Do what you love. Doing what you love produces more wealth than working for a living if we understand the true meaning of wealth - abundance, prosperity, riches, love, joy, giving, sharing, happiness, enthusiasm, success.
The question then is: What do you love? What do you love to do? This is more profound than enjoying what you do. This is deep. This is something way down deep inside. Some might call it spiritual love. What do you love? If that is too deep of a question, you may be able to sneak up on it from the enjoyment side - maintaining the realization that what you love is something deeper, although possibly, but not necessarily, related to what you enjoy. So, what do you enjoy? What do you like to do? What do you have fun doing? Is there anything you can think of that you would like to do that makes your heart leap just thinking about it? Answer these questions and you may begin to discover the love that is hidden within your heart.
The Home Cash Flow System can take you from where you may be - broke, not enough money, just wish you had more - to where you want to be - with enough extra cash flow coming in Every Day to create the life you want. With the Home Cash Flow System you can begin to build those dreams you’ve had of a better life, of something better for yourself, your spouse, your children.
In the book “Unconditional Money”, the author David Cates reveals that when we have connected to the love within ourselves the money will begin to flow. Slowly at first, in bits and dribbles, but ever-increasing if we maintain the connection to our soul. But, in order for the flow to begin, we must connect to the physical world - the world of hard edges and solid planes. And this brings us to faith
Faith is half action, half belief. It is one half doing and one half dreaming, thinking, planning. For many years I thought that faith was just believing, just the dreaming part. As a result, many (most) of my dreams and plans never came true. Has that happened to you? The Bible states that faith without action is not real faith - it’s an illusion, delusory, it’s not real faith. The same is true in money, entrepreneurship, running a home business. You can plan all you want, believe all you want, but if you don’t get off your duff and do something, nothing is going to change. Planning is essential, but so is doing.
What do you love? What do you want? Where do you want to go? Wealth, making money, success; all are an internal quest. We’ve been taught by the world that to get rich, to achieve the income levels we desire, we must work hard, save, invest, own a business and make it grow - working your butt off in the process. That works, but often at the expense of families, friends, marriages and health. John D. Rockefeller at 50 looked 80 and lived on a diet of bread and milk. That was all his stomach could handle. He lived in constant worry that someone was going to steal his money or that his businesses would collapse bringing him to financial ruin. John D. Rockefeller was rich, but he wasn’t happy. What is the American Dream? What is the definition of success?
Success and the American Dream
Success in America has usually meant living in wealth. It usually means being rich. Success has meant fame, fortune or the suburban house with the white picket fence, a cat, a dog and 2.2 children. But it may not be my dream. It may not be my definition of success.
Success is an individual thing. To define it we have to refine it. We must search through all the paradigms and templates that society, our parents, teachers, friends and TV has bombarded and suffocated us with, to discover the true “us” we have hidden inside. You will never be truly happy until you connect to that essence which is truly you and which you may have hidden, buried and ignored for so long that you’ve forgotten that it - you - even exists.
Perry Jones is a successful entrepreneur and work at home advocate. He has worked with several Fortune 500 companies and helped these companies add millions to their bottom line. His free online course on home business and small business is available at Information regarding a unique home based business is available at Perry's many ventures now include the recent Extra-Ordinary Film festival in Tempe, Arizona. Information is available at
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