Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Coming of the AntiChrist - Deception Unveiled - A Speculation

1. 1. Thursday - May 19, 2011

President Obama suggests Israel should return to 1967 borders allowing the establishment of a Palestinian state.

2. 2. Friday – May 20, 2011

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, meeting with President Obama, declares that Israel will never relinquish control of the lands it captured in the Six Day War of 1967, because those borders are indefensible.

3. 3. The Muslim world is intent upon the creation of a Palestinian state located on the lands Israel captured in 1967. One of the nations most intent upon this quest is Iran.

A Possible Conclusion

A. Would the Muslim world agree to relinquish the 3rd holiest location in Islam, the Dome of the Rock Mosque in Jerusalem, traditional site of Solomon’s Temple, in exchange for receiving the lands Israel conquered in 1967 and permitting the Israelis to tear down the Mosque in order to rebuild the Temple?

B. Would Israel agree to revert to its pre-1967 borders in exchange for two conditions:

1. To receive the Dome of the Rock Mosque in Jerusalem in order to tear it down and rebuild Solomon’s Temple,

2. That the United States and/or NATO and/or other bodies guarantee the borders of Israel?


1) – Layer 1 – The Overt Layer

The first layer of deception is the obvious layer. This is where things appear to be as they are and very few dig any deeper to identify possible hidden meanings. Those who do are often ridiculed as “Conspiracy Theorists” or “Biblical” or “Christian fanatics”. This first layer is the world as we see it and is good enough for the “dumbed down” population. They blindly accept what they obviously see.

2) – Layer 2 – The Biblical Layer

This layer is in accordance with what most of those who study the Bible and attend church could accept. Their interpretations of the meaning of the Bible are a result of their study and their degree of understanding. Although not necessarily wrong, their understanding may not be deep enough to identify the full truth.

3) – Layer 3 – The Deep Layer

The “general” layer; so-called because its thread runs throughout history from the time of Satan’s deception of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The purpose of the first two layers above is to convince people no further layers of meaning exist – that there is no deeper intent or meaning. Additionally, the purpose of the first two layers is to assure people that their understanding is complete and accurate – at whatever level they are willing to discern. Here, the symbols of Layer 2 are symbols hiding the meaning of the symbols of Layer 3.


“I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads… One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast.”

Revelation 13, 1 & 3

On May 2, 2011, United States Special Forces – SEAL Team 6 – attacked Osama Bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan at 1AM local time killing him with a shot to the chest and another to the head. Either shot may have been fatal, but the shot to the head most certainly was. His body was retrieved by SEAL Team 6 for identification and upon verification of his identity, the body was washed according to Islamic tradition. His body was transported to the USS Carl Vinson, an aircraft carrier stationed in the Arabian (Persian) Gulf. An Islamic service was held aboard the aircraft carrier and Osama Bin Laden’s body was buried at sea on May 3. Photos of his body and his burial at sea were not made public.

Although Revelation 13: 1 & 3 seem to suggest a state or organization rather than a person, if, in some way, Osama Bin Laden is resurrected or reappears, this event alone may unite the entire Islamic world. Neither the Bible nor any other source indicate that Satan has the power to resurrect the dead. That does not mean he couldn’t do it, only that, to date, he has not. However, this power seems reserved to God. But if, Osama Bin Laden were to reappear apparently from out of the sea or from the sea, everyone would be convinced it was God who did it, further verifying and confirming the “righteousness” and “accuracy”, in their eyes, of the absolute authority of the Islamic religion by Muslims everywhere.

If Osama Bin Laden were to reappear, the probability is that such a person is either an imposter, or that the person killed by SEAL Team 6 was an imposter leaving the real Osama Bin Laden free to reenter the world. According to ABC News, the DNA which positively identified the body killed by SEAL Team 6 as Osama Bin Laden’s was confirmed by Mass General Hospital, which had samples of Osama’s sisters’ DNA in storage. When asked by the Boston Metro newspaper if this were true, officials at Mass General stated they could not confirm such allegations.


Located in Jerusalem upon the traditional site of Solomon’s Temple, the Dome of the Rock Mosque is the third holiest site in Islam. It is said that here, Mohammed , the founder of Islam, was taken by the angel Gabriel to pray with Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Traditionally, he later ascended to heaven from here and this is also believed to be the rock upon which Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac.

Completed in 691 AD, The Dome of the Rock Mosque slowly sank into a period of decay and disrepair. This accelerated under the British Mandate established in 1918 in the Middle East when Great Britain acquired the Middle Eastern lands of the Ottoman Empire, an ally of Germany. The Ottoman Empire was the world’s first Islamic state and according to some records, the Ottoman Empire was established in 1290AD.

In 1964, King Saud Bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia at the request of the Islamic Council, asked a construction engineer, contractor and friend of the king, to not only restore the Mosque to its former glory, but to enlarge it and make it more beautiful than before. This construction contractor was Mohammed Bin Laden, father to Osama Bin Laden. This may provide Osama Bin Laden with some degree of claim and authority over the Dome of the Rock.

If a resurrected Osama Bin Laden were to claim this authority, he may consider encouraging Israel to withdraw to its pre-1967 borders by offering the Dome of the Rock Mosque in exchange. Israel would then be free to tear down the mosque and rebuild its temple.

More recently, an Israeli has concluded that the Temple of Solomon, the Temple desired by Jews everywhere, actually stood a few meters from the Dome of the Rock. This would permit the construction of the temple without disturbing the mosque. The two would be separated by a long, high wall.

As leader of the Islamic world, and perhaps as the 12th Imam and Caliph, Muslims may accept either of these proposals should either be recommended by Osama Bin Laden.

All of this is simply speculation. But if any of this is fulfilled, we may indeed be living in the End Times; the Last Days may be upon us.

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