16 years of abject failure in American politics is far too long. We need a strong candidate with a powerful message who is not afraid to stand up to our enemies, support our allies and start making things right at home.
My estimates place the actual inflation rate at approximately 6% while my unemployment figure is 10.8% - both far higher than official US estimates.
People want to work and they can't find work. People want to buy products without finding the items they buy shrinking in size while the price remains the same. Obama touts his Obamacare as being more affordable without telling anyone that their deductible has risen - in many cases - to several thousand dollars. Drug costs and college costs have continuously risen. Our infrastructure is literally falling apart while corporations escape paying tax. the tax burden falls on the middle class.
Hillary states that it is unjustifiable for a few people to make 300 times more than the average income yet her and Bill's combined income of 25 million dollars in 2014 is - 300 times more (or better) than the average middle class income. Hmmm, where did she get her figure from?
Washington is corrupt to the core. Several white papers indicate that the United States federal government is more corrupt than the governments of most third world nations.
Congress is paralyzed and the Tea Party members that were elected to force change have been co-opted by a corrupt and broken system. Nothing is working anymore and it is the common person that is paying the price.
College students face mountains of educational debt studying for jobs that no longer exist. Only the lucky few will be able to pay off their debt without bearing a load that threatens to drown them and ensures their slavery to a system that is broken. They will pay with their labor to serve those who have fixed the system to serve only themselves.
There are few good choices in this campaign season. There are fewer good reasons to even get involved. As I have said at most every election for the last 25 years, hope for the best and vote for the person you think will do the least damage. Unfortunately, for the last two Administrations, that has not been the case - the worst was elected - but we can always hope - and pray - for a miracle this time.