Investing in the Future
Policy of the United States
I. Foreign Policy
II. The Military
III. Domestic Policy
Foreign Policy
1. Nuclear Proliferation – The policy of the United States shall be to prevent states from acquiring nuclear weapons. It is understood that states have a need for self-defense as well as a need for energy. The United States supports the Non-Proliferation Treaty and supports the introduction of nuclear power plants into any nation which deems it necessary to introduce them. The objective of the United States is that the most efficient, green and technologically advanced power plants are desirable. Several states possess nuclear weapons. These weapons must be kept safe and secure from all threats from within and without that nation. If necessary, to protect these weapons from falling into the hands of terrorists or international criminal organizations or entities, the United States will act unilaterally to secure these weapons. Fissionable materials and nuclear waste currently in existence and that which may be generated by future activities must be secured and adequately disposed within the highest international standards.
2. Green Energy – Global warming threatens the existence of humanity. Though scientific surveys and advisers may disagree, it cannot be discounted that carbon gasses in the atmosphere pose a threat to the environment and may already have done nearly irreparable damage. Therefore, the objective of the United States shall be to promote green energy in any way possible within fiscal responsibility. This shall hold forth regardless of the state or organization researching or providing said technology.
3. International Infrastructure - The United States supports 100% complete self-sufficiency in each community, urban area, residence and facility and shall seek, encourage and promote all research and activities to secure such promise. Medical facilities of appropriate scale and educational facilities with programs in consideration of the customs, culture and history of the location shall be maintained but also those which provide education in world history, democratic process and moral and immoral capitalism and other economic forms shall be provided. Individual farming, household water management, facility waste management, home energy sufficiency and other programs as identified which promote and provide individual and household independence and self-sufficiency from centrally organized networks shall be established and researched. Highways, dams, railways and other transportation modes shall be encouraged to promote interdiversity, education, economic progress, the democratic process and facilitate integration of worldwide tolerance.
4. Ocean Fishing – Worldwide fisheries are becoming exhausted. Continued overfishing will deplete the replenishment of fish within their fishing banks. The United States shall support a worldwide rotation of states undertaking fishing within common fisheries. In addition, the United States shall introduce to the United Nations legislation that creates an organization which regulates “ocean ranching.” As in the Old West of the United States, research shall be undertaken until a solution is discovered permitting the operation of fishing ranches worldwide. These will operate by providing safety and security to breeding populations of seagoing creatures, feeding them and then harvesting them at maturity when the cycle will renew.
5. Whaling – Cetaceans are intelligent creatures. No research can be done on any intelligent creature without that creature’s assent. If there is no communication between you and that creature, there is no assent. Whaling is illegal, the United States shall protect to whatever degree whales from being slaughtered by any nation by any means necessary.
6. Piracy – Piracy is an act of war committed by individuals against seagoing vessels and commerce. The United States shall instruct the United States Navy and Marine Corps to maintain a presence in known areas of pirate activity thereby to destroy without recourse any and all those caught in the act of piracy. Those who are captured without being caught in the act of piracy yet are suspected of such actions will be classified as terrorists.
7. Terrorist Prisoners – Terrorist prisoners are prisoners of war and will be detained under the auspices of the Geneva Convention with all the rights granted thereto with certain exceptions. The exception is that the ideology of terrorism is a permanent cause. Releasing any terrorist prisoner back into the mainstream of life will only yield future acts of terrorism by that individual. Therefore, the United States shall seek provision from the United Nations to treat all terrorist prisoners as war criminals which, if convicted, shall bear the penalty of life or at minimum life under incarceration. Should the United Nations or other international body fail in its obligation to classify these prisoners as war criminals and to exact the suggested penalty, the United States retains the right to act unilaterally within these guidelines with all terrorist prisoners it holds.
8. The Internet – The objective of the United States is a worldwide internet free of governmental restriction or control of any kind by any nation. An unfettered, free and open internet in each and every country is the objective of the United States. As such an unfettered, free internet will provide for the illegal action of individuals exploiting children, pornography, identity or monetary theft and fraud or crimes against which a nation may hold, the United States shall promote the ability of each state to investigate, capture and prosecute each activity as that state shall deem fit. The restriction of the internet is not permissible in the view of the United States and the United States shall actively pursue the openness and freedom of the internet in each and every state, but also encourage each state to justly uphold and enforce its own laws within international stated parameters.
9. Economics –
a. A global economy cannot be denied. The reality of each state intertwined economically with all others is a current and future state. The objective of the United States is to encourage the growth in the economy of each nation and state, the promotion and introduction of capitalism to each nation of the world at a time and manner suitable for that nation and the establishment of capitalism unique to the culture, history and customs of that state.
b. The immorality of uncontrolled capitalism cannot be denied as the Robber Barons of the United States 19th and early 20th centuries attest and as the Enron’s, Bernie Madoff’s and Wall Street bonuses at the expense of Main Street America of current times present. The United States shall propose new legislation both internationally and domestically which bears real teeth for any grievance of illegality. This proposal shall include - upon complaint, investigation, justification and warrant - immediate seizure and impoundment of all a corporation’s assets and facilities, immediate cessation of all activities, immediate imprisonment of all executives and replacement of executives with federal agents thoroughly trained and certified in corporate management and operations. Executives shall be released from imprisonment only upon completion of filing of appropriate charges and presentment of bail as ordered. Corporations so seized shall be returned to operations under federal management as soon as conditions permit but within 24 to 48 hours whenever possible. Future disposition of such corporations shall remit to legislation and may include continued operations with no further action, sell-off of assets or other restructuring as may be determined.
10. Capitalism – A new form of capitalism must be devised. The capitalism of the past has failed. The greed and immorality inherent within the human heart bears fruition within a capitalist (or even socialist, fascist or other) system. A prosumer, individual approach to financial capability must be established. The United States shall seek to establish in each worldwide urban area a school of capitalism that teaches this new form of capitalism to all students. This new form of capitalism must take morality, spirituality, individualism and care for others, amongst other items, into consideration. Individual savings, individual self-employment, individual financial independence, individual self-sufficiency and individual green living are all tenets of the new capitalism.
a. World Bank and IMF – The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are prime examples of the misdirection of the old style of capitalism. These institutions must be restructured to secure true rewards for the people of the area in which economic progress and peaceful modernization is the objective. This restructuring must include the tenets of the new capitalism.
11. Democracy – The policy of the United States is to promote and encourage democracy in each and every nation. The mode of democracy must be unique to that state with consideration of the culture, history and customs of the people of that state. The United States shall promote the peaceful integration of democracy within each state at a rate that state shall deem appropriate. The United States shall not seek to enforce or require any state to accept the United States brand of democracy except that the rights of each person shall be respected as well as the one person, one vote, openness of the democratic process, transparency of government and freedom of political parties philosophy of democracy shall be maintained.
12. War Policy –
a. The United States shall herewith not intervene overtly or covertly in the internal affairs of any state which adheres to internationally accepted norms of freedom and democracy. The United States shall not enter into war with any state without hostile action from that state. Hostile action may include, but is not restricted to, nation-state hostilities, state-sponsored terrorism or individual or group terrorism or hostilities. The United States will respond to protect and preserve the lives, rights, assets and freedoms of American citizens in any state.
b. The Strategy of Peace – This initiative is the modus operandi of the United States; to avert war, we must prepare for war; to ensure peace, we must be assertive in our policies, to be a leader, we must be adamant in our principles. We will conduct our international relations in accordance with this policy as it presents an understanding of the human control of nation-state and group hostile actions committed upon others. To secure peace, the United States must not only be assertive, it must also understand the mind of those who would call for war or aggression against the United States or its citizens.
13. Intelligence Policy – To prevent war, the United States must be prepared for war. To prepare for war appropriately requires that the United States secure accurate information regarding the actions and plans of any potential adversary. This accurate information may be gathered in modes which the United States deems necessary and appropriate to achieve its goals including that of covert action and covert surveillance. Any and all information gathered must remain secure and classified for a sanctioned interval of time.
14. Natural Resources – Natural resources are a worldwide commodity controlled by a state or several states. The right of each state to control its commodities as it sees fit within international norms shall not be restricted. United States policy shall be to allow nation-state control and administration of its natural resources vis-a-vis such management does not adversely affect world affairs or economic progress.
15. International Space Command – The United States shall seek an International Space Command organized under the auspices of the United Nations to provide for the training, access and exploration of space for all nations. Planet Earth is becoming overcrowded and resources are depleting while an inexhaustible supply of resources and living space exists just a few hundred kilometers overhead. The peaceful and green exploration and development of space shall be the goal and purpose of this organization. Headquarters of the International Space Command will be made available, perhaps utilizing the former Presidio of San Francisco.
16. Foreign Policy – The United States does not exist in a unilateral world. A global, multi-polar world has grown all around the United States and the United States must seize the initiative to be the leader of the global community. This requires commitment to international norms of behavior, adherence to the rights and principles of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and establishing open lines of communication with allies, friends and foes alike. No longer will the United States support dictators and totalitarian regimes in countries whose sole benefit to the United States is their resources, strategic position or influence with their neighbors. Support for any such states or leaders, whether overt or covert, shall be terminated.
17. Russia – The United States policy is to establish and maintain Russia as a true, strong and valuable ally of the United States.
18. Vietnam – We seek a raproachment with Vietnam. To serve that end, the United States shall initiate and promote continued communications with the Vietnam government, joint operations with its military and an engagement with the commerce and democratic process of the people of Vietnam. The United States shall upon request, station troops along the Vietnam-Chinese border to preserve the territorial integrity of the state of Vietnam. The objective of the United States is a peaceful, open Vietnam with a movement toward the new capitalism and democratic process.
19. Cuba – Fidel Castro has stated that the communist form of economics has failed although the Revolution lives on. The Revolution that Fidel speaks of is that of the immoral and greed of the old (current) capitalist model.
20. China – China is a strong and stable ally in East Asia. We must find ways of cultivating that relationship while maintaining our security and the security of other nations and territories in the area.
a. With this in mind however, we note the increasing aggressiveness and imperialist tendencies of China. The United States will seek to thwart these tendencies in ways that promote peace, liberty and security of the region while protecting and enhancing the natural rights of all people. We will applaud every effort of China to expand and extend democracy in their own land and we will condemn every reversal or diminution of this. We fully expect China will apply this same policy to the United States.
b. Tibet: The Office of the President of the United States privately acknowledges that Tibet has been part of China for many hundreds of years. We have no idea where the propaganda of a free Tibet originated or what purpose it serves. Having said that, we support the Dalai Lama in his efforts at peace and stability and for the integration of Tibet into the world community. Publicly, the United States will support the call of a free Tibet but shall not act to make this a reality, except in meetings with the exiled Tibetan government headed by the Dalai Lama.
c. Stealth: We hereby acknowledge that China possesses stealth technology that may equal or exceed the United States’ own stealth capabilities. We understand that China is in possession of stealth missiles, aircraft and submarines the United States cannot currently detect. Any intrusion into United States, Canadian or Mexican airspace or any violation of territorial integrity, whether land or sea, of any three, will be considered an act of war and specific measures to counter said threat shall be undertaken.
d. Commandos: Chinese commandos, special operations forces and military, paramilitary or terrorist personnel violating the airspace or assuming a presence on the ground or sea within the United States, Canada or Mexico will be considered an act of war. The United States hereby authorizes the use of lethal force. After the first warning and return of surviving prisoners to China, no prisoners shall be taken.
e. Any attack or destruction of United States equipment, materials, disruption of supplies or death of United States citizens whether military or civilian whether in or over the United States or territories or allies thereof or any third country or international or spatial region where the United States maintains a presence, will be countered with equivalent and direct force.
f. Taiwan: The United States is a friend and ally of Taiwan. Any threat to Taiwan by China will be countered, any attack will be countered and every attempt to thwart the special relationship the United States maintains with Taiwan will be countered. If China wants Taiwan, they must fight us for it.
g. Pacific Friends and Allies: The territories of the United States and the friends and allies of the United States throughout the Pacific and Indian Ocean region are under the military protection of the United States.
h. Freedom of Religion/Christianity: The United States seeks to promote freedom of religion within China. The assault of churches and believers, destruction of churches and meeting centers, arrest, detention and torture of attendees at services has been duly noted. The United States condemns such action. Upon request and whenever possible, the United States will support and donate materials, funds and supplies to the establishment and maintenance of any religious center or organization so requesting.
i. Freedom of Assembly/Protest/Demonstration/Redress: The right of any and all human beings to meet and protest, demonstrate for or against a cause or their government to petition their government or elected or public figures for redress of grievances, to seek equitable justice by or from their government or public officials and to associate with one another shall not be denied, prohibited, interfered with or prevented by China, as assessed by the United states or appropriate world body, and will not be condoned by the United States and may be met with an action of condemnation, sanctions or other action as is deemed necessary and appropriate by the United States.
j. Freedom of Speech/Press/Internet: China’s sometimes subtle and sometimes open and aggressiveness hostile action against its own citizens seeking these rights and the use of these measures has been noted. The United States shall not condone any action when observed.
k. Cyber Warfare: The increasingly aggressiveness and hostile actions by China against the United States and the world community has been duly noted. Each and every hostile action by China in the cybersphere shall be considered an act of war and countered with equal force.
21. North Korea – North Korea is waiting for reunification. We must push for that reunification with South Korea as soon as possible. The United States will seek to restrain and prevent North Korea from violating the peace, liberty or security of its neighbors or of the world.
22. Japan – Our ally Japan has been aligned with the US and with US interests since the end of World War 2. Following a carefully executed economic policy with the quality control standards of W. Edward Deming and a manufacturing process copied from the US, Japan has been a shining example of what many nations can aspire to. Japan’s economy is uniquely Japanese, highly capitalistic and free flowing. Although there are problems, there are no problems which the Japanese cannot handle on their own.
23. Asia – The nations of East and South Asia are the fastest growing economies of the world. Each uniquely their own, yet each is a member of the growing world community. We must assure the unfettered progress, growth and integrity of each of these while it lives in peace with its neighbors, its own population enjoys the enhanced wealth of a world economy and the world benefits from the culturally diverse natures of each entity.
24. Europe – The nations of Europe are the ancestral home for the vast majority of Americans. The United States is close allies with or friendly with nearly all nations of Europe. The nations of Europe are all generally democracies, each with their own particular flavor of democracy.
25. Africa – Africa is a great, historic and beautiful continent of majestic scenery, rich history and enthralling culture. Many nations exist on the African continent, some of which are friends or allies with the United States and some of which are not. Each nation shall be treated in due measure with the full consideration of its relationship with its people, its role on the world stage and its association with the United States.
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