Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Is This the End? God's Coming Wrath

Is this the end? Earthquakes in California. A tsunami in the Indian Ocean. Wars and rumors of wars. Isaiah Chapter 18 says that the nation of "whirring wings" - a nation crossed with rivers, a nation undefeated in war, feared around the world, will send its soldiers to die in the mountains and deserts of the Mid East in a time shortly before the harvest. During this time, this nation will deliver a present to Zion.

What this present delivered to Israel or Jerusalem is we are not told. Above the United States at any one time, over 4000 aircraft are winging their way across the continent. Surely, these are "whirring wings". This will all occur "shortly before the harvest" - the Judgement.

Is this the end? Is God coming soon? There are many who think so. God sends prophets to warn the people of His coming. God also brings earthquakes and other "natural" disasters to help people understand that they need to turn back to Him, to repent. These earthquakes and natural disasters will grow in intensity as the day of God's judgement nears. Are you ready?

The day for this is now upon us. God is warning us strongly to return to Him, to repent, to recognize Him as the ultimate authority. The warnings are here to indicate that if we do not, we will all be lost. Everything will be destroyed.

God loves us so much that He sends us these warnings so that we have the chance to turn back to Him, before it's too late and escape the coming wrath.

People don't understand that natural disasters are not "caused" by God. He has established principles and laws which govern the operation of the universe. When these laws are disobeyed, consequences result. If we step off a 10 story building, we will fall. If we try to cross the ocean by swimming, most likely we will drown. God will usually not save us from our own stupidity, even though it is in His power to do so.

It is we who don't understand that every natural law of the universe is underpinned by a spiritual law. And it is the spiritual law which governs and controls the natural law. When these spiritual laws are broken, the natural law is similarly affected, although it may take months, years or even generations for the impetus of the breaking of the spiritual law to affect the natural law.

This is what we are seeing now. We have polluted the Earth and it is repaying us. We have wars and now earthquakes result. We kill each other for drugs, money or mere acceptance into a gang and morality around the world declines. God says in Galatians 6:7 that He "will not be mocked"; for every action there is a consequence. If we sow to our lower nature we will reap that nature. If we sow to our higher self, we will reap that self.

We have forgotten that we are spiritual beings. We have been taught - deceived really - into believing that we are mere flesh and blood. But that is not true. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. By indulging our physical pleasures we break spiritual laws. Rather than committing ourselves to long term joy and happiness - which come from the soul, we indulge in short term gratification of the body - pleasure.

As we indulge in pleasure of the body, whether physical (drugs, sex, drunkeness, etc.) or emotional (anger, hate, envy, etc.) we build barriers to our spiritual nature and add on to those events which break the spiritual laws. Eventually, these broken spiritual laws manifest as broken physical laws - earthquakes, wars, famines, plagues. And pleasure is habit forming. The more we engage in it, the more we want it.

Satan has tricked us into believing that we can only be happy by engaging in pleasure and materialism. It feels so good and the pleasure is so intense. Yet, everything and anything that does not glorify God is a sin. We can do the same things, theoretically, but doing those things for God will bring us closer to Him, while doing those things for pleasure leads us away and generates Satan's kingdom.

Our time is short. God is and has been patient. But His patience will not continue to endure. There will be calms and lulls before the storm. But eventually the storm will break. We must repent to save ourselves. And God has promised us one more thing.

We can escape the coming storm.

If enough of us repent and turn back to God, building a direct relationship with Him and Jesus through the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit, we can bypass the storm.

Churches, religions, doctrines and dogma have had their day. But the day for all such things has passed. Today a new day is upon us. Is is the day of a new direct personal relationship with God through the personage of His Only Son Jesus, guided by the indwelling Holy Spirit.

The Bible and church policy and doctrine may be where we need to start for us to begin that direct personal relationship. But is only a first step. Jesus seeks a direct, immediate and personal relationship with each of us. If enough of us initiate this kind of a relationship, the Earth will not need to go through the terrible day of wrath that is fast approaching.

Nostradamus, prophets, seers, aborigine peoples, New Age channelers, natives of all kinds have all predicted horrible and terrifying earth changes within the next few years. But God has shown me that this is only one possibility. There remains another. Turn to Him, begin that direct, personal relationship with His Son and all these changes will pass us as the avenging angel passed over the Hebrews when they anointed their doorframes with blood of a sacrifice. That angel passed over ("Passover") the Hebrews and went on to claim the first born sons of the Egyptians.

The same time is upon us now. We can die as the Egyptians died or we can accept the Gospel of Jesus in a direct, immediate and personal relationship and escape the coming storm.

What do you choose? I'll explain further in "The Purpose of Life."

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