates from the capital creation side of economic philosophy. However, as capital creation is slow and uneven this solution is unpalatable to nations and peoples accustomed to quick repairs, fast connections and instant gratification. To be told that a solution to debt can be guaranteed, but only after 10 or 20 years of hard work, with very little to show for the first half of that period, people and nations may opt for the more expedient solution of expanding their debt. Although this solution seems to solve the immediate debt, the existing debt doesn't go away, it is merely subsumed within the new debt. This seems to solve the immediate debt situation but in fact only moves the problem to a future date.

There is no solution to a debt crisis using the current model of debt creation. Under this model, current debt never goes away, it is only added to future debt. The only solution to a crisis of debt is debt that provides periodic income in excess of the periodic payments necessary to acquire that debt. Debt based on this new model is based on tangible assets, i.e. hard, fixed assets which cannot be easily dismantled or destroyed.

There are only four asset classes of production. These four classes are land (or real estate), labor, capital (cash), and intellectual property. In the modern era, each of these asset classes bears varying degrees of mortality risk based on the further distinction (subcategory) of that asset category, its location on the planet, competition and the market from which its revenues are derived. No place is absolutely safe; fires, earthquakes floods and storms can destroy a factory, warehouse or subdivision just as surely as war, a terrorist attack, competition or market decline.

Investment in debt is never a safe option. Debt is a soft asset, an intangible or paper asset which can lose value or be destroyed as easily as it was created. Whether the soft asset is student loans, mortgages, commodities, foreign exchange or highly leveraged derivatives, there is no assurance that any investment made today will be secure tomorrow. The characteristic of a soft asset which makes it easy to generate high returns over short periods of time is leverage. However, this leverage of return also leverages the degree of risk. The farther removed an asset is from a hard asset to a soft asset, the more inherent the risk built into the structure of that asset. Although this risk also leverages the potential rate of return, the increase in the return is simply not worth the increased risk as the current real estate crisis, worldwide currency crises, the slow decline of the dollar and international governmental debt crises all attest.

Income generating assets exist in a variety of forms and their return can exceed that of the more familiar debt model based asset vehicles. One of the most popular forms is stock ownership. Although this seems a contradiction in the capital creation concept, it is in fact a core concept; buy assets, not debt, buy ownership, not a promise. With stock, you are buying a piece of the company; when buying a student loan package, you are buying a promise.

Equity in a commercial enterprise is perhaps the easiest, least expensive and lowest risk means of initiating a capital creation strategy. To assure the proper perspective on equity purchases, an investor must view the asset for the periodic income it generates, not the projected cash-in value of the asset at some indeterminate time in the future. Each investor must view the asset as one that they will hold forever and then pass onto their heirs because of the income it generates (and additionally the value it adds to their estate). No investor should view such an asset as one they plan to sell in 10, 20, 30 or 40 years.

Indivduals, businesses and governments must all adopt the long view. This long view rests on a foundation of capital creation. Capital creation is the acquisition of assets which produce periodic, current income in excess of the payments required to purchase that asset.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6729612

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

America's Long Descent Into Night

The powers that be already control all the money in the world, they already control most of the natural resources and they already control most of the biggest corporations. The only thing they don't control is you.

Since the greed and lust of the powers that be requires them to control Everything, they must find a way to control you. They have already accomplished this to a large degree. The powers that be already control your money, your job and the way you view the economy. They have already made you dependent upon an educational system that trains people to become even more dependent upon the big corporations and the government. There is only one more thing to do to make you absolutely and completely dependent; there is only one more thing they must do to make you completely and totally a slave; they must make you completely subservient to them by stripping away your freedom and rights. The way they do this is through fear.

If this assessment is accurate, the powers that be will continue to chip away at our liberty by perpetuating our fear. They will degrade our liberty by continuously introducing new threats and new ways of combating those threats. Or they will introduce new methods of combating existing threats. These measures will all be introduced in the name of public safety, for national security, for the stability of the dollar or the economy or the stock market or to provide domestic peace or international stability. The authorities will say that these measures are necessary for peace and safety or to protect the people from danger. And the vast majority of Americans will accept these measures and the loss of their liberty, perhaps reluctantly, more likely willingly, but we will accept the loss of our liberty to protect ourselves from the evil the exists in the world, never realizing that the evil that exists in the world is the same blanket we cover ourselves with at night.

Our next President will be the person who conforms to the agenda of the powers that be, whether that be public or private, while garnering the greatest degree of public support. His or her public stance will most likely be that which expresses some degree of giving the government more control while, in other areas, proposing less. Once in office, the current trend will continue, regardless of who is in office or whether the next President is Republican or Democrat. The only way to stem this flow is for the people to elect the individual who advocates most strongly for the most limited size and role of government as possible.

The way of the future seems most certain and the following scenario most likely. A group of people small in number at first, but growing over time, will refuse to adhere to the fear-mongering fairy tales that beset us at every turn. They will grow fearless. Growing fearless, they will become less dependent. Becoming less dependent they will become more independent in terms of happiness, wealth and power. By not adhering to the common convention of fear and by demonstrating the power and wealth that slowly accrues to those who do not fear the scare stories, who do not fear responsibility and who do not fear liberty, more and more people will join them and become like them and the powers that be will see their power slipping away. Then, they will overreact.

At some critical point, when their own fear of loss of control has reached forced them to act, they will do so. The powers that be will unleash the most destructive and fearful acts they can imagine. The powers that be will unleash war, they may destroy nations - perhaps even the most powerful of nations - and they may even unleash nuclear holocaust. During this dark, dark period, many of those who had learned not to fear will learn fear once again. Many of those who had left the path of fear will turn back. The majority of the people who had escaped the control of the powers that be will slip back under their control. But a remnant of the truly free will escape. A small number of those who are truly without fear will remain without fear, they will not give in, they will not give up. They will remain free and independent. Though the powers that be may hunt them down from place to place, from state to state and from nation to nation, those who follow the Way will not fear and remain free. Eventually, the world will die. This may occur in a few years or may require several decades, but eventually the horrors released by the powers that be will consume all of the world that was. The way of life, the culture, the hedonism and materialism, the structures and institutions of the world that was will be no more. The powers that be will be gone along with all those who followed them and did not stand up for their rights but succumbed to their own fears.

Following the world of darkness will be a world of light. The small remnant of the free - the followers of the Way - will inherit a brave new world, a world brighter, bigger and better than the old. The old will make way for the new and the old will pass away. That which once was will be no more and true peace, love and harmony will reign in a world of love and light. This is the world that those who escaped the powers that be will inherit for it is written; "the meek shall inherit the earth."

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6724634

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Space Exploration, NASA, the USA & the Mission to Mars

I jumped into a recent conversation online which took the position that money invested into NASA and space exploration was a waste and could be better spent elsewhere at this time. My reply:

"The return on investment from NASA and space exploration has rivaled or exceeded that of many private investment vehicles. But this is because the gov was wise enough to allow the contractors to use the discoveries extracted from space research as they saw fit. I grew up when all of America hovered around a grainy black and white picture a few inches across to watch Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon. It was a very exciting time. The greatness and nobility of America is when we seek the dream - and then pull together to do it. The power of America lies in the ambition of our ideals, not in the fears of our hearts. The strength of America is when we dare the impossible and then do what it takes to get it done, not in worrying about the minutiae of roi or cash flow. The strength of the American people is the imagination to dream big and then stand on the moon. Mars is next. And we should do it.

America should put a crew on Mars because - as John Kennedy said, "not because it will be easy, but because it will be hard," we should put a crew on Mars not because it is something China would do, but because it is something America would do. America should put a crew on Mars not for any anticipated returns, but for the achievement of an ideal; America should put a crew on Mars not because it is what any nation would do, but because it is something that only a great nation can do, and America is a great nation. When we plant that American flag on the red sands of Mars, we do it not to prove to our enemies that we are a powerful nation that must be feared; we do it not to show to our friends and allies that we are a great nation, nor do we plant a flag on Mars to expand our territory or defend our status, no, we plant the red, white and blue on a far distant planet to prove that impossible dreams are possible to a people that dream big."

Sunday, November 13, 2011

America, Down and Out?

Millions are out of work; the real unemployment rate stands at somewhat above 16%. Thousands of demonstrators occupy city streets and parks while unions throw in their support for the demonstrators. Congress is paralyzed into immobility while the people seem confused, divided and rooted in chaos. America is facing dark days; our economy teeters on the edge of a cliff and foreclosures continue forcing American families into the streets and shelters and to live with relatives and friends. Things could be better.
The cafe is better when it is full of happy customers instead of being cold and dark.

The store next door is better when the cash registers are ringing up sales instead of having a sign on a boarded up window that says "Out of Business."

The downtown company is better when it has chairs full of productive employees instead of a room full of empty seats.

America may be facing a challenge, but we haven't chosen defeat.

We may have fallen, but we haven't given up.

And although we may have fumbled the ball, we haven't quit the game.

We may have millions of people out of work, but there is plenty of work to do.

The question is not whether there is work, the question is will the Federal Government and big companies and the big banks with their big bailouts get out of the way so we can do what needs to be done? We aren't looking for a bailout or a handout, we just need you to get out of the way.

Congress may be as paralyzed and as frozen as a cow patty in a Minnesota winter, but the people are alive and kicking.

We may not agree on what direction we should take, but we do agree that the direction we have been on is wrong.

We may not see eye to eye on everything we must do, but that does not mean we can't stand shoulder to shoulder to do something.

To the outside world, and even to ourselves, it may appear that we are divided, confused and stuck in chaos. It may look like a dirty, grimy mess, but this is America and our history proves to us that this is simply how Americans get things done.

Things don't get done in Washington D.C. or in the halls of Congress or in Times Square or on Wall Street. Things get done over the kitchen table, things get done in cafes and diners, things get done in the hallways and around the water coolers of every great place in America. Things get done where it counts, not in places where high priced lawyers pulling million dollar salaries debate over where to place a comma; things get done in the Mean Streets where we're trying to decide how best to pour the cement.

This is America, we have faced dark times before, we have struggled under recession and depression and near relentless enemies. We have faced famine and flood and natural disaster of every kind. We have seen bridges fail and we have rebuilt them, we have seen levees break and we have reconstructed them, we have experienced tragedy that has brought us to our knees and we have grieved but we didn't stay down. We wept together, we embraced our neighbors, we have helped each other back up, we have pulled together and gotten back to work. We were not down and out, we were getting ready.

We are Americans and this is America. Things may appear dark and bleak right now, it may appear as if we are in the midst of a storm, but better days are coming.

We are Americans, this is America; we are proud and we are strong and we are coming back, bigger, better, bolder, prouder and stronger than ever. We are not bent over under the weight of grief and despair, we are lacing our boots. We are not clenching our fists in hopelessness, we are putting on our gloves. We may be at the bottom of the count, but we are at the top of our game. We may be bruised, bloodied and battered, but like Rocky, we won't quit until we've won!

America is here, we are coming and we are coming out swinging! The world thinks they have us where they want us, but they don't know us; we can't be held back, we don't give up and we don't quit. When things are falling apart, Americans are pulling together; when things seem the darkest, Americans see the coming of dawn; when the rest of the world has given up, Americans are getting ready.

We are Americans, we are coming together to get things done because that's what needs to be done. We may not see eye to eye but we can stand shoulder to shoulder, we are not down and out, we are just getting ready. America is coming, we are coming back big, bold, proud and strong. We are going to be bigger, better and bolder than ever before. We are not down and out, we are on the rebound, and the rest of the world had better step aside because America is stepping up!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Water Flow Defense for Non-Violent Protest



Operations Manual

Defensive Tactic 1


“Brittle Barrier”

High Ground

Defense in Depth

Rendezvous Points


The Water Flow Defense is an operational tactic used in non-violent civil disobedience actions. The Water Flow Defense is designed to minimize losses while maximizing an effective resistance. Used in situations in which police forces are poised to neutralize a standing position; this standing position may be an encampment, occupied zone, standing demonstration or march.

A key point to remember is that the police cannot attack something which isn’t there.


As the police are assembling to drive against a standing position, preselected elements will assume 4 positions while previously relayed instructions will be repeated to all participants.

4 Positions

These four predetermined positions are as follows:

1. A group of volunteers will position as a line barrier across the police force anticipated avenue of approach. These volunteers may or may not link arms and/or sit down to provide additional strength in resisting police attempts to disperse them or arrest them. As it is likely that the police will use tear gas/pepper spray and/or sonic means to disrupt the barrier, barrier volunteers may wish to wear swim goggles to help protect the eyes, moistened handkerchiefs over the nose and mouth and ear protection of some type. Although these measures will provide a very limited means of protection, they may provide the few extra seconds necessary for other demonstrators to effectively move into their assigned positions.

The purpose of this “brittle barrier” is to last long enough to cause police forces to bunch up in front of it. This permits other groups to move into position. Members of this “brittle barrier” will be arrested, as such they must be fully aware of this contingency and be prepared for their arrest and possible injury.

The name of this line; “brittle barrier” is because it is designed to collapse after a few moments – or minutes if possible – allowing the police to move through the line of the barrier into the rearward areas.

2. Another group of volunteers will assume high ground positions – most likely rooftop positions – in positions which extend through and beyond police force masses. The purpose of these “high ground” volunteers – in peaceful disobedience – is to shout slogans at the police and capture with video and audio – livestreamed if possible – all police action against the encampment or standing position. These high ground positions must occupy all preselected positions within a radius of several blocks of the encampment and police assembly areas.

3. A third group will disperse from the encampment and move into position behind the police assembly areas. Movement to this position must avoid police contact and observation. Once assembled behind the police, these volunteers will silently observe the police assembly until the police initiate action against the encampment. Until the police initiate action, this group must remain at a distance behind the police force which is out of range of any immediate police response. This group will assemble in whatever locales the police force is assembling, i.e. if the police force is assembling in the street, this group will assemble in the streets behind the assembling police but at a distance the police cannot reach without dispersing themselves. When the police initiate action, this group will advance to close the distance between themselves and the police force, but not advance any closer than 20 to 50 feet until the moment the “brittle barrier” collapses. When the “brittle barrier” collapses, this group will close to contact.

4. Group four will be those volunteers who will position themselves along predetermined avenues of escape for the members of the encampment. Their purpose will be to guide encampment members to escape the encampment location quickly and safely to predetermined rendezvous points. “Rendezvous point” captains will be part of group four and will take position at their selected rendezvous points to receive encampment members and await further instructions.


As the police force begin their advance to the brittle barrier, members of the encampment will begin to decamp and move to their assigned rendezvous points. The intent of the brittle barrier is to both provide enough time for encampment members to safely decamp and bunch the police force for possible peaceful interaction.

As the police are clearing the encampment site, demonstrators located at the rendezvous points will either A. wait until police have left the area and then retake the encampment site, or B. upon further instruction, retire to another location (or locations) to establish a new encampment.


The objectives of the “Water Flow Defense” is to minimize arrests and injury by providing the police with no targets. All targets will have (ideally) dispersed to their predetermined rendezvous points when the police reach the encampment site.

An additional objective is to provide a continuity of demonstration or occupation with little disruption. Within a few hours - or perhaps days – demonstrators will have either returned to the original encampment site to continue their demonstration or have moved to a new location where their demonstration will continue.

A tertiary objective will be to allow livestreaming – if possible – of police action against the demonstrators and their encampment and/or provide evidence against the police in any future legal action. This will primarily come from the high ground positions and any sidewalk photojournalists.


The group three members will, upon contact with the police, take no action, but remain peaceful and non-violent at all times. As contact is made, the police will initiate all action. This group may either remain silent throughout their engagement, or begin shouting slogans when they begin their movement to contact. Should the police station a rearguard, the main body of group three will advance directly to contact while up to 30% may siphon off to side streets and overhead or underground passageways, circumventing police contact, to interposition themselves between the police rearguard and the main body of police.


The “Water Flow Defense” provides a means to continue a peaceful occupation or demonstration with little disruption in continuity. It provides a form of tactical “defense-in-depth” and positions demonstrators into advantageous locations where their collaboration can be maximized. The “Water Flow Defense” essentially, and effectively, leverages the fluid nature of the demonstrators against the static dynamic of police methodology.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Declaration of Independence

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary
for one people to dissolve the political bands which have
connected them with another, and to assume among the
powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to
which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them,
a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that
they should declare the causes which impel them to the

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable rights, that among these are
life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to
secure these rights, governments are instituted among men,
deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed. That whenever any form of government becomes
destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people
to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
government, laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall
seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long
established should not be changed for light and transient
causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that
mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are
sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the
forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long
train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the
same object evinces a design to reduce them under
absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty,
to throw off such government, and to provide new guards
for their future security. --Such has been the patient
sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the
necessity which constrains them to alter their former
systems of government. The history of the present King
of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and
usurpations, all having in direct object the
establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states.
To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome
and necessary for the public good.

He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate
and pressing importance, unless suspended in their
operation till his assent should be obtained; and when
so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation
of large districts of people, unless those people would
relinquish the right of representation in the
legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable
to tyrants only.

He has called together legislative bodies at places
unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository
of their public records, for the sole purpose of
fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for
opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights
of the people.

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions,
to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative
powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the
people at large for their exercise; the state remaining
in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion
from without, and convulsions within.

He has endeavored to prevent the population of these
states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for
naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others
to encourage their migration hither, and raising the
conditions of new appropriations of lands.

He has obstructed the administration of justice, by
refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary

He has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the
tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of
their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent
hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat
out their substance.

He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies
without the consent of our legislature.

He has affected to render the military independent of
and superior to civil power.

He has combined with others to subject us to a
jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and
unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their
acts of pretended legislation:

For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:

For protecting them, by mock trial, from punishment for
any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants
of these states:

For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world:

For imposing taxes on us without our consent:

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of trial
by jury:

For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for
pretended offenses:

For abolishing the free system of English laws in a
neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary
government, and enlarging its boundaries so as to render
it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing
the same absolute rule in these colonies:

For taking away our charters, abolishing our most
valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of
our governments:

For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring
themselves invested with power to legislate for us in
all cases whatsoever.

He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out
of his protection and waging war against us.

He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned
our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.

He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign
mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation
and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of
cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most
barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a
civilized nation.

He has constrained our fellow citizens taken captive on
the high seas to bear arms against their country, to
become the executioners of their friends and brethren,
or to fall themselves by their hands.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and
has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our
frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whose known
rule of warfare, is undistinguished destruction of all
ages, sexes and conditions.

In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned
for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated
petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.
A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act
which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of
a free people.

Nor have we been wanting in attention to our British
brethren. We have warned them from time to time of
attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable
jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the
circumstances of our emigration and settlement here.
We have appealed to their native justice and
magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of
our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which,
would inevitably interrupt our connections and
correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of
justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore,
acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our
separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of
mankind, enemies in war, in peace friends.

We, therefore, the representatives of the United States
of America, in General Congress, assembled, appealing
to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of
our intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority
of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish
and declare, that these united colonies are, and of
right ought to be free and independent states; that
they are absolved from all allegiance to the British
Crown, and that all political connection between them
and the state of Great Britain, is and ought to be
totally dissolved; and that as free and independent
states, they have full power to levy war, conclude
peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to
do all other acts and things which independent states
may of right do. And for the support of this
declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of
Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our
lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

New Hampshire: Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple,
Matthew Thornton

Massachusetts: John Hancock, Samual Adams, John Adams,
Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry

Rhode Island: Stephen Hopkins, William Ellery

Connecticut: Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntington,
William Williams, Oliver Wolcott

New York: William Floyd, Philip Livingston,
Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris

New Jersey: Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon,
Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark

Pennsylvania: Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush,
Benjamin Franklin, John Morton, George Clymer,
James Smith, George Taylor, James Wilson,
George Ross

Delaware: Caesar Rodney, George Read, Thomas McKean

Maryland: Samuel Chase, William Paca, Thomas Stone,
Charles Carroll of Carrollton

Virginia: George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee,
Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison,
Thomas Nelson, Jr., Francis Lightfoot Lee,
Carter Braxton

North Carolina: William Hooper, Joseph Hewes,
John Penn

South Carolina: Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward, Jr.,
Thomas Lynch, Jr., Arthur Middleton

Georgia: Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton

Source: The Pennsylvania Packet, July 8, 1776

Preamble to the Constitution

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Dead Bodies Everywhere

The stench of death lay heavy in the air. the place was a warzone. Buildings lay crumpled, destroyed, ruined. Trees are shattered. Tanks and Hummvees, trucks and the carcasses of cars are burning. I can still hear the staccato of automatic fire in the distance. The whop, whop, whop of a chopper passes overhead. Crouching behind a broken brick wall, I turn my shortwave radio to one of the last few remaining stations. It screeches and belches, but I can hear "...the war, nations,... millions killed" and then the station fades away. I don't know if it's from the giant sunstorms which fried the upper atmosphere and many of our satellites or from the nukes which finished off the cities. After the comets hit, it was every nation for itself. Unfortunately, almost
every nation seemed to have a grudge with the USA.

Is this a picture of our future? Is this what we can expect? Are you ready? For this? For the AntiChrist? For World War 3? Is this Armageddon?

The Book of Revelation in the Bible has been one of the most mysterious and hotly debated books in the Bible. Thousands have argued about its meaning and obscure symbolism for centuries. No one seems to agree on any one interpretation. But has the truth finally been discovered? Is there a new interpretation which makes sense for today?

Find out for yourself.

Uncover the secrets of Revelation with "The Book of Revelation An Interpretation for Today". Make today the last day you won't be ready.

Get it here - copy and paste -> http://amzn.to/jk0Xr0

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Coming of the AntiChrist - Deception Unveiled - A Speculation

1. 1. Thursday - May 19, 2011

President Obama suggests Israel should return to 1967 borders allowing the establishment of a Palestinian state.

2. 2. Friday – May 20, 2011

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, meeting with President Obama, declares that Israel will never relinquish control of the lands it captured in the Six Day War of 1967, because those borders are indefensible.

3. 3. The Muslim world is intent upon the creation of a Palestinian state located on the lands Israel captured in 1967. One of the nations most intent upon this quest is Iran.

A Possible Conclusion

A. Would the Muslim world agree to relinquish the 3rd holiest location in Islam, the Dome of the Rock Mosque in Jerusalem, traditional site of Solomon’s Temple, in exchange for receiving the lands Israel conquered in 1967 and permitting the Israelis to tear down the Mosque in order to rebuild the Temple?

B. Would Israel agree to revert to its pre-1967 borders in exchange for two conditions:

1. To receive the Dome of the Rock Mosque in Jerusalem in order to tear it down and rebuild Solomon’s Temple,

2. That the United States and/or NATO and/or other bodies guarantee the borders of Israel?


1) – Layer 1 – The Overt Layer

The first layer of deception is the obvious layer. This is where things appear to be as they are and very few dig any deeper to identify possible hidden meanings. Those who do are often ridiculed as “Conspiracy Theorists” or “Biblical” or “Christian fanatics”. This first layer is the world as we see it and is good enough for the “dumbed down” population. They blindly accept what they obviously see.

2) – Layer 2 – The Biblical Layer

This layer is in accordance with what most of those who study the Bible and attend church could accept. Their interpretations of the meaning of the Bible are a result of their study and their degree of understanding. Although not necessarily wrong, their understanding may not be deep enough to identify the full truth.

3) – Layer 3 – The Deep Layer

The “general” layer; so-called because its thread runs throughout history from the time of Satan’s deception of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The purpose of the first two layers above is to convince people no further layers of meaning exist – that there is no deeper intent or meaning. Additionally, the purpose of the first two layers is to assure people that their understanding is complete and accurate – at whatever level they are willing to discern. Here, the symbols of Layer 2 are symbols hiding the meaning of the symbols of Layer 3.


“I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads… One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast.”

Revelation 13, 1 & 3

On May 2, 2011, United States Special Forces – SEAL Team 6 – attacked Osama Bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan at 1AM local time killing him with a shot to the chest and another to the head. Either shot may have been fatal, but the shot to the head most certainly was. His body was retrieved by SEAL Team 6 for identification and upon verification of his identity, the body was washed according to Islamic tradition. His body was transported to the USS Carl Vinson, an aircraft carrier stationed in the Arabian (Persian) Gulf. An Islamic service was held aboard the aircraft carrier and Osama Bin Laden’s body was buried at sea on May 3. Photos of his body and his burial at sea were not made public.

Although Revelation 13: 1 & 3 seem to suggest a state or organization rather than a person, if, in some way, Osama Bin Laden is resurrected or reappears, this event alone may unite the entire Islamic world. Neither the Bible nor any other source indicate that Satan has the power to resurrect the dead. That does not mean he couldn’t do it, only that, to date, he has not. However, this power seems reserved to God. But if, Osama Bin Laden were to reappear apparently from out of the sea or from the sea, everyone would be convinced it was God who did it, further verifying and confirming the “righteousness” and “accuracy”, in their eyes, of the absolute authority of the Islamic religion by Muslims everywhere.

If Osama Bin Laden were to reappear, the probability is that such a person is either an imposter, or that the person killed by SEAL Team 6 was an imposter leaving the real Osama Bin Laden free to reenter the world. According to ABC News, the DNA which positively identified the body killed by SEAL Team 6 as Osama Bin Laden’s was confirmed by Mass General Hospital, which had samples of Osama’s sisters’ DNA in storage. When asked by the Boston Metro newspaper if this were true, officials at Mass General stated they could not confirm such allegations.


Located in Jerusalem upon the traditional site of Solomon’s Temple, the Dome of the Rock Mosque is the third holiest site in Islam. It is said that here, Mohammed , the founder of Islam, was taken by the angel Gabriel to pray with Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Traditionally, he later ascended to heaven from here and this is also believed to be the rock upon which Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac.

Completed in 691 AD, The Dome of the Rock Mosque slowly sank into a period of decay and disrepair. This accelerated under the British Mandate established in 1918 in the Middle East when Great Britain acquired the Middle Eastern lands of the Ottoman Empire, an ally of Germany. The Ottoman Empire was the world’s first Islamic state and according to some records, the Ottoman Empire was established in 1290AD.

In 1964, King Saud Bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia at the request of the Islamic Council, asked a construction engineer, contractor and friend of the king, to not only restore the Mosque to its former glory, but to enlarge it and make it more beautiful than before. This construction contractor was Mohammed Bin Laden, father to Osama Bin Laden. This may provide Osama Bin Laden with some degree of claim and authority over the Dome of the Rock.

If a resurrected Osama Bin Laden were to claim this authority, he may consider encouraging Israel to withdraw to its pre-1967 borders by offering the Dome of the Rock Mosque in exchange. Israel would then be free to tear down the mosque and rebuild its temple.

More recently, an Israeli has concluded that the Temple of Solomon, the Temple desired by Jews everywhere, actually stood a few meters from the Dome of the Rock. This would permit the construction of the temple without disturbing the mosque. The two would be separated by a long, high wall.

As leader of the Islamic world, and perhaps as the 12th Imam and Caliph, Muslims may accept either of these proposals should either be recommended by Osama Bin Laden.

All of this is simply speculation. But if any of this is fulfilled, we may indeed be living in the End Times; the Last Days may be upon us.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2011 Inflation Estimate

I stopped doing the inflation estimates because my figures were so far off the "official" estimates, I knew someone was manipulating the figures. Now I have discovered that the official US government estimates are not based on the actual inflation rate, but rather on an target figure so as not to make the inflation rate appear too high.

Hmmm. That doesn't serve the American people in any way whatsoever. The federal government should be stating the facts, not fudging the figures. They should be trusting the American people to make up their own mind on the issues. But if the feds did that, they all may be looking for a new job...

With that in mind, it seems that my inflation estimates were accurate after all. Although there is no real way of establishing the real rate of inflation because of all the fudging of the figures that goes on, my estimate has been accurate within .1-.5% since 1986.

My inflation estimate for 2011 is 11.06%. This is a target and the range of the target is up to 1 point plus or minus. i am using the best data I have access to so we will see at the end of the year how accurate I am.

11.06% is particularly high and indicates a severe crisis in the economy. Debt, unemployment, non-discretionary spending, defense spending, rising gas and food prices, rising prices in commodities and rising prices in basic essentials are all contributing to this crisis. I have a solution but it is a bitter pill to swallow and I am guessing it won't happen.

If we don't resolve these problems - and the only solution is God, not man - we will self-destruct. I don't know if it will happen next week or next year, I don't know if it won't happen for another 100 or 500 years, but the problem is now, we also must find the solution now.

We are destroying the Earth with our pollution and industrial based economy. We are destroying families and lives with our consumer approach to spending. To understand why this is dangerous, you can read my article on Ezinearticles.com "A Quick Lesson in Economics"

We must find a solution and we must find it quickly.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Killing the Snake

Killing the Snake

Defeating the Islamic Extremists

Copyright 2011 by Perry Jones

(A Draft)

A counterinsurgency strategy is based on an understanding of the underlying causes of that insurgency. Attriting the existing members of that insurgency will not defeat the insurgency. Overturning the governments which seem to support or assist insurgency will not defeat the insurgents. In fact, both of these actions may radicalize those individuals not currently aligned or supportive of the insurgents and increase the number of insurgents available to the cause.

A primary underlying cause of insurgency is the ideology of those believing in the goals and aims of that cause. An ideology cannot be defeated with weapons or occupation of “enemy” territory; the weapons in play are ideas, the locations are every nation, city, village and home in the world.

One of the first acts in defeating a conventional enemy is to cut off the enemy’s ability to communicate. This eliminates the ability of the enemy to control and command his elements in the field leading to disorganization and mislocation of those elements. This leaves those elements vulnerable to attack and elimination.

The act of cutting off the insurgent’s ability to communicate may prove effective at a global level; the worldwide leadership, financial support and ideological recruitment on a mass scale would be eliminated. This will not eliminate local leadership, financial support or recruitment. These actions will continue regardless of how many “terrorist” nations are occupied or how many terrorists are killed.

Muslims believe that Islam is a superior ideology, it is not just a religion, it is a way of life which filters and colors every aspect of Islamic society. In the West, democracy is a form of government which separates religion from the state and empowers the individual over their leaders. Western women are not beholden to men, the people are not beholden to their leaders who govern and the faithful are not beholden to their clergy. In Islam, these roles are reversed. Democracy is a bottom up way of life, Islam is a top down form. In democracy, control rests with the people, in Islam, control rests with the leadership. And that is the fundamental difference. It is also the key weakness.

The objective of a leadership is to conserve or expand their power; every contrary belief, ideology or government is a threat to that power and therefore must be countered and vigorously opposed. The radical mullahs and imams are following this role exactly.

Around the world, the extremists are spreading their ideology of hate and vitriol. They shout slogans meant to inspire and enrage. They paint the western world as evil, with the leader of the western world - the United States – as the “great Satan”. With the interconnectedness of the worldwide web, the radical extremists themselves are deeply intertwined as a den of snakes is intertwined. Cutting their communications separates the snakes, but does not kill them.

Over the last several years, we have seen that one strategy to counter terrorism and aggression will be ineffective; to convince the enemy leadership that hostile actions on their part will spell defeat rather than victory. The mullahs and imams are convinced of their eventual success and are willing to die to achieve it. When one is captured or killed, another steps up to take their place, the ideology is not diminished, their war effort does not stumble, it continues essentially unchanged.

We must find another means of leverage rather than the weapons of war and the hypocritical foreign policy we now follow. We must convince the Islamic leadership, all of them, that aggression against the West will spell the end if Islam. Alternatively, we must convince the leaders and the Muslim people that the true nature of Islam seeks to abide in peace and cooperation with other states and religions.

In Nazi Germany, Hitler’s followers and war machine were constrained by geography; the geographical field of battle for radical Islam is the world. With Nazi leadership, there were a few who held power and maintained their ideology. With this power, they convinced their people that their worldview was accurate and true. Using media and mass meetings they informed their people of the ills of their enemies focusing the attention and anger of their people against their enemy fanning the flame of their rage. The mullahs and imams are following this same strategy. Using mosques, madras, mass media and worldwide communications, the radical leadership convinces their people of the evils of the Western world. They convince people that the Western world’s politics is evil, our economy is evil, our culture is evil, our foreign policy is evil, our disparate religions are evil and our liberalization of women and education are evil. These are points which cannot be easily countered as they appear accurate from one point of perspective. We can believe that our culture, politics and religions and the separation of church and state are superior, but from the point of view of the Islamic world, they are not.

Strategies for Defeating the Extremists

The extremists believe they are serving the wishes of Allah, they understand that Allah is the guiding force and principle that drives their ideology. With this single statement, we see the key to defeat the Islamic extremists.

There are two methods we can employ to win this war. Or, perhaps, we can employ both to some degree. The first is that, if the imams and mullahs believe Allah is their guiding force, is encouraging them and approving of their actions, (and they do) we must convince them that Allah is not. We must convince the extremists that Allah is opposed to violence, that Allah is opposed to the forced introduction of Islam into nations and communities that do not currently have an Islamic following and that Allah does not support the denigration of spirit or the continued illiteracy of the individual. And we must convince the extreme mullahs and imams that Allah will punish those who support violence, radicalism and extremism in the name of Islam.

A second method is to educate, employ and advance the common Muslim into an understanding of a world that has no place for violence, destruction or hatred and to convince the everyday Muslim that a personal policy of peace, education, hard work, entrepreneurship and honesty and integrity is the fastest and surest path to assure the achievement of the stated tenets and goals of Islam and of their own and their families benefit.

Islam is a great and peaceful religion which can peacefully and cooperatively coexist with other religions and non-Islam states. This is the heritage and history of Islam and we must remind the Muslim people of this historical legacy of Islam.

In pursuit of method one, we must place doubt in the minds of those who lead and direct the extremist movement. We must position Western trained and/or progressive Islam viewing imams, mullahs and Islamic scholars in two positions in Islamic society. One position is as a key advisor to those who make the decisions. These people must be willing to sacrifice their lives and die at the hands of their own people or Westerners because their cover will be so deep, no one will know who they are. As key advisor, they should relay doubt on decisions and actions of the decision makers by asking “would Allah really approve?,” by quoting surahs from the Quran which show an alternative to that decision, by identifying hadiths and historical actions which will benefit the cause of peace and by the continuous application of doubt about hostile actions and encouragement for peaceful actions.

The second position for these progressive individuals is within their communities. As university professors, doctors, lawyers, school teachers, local authorities, judges et al, the impact these progressive individuals can play in their communities can be substantial. Their influence will not only be contained within their community, but as their message filters out into the general population, it will eventually circle the globe. These progressive individuals must also view themselves as potential martyrs for a more peaceful world. As visible promoters of a progressive Islam within their communities, their safety and security can, perhaps, be addressed but not assured by Western military and intelligence actions.

In either case, identifiable contact between these individuals and any Western military, intelligence or even perhaps any Western person may compromise their position and undermine their influence.

In pursuit of method two, wherever possible, schools for the school age and training centers for those above school age should be established. The world has entered into a new economic period and the old style of economics has failed. A new style of personally integrated economics emphasizing personal financial responsibility must be established. Self sufficiency in homes and communities must be encouraged. Individual entrepreneurship must be encouraged. A job is no longer a guarantee of income and has never been a guarantee of future financial freedom or a source of individual empowerment. Literacy, Islamic and world history, mathematics and creative artistic studies must be encouraged in each school and training center. Islam must be encouraged to embrace the potential of the individual, not to suppress it.

Neither of these two methods will end this war overnight or even in a year or two. Both will take time and perhaps even a decade or more. In the meantime, we must protect our homeland without abrogating our rights, encourage peace without sacrificing our principles and promote change without losing our heritage. The battle will not be easy but it can be won. This war will require persistence and determination perhaps over many years, but we won the Cold War, we can do it again.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Investing in the Future

A Policy for the Next President
This is a work in process and is subject to expansion, change and clarification.

Investing in the Future

Policy of the United States

I. Foreign Policy

II. The Military

III. Domestic Policy

Foreign Policy

1. Nuclear Proliferation – The policy of the United States shall be to prevent states from acquiring nuclear weapons. It is understood that states have a need for self-defense as well as a need for energy. The United States supports the Non-Proliferation Treaty and supports the introduction of nuclear power plants into any nation which deems it necessary to introduce them. The objective of the United States is that the most efficient, green and technologically advanced power plants are desirable. Several states possess nuclear weapons. These weapons must be kept safe and secure from all threats from within and without that nation. If necessary, to protect these weapons from falling into the hands of terrorists or international criminal organizations or entities, the United States will act unilaterally to secure these weapons. Fissionable materials and nuclear waste currently in existence and that which may be generated by future activities must be secured and adequately disposed within the highest international standards.

2. Green Energy – Global warming threatens the existence of humanity. Though scientific surveys and advisers may disagree, it cannot be discounted that carbon gasses in the atmosphere pose a threat to the environment and may already have done nearly irreparable damage. Therefore, the objective of the United States shall be to promote green energy in any way possible within fiscal responsibility. This shall hold forth regardless of the state or organization researching or providing said technology.

3. International Infrastructure - The United States supports 100% complete self-sufficiency in each community, urban area, residence and facility and shall seek, encourage and promote all research and activities to secure such promise. Medical facilities of appropriate scale and educational facilities with programs in consideration of the customs, culture and history of the location shall be maintained but also those which provide education in world history, democratic process and moral and immoral capitalism and other economic forms shall be provided. Individual farming, household water management, facility waste management, home energy sufficiency and other programs as identified which promote and provide individual and household independence and self-sufficiency from centrally organized networks shall be established and researched. Highways, dams, railways and other transportation modes shall be encouraged to promote interdiversity, education, economic progress, the democratic process and facilitate integration of worldwide tolerance.

4. Ocean Fishing – Worldwide fisheries are becoming exhausted. Continued overfishing will deplete the replenishment of fish within their fishing banks. The United States shall support a worldwide rotation of states undertaking fishing within common fisheries. In addition, the United States shall introduce to the United Nations legislation that creates an organization which regulates “ocean ranching.” As in the Old West of the United States, research shall be undertaken until a solution is discovered permitting the operation of fishing ranches worldwide. These will operate by providing safety and security to breeding populations of seagoing creatures, feeding them and then harvesting them at maturity when the cycle will renew.

5. Whaling – Cetaceans are intelligent creatures. No research can be done on any intelligent creature without that creature’s assent. If there is no communication between you and that creature, there is no assent. Whaling is illegal, the United States shall protect to whatever degree whales from being slaughtered by any nation by any means necessary.

6. Piracy – Piracy is an act of war committed by individuals against seagoing vessels and commerce. The United States shall instruct the United States Navy and Marine Corps to maintain a presence in known areas of pirate activity thereby to destroy without recourse any and all those caught in the act of piracy. Those who are captured without being caught in the act of piracy yet are suspected of such actions will be classified as terrorists.

7. Terrorist Prisoners – Terrorist prisoners are prisoners of war and will be detained under the auspices of the Geneva Convention with all the rights granted thereto with certain exceptions. The exception is that the ideology of terrorism is a permanent cause. Releasing any terrorist prisoner back into the mainstream of life will only yield future acts of terrorism by that individual. Therefore, the United States shall seek provision from the United Nations to treat all terrorist prisoners as war criminals which, if convicted, shall bear the penalty of life or at minimum life under incarceration. Should the United Nations or other international body fail in its obligation to classify these prisoners as war criminals and to exact the suggested penalty, the United States retains the right to act unilaterally within these guidelines with all terrorist prisoners it holds.

8. The Internet – The objective of the United States is a worldwide internet free of governmental restriction or control of any kind by any nation. An unfettered, free and open internet in each and every country is the objective of the United States. As such an unfettered, free internet will provide for the illegal action of individuals exploiting children, pornography, identity or monetary theft and fraud or crimes against which a nation may hold, the United States shall promote the ability of each state to investigate, capture and prosecute each activity as that state shall deem fit. The restriction of the internet is not permissible in the view of the United States and the United States shall actively pursue the openness and freedom of the internet in each and every state, but also encourage each state to justly uphold and enforce its own laws within international stated parameters.

9. Economics –

a. A global economy cannot be denied. The reality of each state intertwined economically with all others is a current and future state. The objective of the United States is to encourage the growth in the economy of each nation and state, the promotion and introduction of capitalism to each nation of the world at a time and manner suitable for that nation and the establishment of capitalism unique to the culture, history and customs of that state.

b. The immorality of uncontrolled capitalism cannot be denied as the Robber Barons of the United States 19th and early 20th centuries attest and as the Enron’s, Bernie Madoff’s and Wall Street bonuses at the expense of Main Street America of current times present. The United States shall propose new legislation both internationally and domestically which bears real teeth for any grievance of illegality. This proposal shall include - upon complaint, investigation, justification and warrant - immediate seizure and impoundment of all a corporation’s assets and facilities, immediate cessation of all activities, immediate imprisonment of all executives and replacement of executives with federal agents thoroughly trained and certified in corporate management and operations. Executives shall be released from imprisonment only upon completion of filing of appropriate charges and presentment of bail as ordered. Corporations so seized shall be returned to operations under federal management as soon as conditions permit but within 24 to 48 hours whenever possible. Future disposition of such corporations shall remit to legislation and may include continued operations with no further action, sell-off of assets or other restructuring as may be determined.

10. Capitalism – A new form of capitalism must be devised. The capitalism of the past has failed. The greed and immorality inherent within the human heart bears fruition within a capitalist (or even socialist, fascist or other) system. A prosumer, individual approach to financial capability must be established. The United States shall seek to establish in each worldwide urban area a school of capitalism that teaches this new form of capitalism to all students. This new form of capitalism must take morality, spirituality, individualism and care for others, amongst other items, into consideration. Individual savings, individual self-employment, individual financial independence, individual self-sufficiency and individual green living are all tenets of the new capitalism.

a. World Bank and IMF – The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are prime examples of the misdirection of the old style of capitalism. These institutions must be restructured to secure true rewards for the people of the area in which economic progress and peaceful modernization is the objective. This restructuring must include the tenets of the new capitalism.

11. Democracy – The policy of the United States is to promote and encourage democracy in each and every nation. The mode of democracy must be unique to that state with consideration of the culture, history and customs of the people of that state. The United States shall promote the peaceful integration of democracy within each state at a rate that state shall deem appropriate. The United States shall not seek to enforce or require any state to accept the United States brand of democracy except that the rights of each person shall be respected as well as the one person, one vote, openness of the democratic process, transparency of government and freedom of political parties philosophy of democracy shall be maintained.

12. War Policy –

a. The United States shall herewith not intervene overtly or covertly in the internal affairs of any state which adheres to internationally accepted norms of freedom and democracy. The United States shall not enter into war with any state without hostile action from that state. Hostile action may include, but is not restricted to, nation-state hostilities, state-sponsored terrorism or individual or group terrorism or hostilities. The United States will respond to protect and preserve the lives, rights, assets and freedoms of American citizens in any state.

b. The Strategy of Peace – This initiative is the modus operandi of the United States; to avert war, we must prepare for war; to ensure peace, we must be assertive in our policies, to be a leader, we must be adamant in our principles. We will conduct our international relations in accordance with this policy as it presents an understanding of the human control of nation-state and group hostile actions committed upon others. To secure peace, the United States must not only be assertive, it must also understand the mind of those who would call for war or aggression against the United States or its citizens.

13. Intelligence Policy – To prevent war, the United States must be prepared for war. To prepare for war appropriately requires that the United States secure accurate information regarding the actions and plans of any potential adversary. This accurate information may be gathered in modes which the United States deems necessary and appropriate to achieve its goals including that of covert action and covert surveillance. Any and all information gathered must remain secure and classified for a sanctioned interval of time.

14. Natural Resources – Natural resources are a worldwide commodity controlled by a state or several states. The right of each state to control its commodities as it sees fit within international norms shall not be restricted. United States policy shall be to allow nation-state control and administration of its natural resources vis-a-vis such management does not adversely affect world affairs or economic progress.

15. International Space Command – The United States shall seek an International Space Command organized under the auspices of the United Nations to provide for the training, access and exploration of space for all nations. Planet Earth is becoming overcrowded and resources are depleting while an inexhaustible supply of resources and living space exists just a few hundred kilometers overhead. The peaceful and green exploration and development of space shall be the goal and purpose of this organization. Headquarters of the International Space Command will be made available, perhaps utilizing the former Presidio of San Francisco.

16. Foreign Policy – The United States does not exist in a unilateral world. A global, multi-polar world has grown all around the United States and the United States must seize the initiative to be the leader of the global community. This requires commitment to international norms of behavior, adherence to the rights and principles of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and establishing open lines of communication with allies, friends and foes alike. No longer will the United States support dictators and totalitarian regimes in countries whose sole benefit to the United States is their resources, strategic position or influence with their neighbors. Support for any such states or leaders, whether overt or covert, shall be terminated.

17. Russia – The United States policy is to establish and maintain Russia as a true, strong and valuable ally of the United States.

18. Vietnam – We seek a raproachment with Vietnam. To serve that end, the United States shall initiate and promote continued communications with the Vietnam government, joint operations with its military and an engagement with the commerce and democratic process of the people of Vietnam. The United States shall upon request, station troops along the Vietnam-Chinese border to preserve the territorial integrity of the state of Vietnam. The objective of the United States is a peaceful, open Vietnam with a movement toward the new capitalism and democratic process.

19. Cuba – Fidel Castro has stated that the communist form of economics has failed although the Revolution lives on. The Revolution that Fidel speaks of is that of the immoral and greed of the old (current) capitalist model.

20. China – China is a strong and stable ally in East Asia. We must find ways of cultivating that relationship while maintaining our security and the security of other nations and territories in the area.

a. With this in mind however, we note the increasing aggressiveness and imperialist tendencies of China. The United States will seek to thwart these tendencies in ways that promote peace, liberty and security of the region while protecting and enhancing the natural rights of all people. We will applaud every effort of China to expand and extend democracy in their own land and we will condemn every reversal or diminution of this. We fully expect China will apply this same policy to the United States.

b. Tibet: The Office of the President of the United States privately acknowledges that Tibet has been part of China for many hundreds of years. We have no idea where the propaganda of a free Tibet originated or what purpose it serves. Having said that, we support the Dalai Lama in his efforts at peace and stability and for the integration of Tibet into the world community. Publicly, the United States will support the call of a free Tibet but shall not act to make this a reality, except in meetings with the exiled Tibetan government headed by the Dalai Lama.

c. Stealth: We hereby acknowledge that China possesses stealth technology that may equal or exceed the United States’ own stealth capabilities. We understand that China is in possession of stealth missiles, aircraft and submarines the United States cannot currently detect. Any intrusion into United States, Canadian or Mexican airspace or any violation of territorial integrity, whether land or sea, of any three, will be considered an act of war and specific measures to counter said threat shall be undertaken.

d. Commandos: Chinese commandos, special operations forces and military, paramilitary or terrorist personnel violating the airspace or assuming a presence on the ground or sea within the United States, Canada or Mexico will be considered an act of war. The United States hereby authorizes the use of lethal force. After the first warning and return of surviving prisoners to China, no prisoners shall be taken.

e. Any attack or destruction of United States equipment, materials, disruption of supplies or death of United States citizens whether military or civilian whether in or over the United States or territories or allies thereof or any third country or international or spatial region where the United States maintains a presence, will be countered with equivalent and direct force.

f. Taiwan: The United States is a friend and ally of Taiwan. Any threat to Taiwan by China will be countered, any attack will be countered and every attempt to thwart the special relationship the United States maintains with Taiwan will be countered. If China wants Taiwan, they must fight us for it.

g. Pacific Friends and Allies: The territories of the United States and the friends and allies of the United States throughout the Pacific and Indian Ocean region are under the military protection of the United States.

h. Freedom of Religion/Christianity: The United States seeks to promote freedom of religion within China. The assault of churches and believers, destruction of churches and meeting centers, arrest, detention and torture of attendees at services has been duly noted. The United States condemns such action. Upon request and whenever possible, the United States will support and donate materials, funds and supplies to the establishment and maintenance of any religious center or organization so requesting.

i. Freedom of Assembly/Protest/Demonstration/Redress: The right of any and all human beings to meet and protest, demonstrate for or against a cause or their government to petition their government or elected or public figures for redress of grievances, to seek equitable justice by or from their government or public officials and to associate with one another shall not be denied, prohibited, interfered with or prevented by China, as assessed by the United states or appropriate world body, and will not be condoned by the United States and may be met with an action of condemnation, sanctions or other action as is deemed necessary and appropriate by the United States.

j. Freedom of Speech/Press/Internet: China’s sometimes subtle and sometimes open and aggressiveness hostile action against its own citizens seeking these rights and the use of these measures has been noted. The United States shall not condone any action when observed.

k. Cyber Warfare: The increasingly aggressiveness and hostile actions by China against the United States and the world community has been duly noted. Each and every hostile action by China in the cybersphere shall be considered an act of war and countered with equal force.

21. North Korea – North Korea is waiting for reunification. We must push for that reunification with South Korea as soon as possible. The United States will seek to restrain and prevent North Korea from violating the peace, liberty or security of its neighbors or of the world.

22. Japan – Our ally Japan has been aligned with the US and with US interests since the end of World War 2. Following a carefully executed economic policy with the quality control standards of W. Edward Deming and a manufacturing process copied from the US, Japan has been a shining example of what many nations can aspire to. Japan’s economy is uniquely Japanese, highly capitalistic and free flowing. Although there are problems, there are no problems which the Japanese cannot handle on their own.

23. Asia – The nations of East and South Asia are the fastest growing economies of the world. Each uniquely their own, yet each is a member of the growing world community. We must assure the unfettered progress, growth and integrity of each of these while it lives in peace with its neighbors, its own population enjoys the enhanced wealth of a world economy and the world benefits from the culturally diverse natures of each entity.

24. Europe – The nations of Europe are the ancestral home for the vast majority of Americans. The United States is close allies with or friendly with nearly all nations of Europe. The nations of Europe are all generally democracies, each with their own particular flavor of democracy.

25. Africa – Africa is a great, historic and beautiful continent of majestic scenery, rich history and enthralling culture. Many nations exist on the African continent, some of which are friends or allies with the United States and some of which are not. Each nation shall be treated in due measure with the full consideration of its relationship with its people, its role on the world stage and its association with the United States.