Monday, February 07, 2005

Social Entropy

Each advance in science, politics, culture, etc, is considered progress. But this progress will tend to be negative in effect unless counterbalanced.

We see the results of this negative effect each passing day as the breakdown of our civilization seems to accelerate. Crime increases, gangs rule the streets, terrorism and wars rage on while the world seems to get smaller and smaller via the global satellite network.

These advances will continue to be negative in effect if they are not tied to an equivalent advance in our higher selves. To compensate for the entropic influence of advancement we must counter it with equal advances in our spiritual selves, in our morals and in our ethics and values.

Each technological advance, each item or step in terms of progress must then be counterbalanced with advances in our higher selves. Only through such commensurate and equivalent advances in technology and spirituality can civilization progress in a stable manner.

Without an equivalent moral advance in spirituality or morals for each technological or social advance, civilization will tend to deteriorate and self-destruct as we can clearly read and see in our daily papers and news broadcasts.

Pery Jones is a successful entrepreneur, work at home advocate and sponsor of the Extra-Ordinary Film Festival - His online course on small business and home business is available at More information is available at

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