Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Safe Refuge During the Coming Police State

You may call this an opinion piece because I have no "solid evidence" to support the following":

As of today, Dec 6, 2011, my sources are telling me,

1. If you value your freedom and liberty, the United States is no longer the place to be. It will take another couple of years, but if you don't want to live in a police state, you had best begin plans to move out-country, preferably no later than summer 2012. see 3 and 4 below.

2. Both Newt and Romney are fully co-opted; to a lesser degree, so are most of the other GOP candidates. The only candidate who - so far - won't conform to the agenda is Ron Paul. But my sources have no data on Bachman, Huntsman or Santorum - too far out of the pack for the elite to pay any attention to yet. My sources are saying that whether Newt or Mitt is elected, they will both play the game and conform to the agenda laid out for them - essentially, nothing will change, although surface changes may occur to placate the "unruly."

3. Obviously, Obama is fully "in-camp." The only way to prevent a socialist-fascist-police state is for a non-co-opted candidate to win in November AND for both houses of Congress to elect a GOP majority.

4. My sources state they see no "human" solution to this mess. The only solution is to follow God's lead and do whatever He tells you to do. Just be sure it's God leading you.

5. Safe Refuge: the number of "safe refuges" in and outside of the United States has been reduced to the following. Although no place will truly be safe, these will all be better than the US. Two of these may come as a surprise. Seminole Res in Florida, Hopi Res in Arizona, Baja California Sur in Mexico, Aborigine lands in Australia, desert areas in Jordan, Israel, deep Sahara, Hong Kong, China (!?). Altho, if you're a Christian, you won't be able to practice your belief in Jordan or China, the situation in the US is planned to become so dire that all of these places will be far better and safer. The safest areas will be where no one else is, no one knows you're there and no one can find you.

6. If you choose to remain within the US, expect the following within a few years (with ANY human solution): midnight to dawn curfew, police or troops patrolling the streets, you won't be able to move money or take cash out of the country, food shortages, possible temporary spot electrical outages or brownouts, gasoline shortages, scattered rolling checkpoints on roads and highways across the US with other more stringent measures probable at a later time.

Caveat: Usually I tend to extremes, all of the above represents one extreme. The other extreme is that everything turns out exactly as we hope, the fed gov shrinks and begins turning a surplus. We pay down our debt, the troops come home because there are no more wars to fight, gas prices keep decreasing, the fed stops printing money, the dollar gains strength worldwide, the US returns to Constitutional principles, the TSA adopts a pragmatic method of airport screening without violating the Constitution, the FDA stops raiding homes and farms for "illegal" food or food supplies, cheap renewable energy sources are released, the economy recovers and millions of jobs are created, foreclosures stop and everyone pays off all their debts, people switch from a debt economy to a credit economy, regulations restricting private enterprise and restricting the free market are dropped, - anyone have anything else?

What usually happens is often in the middle of the two extremes. In this case, the middle would seem to be that nothing changes. Or, that only slight, primarily "cosmetic" changes occur.

I know I will face derision and ridicule from this post, but I feel it is necessary to post this to help - maybe that one person who may heed this advice - people who will listen. Sometimes people listen to what I say, sometimes not: for example:

Iraq War - prior to the invasion, I was vigorously opposed to any war because 1. the war would drag on for years and not take just a few weeks or months as we were being told, 2. "we would not find any wmd" - specific quote I made, 3. the cost of the war would be "at least 400 to 600 billion dollars" not 40 to 60 as I believe was being projected, 4. thousands of American lives would be lost not hundreds, 5. the invasion would trigger the activation of groups around the world to begin openly fomenting against the US and some of these groups - within and without Iraq - would take action destroying innocent lives, 6. nothing much would change regardless of what happened - the US would not be safer, the world would not be safer, Iraq Might be a tad bit safer, but there would be no clear cut increase in safety for American citizens, if anything, things might get a little worse - in my opinion they have - huge deficits, millions out of work, rapid decline in dollar, security not substantially increased, loss of freedom & liberty in the US.

2005 - In 2005 I began telling people about the real estate bubble and how it would burst within a year or two. I figured people had 1 year to get out and divest their real estate assets - and I advised them to put their returns in cash and ride out the consequences. Then be ready to jump back in and snap up property at bargain basement values. I began advising to Slowly get back in the market as of June of this year - keep 50% in cash and estimate a property may lose up to 30% current revenue. If it is still paying a profit, buy it - or flip it.

Begin your plans for safe refuge now, time is running out.

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