Can the United States Survive the Bush Administration?
With 15 months left in this administration, one's first response would be "Uh, Yeh!" But upon a little deeper reflection, one might be tempted to say, "Well, I hope so."
However, my gut impression as I write this is: "Probably not." Logic would indicate 'yes' but my gut says 'no.'
I do have several questions regarding the current state of affairs of the American experiment.
Has American military power been enhanced during the Bush dictatorship?
Have the rights and liberties of the people been strengthened or enhanced during this period?
Has American prestige around the world been strengthened?
Has the reputation of America been uplifted internationally?
Is America safer today than at the beginning of the Bush dictatorship?
Has honesty and truth in government increased?
Has the collective voice and will of the people been heard, respected and acted upon?
Has the safety of the individual citizen been increased or enhanced?
Are we better off today than at the beginning of this nightmare?
Does the administration care about the opinions or wishes of the American people?
My answer to all of the above questions is "No!"
To the following questions I would respond "Yes."
Has the insecurity of the American people been increased?
Have the civil liberties of the American people been diminished while more power and wealth has accrued to a few?
Has torture, the loss of freedom in America, wars without justification with the killing of our innocent soldiers and the spying of and kidnapping of those speaking out against such or other crimes become a way of life for the Bushes and those in power?
Do you feel the President believes he can lie, cheat and steal and get away with anything, all at the expense of the people, our nation, our liberties, our freedoms and the Constitution?
Has military power degraded and stretched almost to the breaking point?
Has our national budget gone from a 200 billion surplus to an additional over 2 trillion dollars in debt?
And one final question: Has political power moved more toward a few wealthy powerful individuals or more toward the concept of the Founding Fathers as articulated by Abraham Lincoln "of the people, by the people, for the people?"
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