As Americans, we need to ask ourselves which is more important: principles or human life?
America was founded upon certain principles. These principles include rule of law, democracy & liberty, justice, transparency in government and the rights as stipulated in the first 10 Amendments.
It is these principles and rights which make life fulfilling, joyful, fair and worth living. When these principles are sacrificed, life becomes a harsh experience which for some is brutal and short.
The current Administration and policy makers within and without government, the military and think tanks have determined that principles are subordinate to the lives and security of the America in which we have grown up. Yet it is these rights which have made this nation the pinnacle and bright shining light of the world that we as Americans have become accustomed to living in. Therefore, to sacrifice these principles is sacrificing America.
Life is not more important than principles. Life is not more important than security. Life is not more important than freedom, the rule of law or the democracy in which we live. If it was, wars would be meaningless - why fight if life itself is paramount? Instead, principles are more important than life. Democracy is a greater calling than life. The rule of law is more important than living. If we get forget this, then living is meaningless, for it is only these principles which make life worth living. That is why torture in any form is wrong, regardless of the results it may create, because the side effect is so odious.
America is a nation founded upon principles because it is these principles alone which make life worth living. Forgetting that reverts America to the rule of the jungle.
Views on politics, policy, current affairs, the military and life in general.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Jones Inflation - Preliminary Year's End Summary
My inflation forecast for 2007 will be off by more than 10% for the first time since 1986. It may be off by as much as half a point by the time we finish the year. This indicates surprise volatility in the political and economic arenas occuring in the last half of the year.
And, as we near years end and data begins flowing into my algorithm, I'm showing a very wide variance in the figures indicating that the coming year could be even more tumultuous. I expect gold to surge upward in price and political and economic landscapes could rock and buck like the deck of a ship in a storm tossed sea.
The current inflation projection for 2008 stands at 3.76 but this figure will certainly change as the year comes to a close and more data becomes available. I try to publish the Jones Inflation Forecast no later than mid February of each year. This provides enough time to acquire the hard figures and data necessary to generate a (more or less) reliable inflation rate for the forthcoming year.
And, as we near years end and data begins flowing into my algorithm, I'm showing a very wide variance in the figures indicating that the coming year could be even more tumultuous. I expect gold to surge upward in price and political and economic landscapes could rock and buck like the deck of a ship in a storm tossed sea.
The current inflation projection for 2008 stands at 3.76 but this figure will certainly change as the year comes to a close and more data becomes available. I try to publish the Jones Inflation Forecast no later than mid February of each year. This provides enough time to acquire the hard figures and data necessary to generate a (more or less) reliable inflation rate for the forthcoming year.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Capitalism: A New Definition
Capitalism: A New Definition
To each according to their knowledge and their contribution to society.
To each according to their knowledge and their contribution to society.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Can the United States Survive the Bush Administration?
Can the United States Survive the Bush Administration?
With 15 months left in this administration, one's first response would be "Uh, Yeh!" But upon a little deeper reflection, one might be tempted to say, "Well, I hope so."
However, my gut impression as I write this is: "Probably not." Logic would indicate 'yes' but my gut says 'no.'
I do have several questions regarding the current state of affairs of the American experiment.
Has American military power been enhanced during the Bush dictatorship?
Have the rights and liberties of the people been strengthened or enhanced during this period?
Has American prestige around the world been strengthened?
Has the reputation of America been uplifted internationally?
Is America safer today than at the beginning of the Bush dictatorship?
Has honesty and truth in government increased?
Has the collective voice and will of the people been heard, respected and acted upon?
Has the safety of the individual citizen been increased or enhanced?
Are we better off today than at the beginning of this nightmare?
Does the administration care about the opinions or wishes of the American people?
My answer to all of the above questions is "No!"
To the following questions I would respond "Yes."
Has the insecurity of the American people been increased?
Have the civil liberties of the American people been diminished while more power and wealth has accrued to a few?
Has torture, the loss of freedom in America, wars without justification with the killing of our innocent soldiers and the spying of and kidnapping of those speaking out against such or other crimes become a way of life for the Bushes and those in power?
Do you feel the President believes he can lie, cheat and steal and get away with anything, all at the expense of the people, our nation, our liberties, our freedoms and the Constitution?
Has military power degraded and stretched almost to the breaking point?
Has our national budget gone from a 200 billion surplus to an additional over 2 trillion dollars in debt?
And one final question: Has political power moved more toward a few wealthy powerful individuals or more toward the concept of the Founding Fathers as articulated by Abraham Lincoln "of the people, by the people, for the people?"
With 15 months left in this administration, one's first response would be "Uh, Yeh!" But upon a little deeper reflection, one might be tempted to say, "Well, I hope so."
However, my gut impression as I write this is: "Probably not." Logic would indicate 'yes' but my gut says 'no.'
I do have several questions regarding the current state of affairs of the American experiment.
Has American military power been enhanced during the Bush dictatorship?
Have the rights and liberties of the people been strengthened or enhanced during this period?
Has American prestige around the world been strengthened?
Has the reputation of America been uplifted internationally?
Is America safer today than at the beginning of the Bush dictatorship?
Has honesty and truth in government increased?
Has the collective voice and will of the people been heard, respected and acted upon?
Has the safety of the individual citizen been increased or enhanced?
Are we better off today than at the beginning of this nightmare?
Does the administration care about the opinions or wishes of the American people?
My answer to all of the above questions is "No!"
To the following questions I would respond "Yes."
Has the insecurity of the American people been increased?
Have the civil liberties of the American people been diminished while more power and wealth has accrued to a few?
Has torture, the loss of freedom in America, wars without justification with the killing of our innocent soldiers and the spying of and kidnapping of those speaking out against such or other crimes become a way of life for the Bushes and those in power?
Do you feel the President believes he can lie, cheat and steal and get away with anything, all at the expense of the people, our nation, our liberties, our freedoms and the Constitution?
Has military power degraded and stretched almost to the breaking point?
Has our national budget gone from a 200 billion surplus to an additional over 2 trillion dollars in debt?
And one final question: Has political power moved more toward a few wealthy powerful individuals or more toward the concept of the Founding Fathers as articulated by Abraham Lincoln "of the people, by the people, for the people?"
Monday, October 15, 2007
Dissidents & Olympics in China
The recent crackdown on human rights advocates, dissidents and those seeking justice in China seems a dry-run for the Olympics next year. To express the rights of the Chinese people which they cannot do for themselves, members of each national delegation could hold placards supporting human rights.
Friday, October 05, 2007
The American Use of Torture
George Bush today defended his administration's policy of using torture* - which he says isn't torture but rather extreme interrogation techniques including pain-inducing methods - to obtain information from those suspected of terrrorism or connected to terrorism or otherwise targeted by the Bush Administration.
This comes as a result of the recent release of a Treasury Department memo dated from early 2005 authorizing the use of such techniques after the White House denounced the use of such methods in late 2004.
The President said the American people expect the government to protect them from terrorism inferring that the American people had authorized all and every method to obtain any useful or useless information even if that method included torture or was applied against innocent civilians.
America was not founded upon the concept of applying pain to prisoners. We did not come to be the most respected and admired nation in the nation by using torture. We did not come to be perceived as that "shining light on the hill" if that light is lit by lamps from torture chambers and illegal prisons.
The use of torture, illegal kidnapping (renditions), unconstitutional wiretaps, illegal mail opening and other such techniques were once the domain solely of such nefarious nations as Red China, Communist Cuba, Pol Pot's Cambodia, the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. Now this Administration has pushed the United States into this nether group of nations. Is it any wonder then, that people and nations around the world have come to disrespect the United States, to find it abhorrent and evil, a pariah among nations? Is it any wonder that people harbor acrimony and disgust with the actions of the United States government? Is it wonder that the actions of the Bush Administration are met with contempt and condemnation both at home and abroad?
The people of the United States expect the government to keep them safe, but not at the expense of their liberties. We expect the government to protect us from evil abroad, but not by practicing that same evil. We expect the government to thoroughly investigate those who would harm us, but not by harming others. We demand the goverment to protect us from our enemies, but not by becoming the enemy. George Bush and those within and without this Administration who wield the reins of power claim they know the thoughts of the American people, but all they really know is how to consolidate that power and wield it across all peoples at the expense of all people. All they really know how to do is to crush those who oppose their power - whether at home or abroad.
The actions of this Administration have undermined the security and reputation of the United States more than any Administration in history. Our military is in shambles, violent crime is rebounding, and the people of this nation feel we are off track. We have ceased to be a great nation because of what this Administration has done. We can do more, we can better, but only if great leaders step forward who are not afraid to act, who are not afraid to expose the secrets this Administration keeps hidden, who are courageous enough to act and speak when others cower.
We can do more and we can do better. But it is up to you. Speak the truth, act boldly, speak your conscience. There is no law against the truth. There is no law against love. America has been and will be again the greatest nation amongst all nations of Earth. Of that, I have no doubt.
* Torture - the application of pain whether physical, mental or emotional in whatever degree.
This comes as a result of the recent release of a Treasury Department memo dated from early 2005 authorizing the use of such techniques after the White House denounced the use of such methods in late 2004.
The President said the American people expect the government to protect them from terrorism inferring that the American people had authorized all and every method to obtain any useful or useless information even if that method included torture or was applied against innocent civilians.
America was not founded upon the concept of applying pain to prisoners. We did not come to be the most respected and admired nation in the nation by using torture. We did not come to be perceived as that "shining light on the hill" if that light is lit by lamps from torture chambers and illegal prisons.
The use of torture, illegal kidnapping (renditions), unconstitutional wiretaps, illegal mail opening and other such techniques were once the domain solely of such nefarious nations as Red China, Communist Cuba, Pol Pot's Cambodia, the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. Now this Administration has pushed the United States into this nether group of nations. Is it any wonder then, that people and nations around the world have come to disrespect the United States, to find it abhorrent and evil, a pariah among nations? Is it any wonder that people harbor acrimony and disgust with the actions of the United States government? Is it wonder that the actions of the Bush Administration are met with contempt and condemnation both at home and abroad?
The people of the United States expect the government to keep them safe, but not at the expense of their liberties. We expect the government to protect us from evil abroad, but not by practicing that same evil. We expect the government to thoroughly investigate those who would harm us, but not by harming others. We demand the goverment to protect us from our enemies, but not by becoming the enemy. George Bush and those within and without this Administration who wield the reins of power claim they know the thoughts of the American people, but all they really know is how to consolidate that power and wield it across all peoples at the expense of all people. All they really know how to do is to crush those who oppose their power - whether at home or abroad.
The actions of this Administration have undermined the security and reputation of the United States more than any Administration in history. Our military is in shambles, violent crime is rebounding, and the people of this nation feel we are off track. We have ceased to be a great nation because of what this Administration has done. We can do more, we can better, but only if great leaders step forward who are not afraid to act, who are not afraid to expose the secrets this Administration keeps hidden, who are courageous enough to act and speak when others cower.
We can do more and we can do better. But it is up to you. Speak the truth, act boldly, speak your conscience. There is no law against the truth. There is no law against love. America has been and will be again the greatest nation amongst all nations of Earth. Of that, I have no doubt.
* Torture - the application of pain whether physical, mental or emotional in whatever degree.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
America:The New Roman Empire - A little far out, but still thought provoking - A little far out, but still thought provoking
Anatomy of the American Empire
I don't agree with everything in this article, but it is thought provoking.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Jones Inflation Projection - 2007
My estimate for the rate of inflation for 2007 is 3.18%.
I am showing a narrow range of 2.927 to 3.50, a large difference from last year when the narrow range was much wider due to instability in the world economy. The broad range is 1.35 to 4.43. This is also less volatile than 2006 indicating that much of the volatility of 2006 has bled out of the economy. Only time will tell of course.
I am showing a narrow range of 2.927 to 3.50, a large difference from last year when the narrow range was much wider due to instability in the world economy. The broad range is 1.35 to 4.43. This is also less volatile than 2006 indicating that much of the volatility of 2006 has bled out of the economy. Only time will tell of course.
God's Plan for You 1
God's plan for you is bigger than your dreams. This is the promise God has for us. The New Testament assures us that Jesus came to set us free and that we shall have life and have it more abundantly.
What is God's plan for you? Care to find out?
What is God's plan for you? Care to find out?
Monday, January 29, 2007
Coming of the "Nightmare Scenario"
If my understanding of politics is accurate, then the President revealed his hand during the State of the Union address of January 23, 2007.
This President's only ambition is to consolidate his power and to secure the advance of the agenda of those who brought him to be elected to the highest office of the land.
President Bush's policy of doublespeak is well-employed during this address and leaves us wondering why his call to arms of his supporters, friends and cronies was so clearly articulated.
The President stated his strategy of unleashing the "Nightmare Scenario". This would be the spread of the cycle of violence and destruction across all of Iraq which today is predominantly restricted to Baghdad and Anbar province. As the violence escalates, which the introduction of 12% more American troops seems planned to do, Iran and Syria would increase their influence over the region throwing the entire MidEast into chaos, violence, destruction, war and death.
That is what the President plans.
With this spreading violence, at some point the President will stage a war against Iran furthering his agenda and that of his covert supporters. With the MidEast devolving into war, tension will increase worldwide. The U.S. and allies may be forced to intervene to protect their supplies of oil. Other great powers may be led to counter these actions leading to the outbreak of a world war - World War 3.
Although this represents only one possibility of what this President intends - and the consequences of his actions - it is, in my opinion - the most likely possibility. A lesser possibility is that the entire MidEast will be embroiled in a large, regional war.
In any case, the President has clearly stated his objective to unleash the "Nightmare Scenario". He has clearly stated that the lives of Americans are expendable in pursuit of his "Nightmare Scenario." He has stated that he will not allow his conscience or the wishes or desires of Congress or the American people to interfere or contravert his plan. He has stated that he has set his resolve to move forward with this plan and that he will not abandon his friends - those who brought him into power. For this plan is their plan. The Nightmare Scenario will be unleashed - and we all will suffer.
This President's only ambition is to consolidate his power and to secure the advance of the agenda of those who brought him to be elected to the highest office of the land.
President Bush's policy of doublespeak is well-employed during this address and leaves us wondering why his call to arms of his supporters, friends and cronies was so clearly articulated.
The President stated his strategy of unleashing the "Nightmare Scenario". This would be the spread of the cycle of violence and destruction across all of Iraq which today is predominantly restricted to Baghdad and Anbar province. As the violence escalates, which the introduction of 12% more American troops seems planned to do, Iran and Syria would increase their influence over the region throwing the entire MidEast into chaos, violence, destruction, war and death.
That is what the President plans.
With this spreading violence, at some point the President will stage a war against Iran furthering his agenda and that of his covert supporters. With the MidEast devolving into war, tension will increase worldwide. The U.S. and allies may be forced to intervene to protect their supplies of oil. Other great powers may be led to counter these actions leading to the outbreak of a world war - World War 3.
Although this represents only one possibility of what this President intends - and the consequences of his actions - it is, in my opinion - the most likely possibility. A lesser possibility is that the entire MidEast will be embroiled in a large, regional war.
In any case, the President has clearly stated his objective to unleash the "Nightmare Scenario". He has clearly stated that the lives of Americans are expendable in pursuit of his "Nightmare Scenario." He has stated that he will not allow his conscience or the wishes or desires of Congress or the American people to interfere or contravert his plan. He has stated that he has set his resolve to move forward with this plan and that he will not abandon his friends - those who brought him into power. For this plan is their plan. The Nightmare Scenario will be unleashed - and we all will suffer.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Bush's Plan for Failure
The "New Way Forward" strategy announced by President Bush on Wednesday night sounds less like a new way forward than it does like more of the same.
Sending an additional 21,500 troops into Iraq represents an increase of less than 12% of the total Coalition forces currently present in Iraq. This seems to indicate that the increase is not about reducing the level of violence in Baghdad, but rather to inflame it. An increase of 21,500 is not enough force to make a difference on the ground, unless these troops are superbly and masterfully positioned and utilized according to the highest standards of military strategy. But this President is no student of military strategy much less a master of it.
This surge is an indication of the President's objectives - not to give peace a chance, but rather to create more war, more violence and fan hatred, not only in the MidEast, but also in the streets of America. With such conditions, the President can then claim greater power over the American people by enacting legislation providing the Administration with additional police powers thus nudging the American Republic further into totalitarianism.
Thus, to summarize, two possibilities are apparent:
1. If these surge troops are strategically deployed and precisely utilized the level of violence in Iraq will decrease over the next six months.
2. The surge of troops is intended to increase the level of violence in Iraq and the Mideast, create greater strife and tension in the homes and streets of the US thereby allowing the Administration to force through legislation granting it greater control over the American people and further eroding the rights, freedoms and liberties we cherish.
Even if the best scenario develops, unfortunate effects will occur in the US. Every long war is destructive to a democracy increasing the powers of the state, consolidating its power over the people and reducing the people's ability to exercise their rights and enjoy their liberties. Every long war reduces the people's rights while redistributing power and wealth to the government and those who hold the reins of power.
Even if the best occurs in Iraq, the American people will suffer, seeing greater intrusions upon their freedoms and reduced ability for the average person to achieve the American Dream.
Sending an additional 21,500 troops into Iraq represents an increase of less than 12% of the total Coalition forces currently present in Iraq. This seems to indicate that the increase is not about reducing the level of violence in Baghdad, but rather to inflame it. An increase of 21,500 is not enough force to make a difference on the ground, unless these troops are superbly and masterfully positioned and utilized according to the highest standards of military strategy. But this President is no student of military strategy much less a master of it.
This surge is an indication of the President's objectives - not to give peace a chance, but rather to create more war, more violence and fan hatred, not only in the MidEast, but also in the streets of America. With such conditions, the President can then claim greater power over the American people by enacting legislation providing the Administration with additional police powers thus nudging the American Republic further into totalitarianism.
Thus, to summarize, two possibilities are apparent:
1. If these surge troops are strategically deployed and precisely utilized the level of violence in Iraq will decrease over the next six months.
2. The surge of troops is intended to increase the level of violence in Iraq and the Mideast, create greater strife and tension in the homes and streets of the US thereby allowing the Administration to force through legislation granting it greater control over the American people and further eroding the rights, freedoms and liberties we cherish.
Even if the best scenario develops, unfortunate effects will occur in the US. Every long war is destructive to a democracy increasing the powers of the state, consolidating its power over the people and reducing the people's ability to exercise their rights and enjoy their liberties. Every long war reduces the people's rights while redistributing power and wealth to the government and those who hold the reins of power.
Even if the best occurs in Iraq, the American people will suffer, seeing greater intrusions upon their freedoms and reduced ability for the average person to achieve the American Dream.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Just a note
Just a note. When Ken Starr ceased his investigation into Pres Clinton finding no evidence of any wrongdoing I Fedexed my Clinton file (about an inch thick) to him. Ken Starr reopened the Clinton investigation and Clinton was subsequently impeached on the charges stemming from Ken Starr's reopened investigation. Unfortunately, I do not believe in theories per se, I prefer to deal with facts, but I follow them wherever they may lead. Halliburton has recently received 400 million to build detention camps in the US. The book "Fortunate Son" reveals details about Bush' drugging and boozing days that should make people tremble.
More details of my personal political agenda can be discerned at
My military and foreign policy commentaries may be found at
As a veteran, I am proud to have served this country, but recognize the limits of force especially when running hand-in-hand with hidden political agendas (from either side) with religious overtones (the most danegerous of all alliances).
I projected a Bush win twice with Bush winning both elections in a disputed contest - if my assessment of history was accurate, with the second dispute probably occuring in Ohio.
David Ickes' research parallels my own but is much more detailed and comprehensive than mine, I recommend researching his website for details.
It was from a posting here in May of 2000 that I first heard about a projected airliner attack against US targets of civil importance while "true" targets (militarily significant or true-destruction-capable targets - targets that would kill many thousands or even millions) would be avoided. A couple of months later in a newspaper published in India, I was reading about how the recently elected US Administration (George Bush) would have to convince the American people to initiate a war against Iraq in order to prevent the oilfields from falling under Chinese control. I can see how controlling the oilfields helps the US maintain the balance of power over China, but am uncertain if the attack into Iraq was initiated for this reason. The Afghanistan oil pipeline was planned literally decades ago, originally by the British, then the Soviets and then American/Saudi oil interests:
above from 1997
above from 2001
above from 2002
Cheney's ties with Halliburton are well-known even while he is in office - which is illegal.
Conspiracy theories? Hogwash. How about conspiracy facts? I require independent confirmation for all my data and maintain numerous sources whose credentials are outstanding.
In 1985 I determined from open source media and my own collection of sources that a secret group was operating out of the White House basement. And, using the CIA as cover, was growing drugs in Iran to be sold to the public to purchase arms and training for the Contra's in Nicaragua. Training was from Israeli commando's while arms were transhipped through South Africa. Israel and Saudi Arabia? Isn't that a juxtaposition? This lead me into further research which I continue to this day. My data is unassailable. I deal only with the truth. Being human, I occasionally make mistakes and I am always prepared to recant errors or omissions.
Want to be scared?
From a post on
More details of my personal political agenda can be discerned at
My military and foreign policy commentaries may be found at
As a veteran, I am proud to have served this country, but recognize the limits of force especially when running hand-in-hand with hidden political agendas (from either side) with religious overtones (the most danegerous of all alliances).
I projected a Bush win twice with Bush winning both elections in a disputed contest - if my assessment of history was accurate, with the second dispute probably occuring in Ohio.
David Ickes' research parallels my own but is much more detailed and comprehensive than mine, I recommend researching his website for details.
It was from a posting here in May of 2000 that I first heard about a projected airliner attack against US targets of civil importance while "true" targets (militarily significant or true-destruction-capable targets - targets that would kill many thousands or even millions) would be avoided. A couple of months later in a newspaper published in India, I was reading about how the recently elected US Administration (George Bush) would have to convince the American people to initiate a war against Iraq in order to prevent the oilfields from falling under Chinese control. I can see how controlling the oilfields helps the US maintain the balance of power over China, but am uncertain if the attack into Iraq was initiated for this reason. The Afghanistan oil pipeline was planned literally decades ago, originally by the British, then the Soviets and then American/Saudi oil interests:
above from 1997
above from 2001
above from 2002
Cheney's ties with Halliburton are well-known even while he is in office - which is illegal.
Conspiracy theories? Hogwash. How about conspiracy facts? I require independent confirmation for all my data and maintain numerous sources whose credentials are outstanding.
In 1985 I determined from open source media and my own collection of sources that a secret group was operating out of the White House basement. And, using the CIA as cover, was growing drugs in Iran to be sold to the public to purchase arms and training for the Contra's in Nicaragua. Training was from Israeli commando's while arms were transhipped through South Africa. Israel and Saudi Arabia? Isn't that a juxtaposition? This lead me into further research which I continue to this day. My data is unassailable. I deal only with the truth. Being human, I occasionally make mistakes and I am always prepared to recant errors or omissions.
Want to be scared?
From a post on
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Impeach Bush
A new signing statement the President has signed allows him the authority to open mail without a warrant. The citizens of the US voted against these types of authoritarian methods in November, but apparently the President didn't get the message.
In November, we also sent a message that the war in Iraq must end as quickly as possible and that the troops must be brought home quickly. The President is now telling us that the message he received is that victory must come at any cost.
This isn't what the November elections were about.
The November elections were about change. We want to change the path of the war in Iraq. We want to change the path of power at the expense of our rights that the White House is taking. We want a path to peace. We want a path of liberty, prosperity and a green, healthy planet. But the President disagrees. And he will continue to do so for as long as he is President.
The time has come to impeach George Bush. We now have the power we need to do so vested in the members of a new Congress. We have given them a mandate to change the path of this country and the President refuses to ackowledge these changes. He refuses to seek a new path.
President Bush doesn't get it. President Bush must go!
The time to impeach President Bush has come. The 110th Congress can do it. We must let them know they must do so.
In November, we also sent a message that the war in Iraq must end as quickly as possible and that the troops must be brought home quickly. The President is now telling us that the message he received is that victory must come at any cost.
This isn't what the November elections were about.
The November elections were about change. We want to change the path of the war in Iraq. We want to change the path of power at the expense of our rights that the White House is taking. We want a path to peace. We want a path of liberty, prosperity and a green, healthy planet. But the President disagrees. And he will continue to do so for as long as he is President.
The time has come to impeach George Bush. We now have the power we need to do so vested in the members of a new Congress. We have given them a mandate to change the path of this country and the President refuses to ackowledge these changes. He refuses to seek a new path.
President Bush doesn't get it. President Bush must go!
The time to impeach President Bush has come. The 110th Congress can do it. We must let them know they must do so.
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