Monday, December 17, 2012

An American Tragedy

Our nation stands united in grief. 20 innocent lives have been taken from us – too young, too soon. 20 sets of parents mourn today – and will continue to mourn for long days to come. The pain of loss doesn’t go away, the memory of tragedy doesn’t fade, you just kind of get used to it.

Our nation stands united in a debate, “How?” “What?” “Why?” For these questions there are not now, nor will there ever be any answers.

Today we mourn as a nation, we grieve together, hold each other and many will express their horror, anger and rage as they wonder why this could have happened.

We stand united today – for all the wrong reasons. Instead of celebrating another day of living, we are mourning another American tragedy. Too soon, too many, too frequent.

Today we stand united and it should not be so. We wonder what can be done to prevent such grievous crimes in the future, but we refuse to acknowledge what caused this terrible tragedy today. We wonder how such an American tragedy can be prevented tomorrow, but we do not stop to consider the source, the cause or the reasons for such catastrophes.

20 innocent lives were lost in a small American town, victims of another senseless act of violence in a nation grown weary of such acts, filled with horror when they occur and desperately trying to make sense, when no sense is possible. But this terrible tragedy is only the tip of the iceberg. More are to come.

We are bereft of the foundation of our soul. We have smashed our nation’s foundation of strength replacing it with one of straw. We have eliminated God and Jesus from our classrooms, from our sports, from our TV, from our politics, from Wall Street, from our homes, from our families and from our lives and then we wonder “Why?” when something goes wrong.

The presence of God may not have prevented this terrible tragedy nor may His presence prevent others in the future, but the absence of God is guaranteed to make future American tragedies more likely.

Sandy Hook is a true American tragedy, but we must not let this be the first of many. We cannot compound this tragedy by laying the seeds for many more. We lay these seeds by taking away guns. We stoke the flames of future tragedy by pushing Jesus father away. The murder of 20  innocent children at Sandy Hook Elementary School is a true American tragedy and we are guaranteed to multiply it if we do not see the face of evil.

Evil came to Sandy Hook. No doubt. Pure, ugly, horrible, frightening, evil. Evil took 20 innocent lives and it will take many more if we do not recognize it for what it is. Many more innocent lives will be lost if we allow evil to use this tragedy to advance its own nefarious aims. Many more will die if we fall under the spell of evil and continue to fall away from the truth of God.

It is only the truth and light of God that can reveal this terrible tragedy for what it is – another move on the chessboard, another piece of a great dark puzzle.

What aims does evil seek? Evil seeks to move us farther away from God, to enslave us, to make us wonder why God would allow this, to make us wonder if there is a God, to make us think that the mind of man and man’s solutions are all that is necessary to solve man’s problems and that science and technology, greed, power, wealth and pleasure can take the place of a hole in your soul.

In short terms, evil seeks to take away our guns so evil can have greater control over our lives, evil seeks to increase the powers of government so that the powers of the individual are less, evil seeks to take away your freedom so that you are enslaved to bureaucracy, evil seeks to make you wonder if God exists so you can replace God with science or pleasure, or greed or wealth; evil seeks to divide this nation on political and religious lines – over the debate on gun control – so that evil will have the power to force decisions upon us all; evil seeks to control, so that you are enslaved.

You must not forget that we are in a great battle between truth and lies, between light and dark, between good and evil. And in this war, the most recent battle has claimed 20 innocent lives. God is asking you to make a stand, here, now, today. Guns are not evil, evil is evil. Man is not evil, it is the evil in him that is evil. Truth is not evil, it is the lies that will swirl around us in the dark days ahead that are evil.

You will be met with obfuscation, misdirection and disinformation. You will hear tears, sobs and cries of sorrow. You will hear voices of anger, rage – and of mourning. You will hear truth and you will hear lies. But, you must choose. To differentiate between what is right and what is wrong, between what is good and what is evil, between truth and lies, you must choose God. And then let Him steer you in the right direction. You must choose God first because the lies of evil are so intricate and craftily interwoven that no human mind can discern where truth ends and lies begin. You must choose God first and build a strong relationship to Him through His Son Jesus in order to steer through the confusion of the coming debate. You must choose God first because if you do not, you choose wrong.

God seeks our freedom; liberty is freedom, words are freedom, a free and open internet is freedom, the right to peaceable assembly is freedom, the right to a fair, speedy, public and open trial is freedom, the right to own property, to farm as you please, to grow what you please, to buy and sell as you please, to be secure in your personal effects is freedom. Freedom is to be free of a government or a police force or airport security that snatches away your rights in the name of peace and safety when the true aim is slavery, obedience, darkness and death.  Restrict any of these freedoms, prohibit any of these, limit any of these, take away any of these, make the possession or use of these more difficult, ban any of these and you have traded good with evil, light with darkness, truth with lies and freedom with slavery. Do this and you have taken away the light and glory of God and replaced it with the darkness of evil.

Decide. Take your stand. Choose. Choose good or choose evil, choose right or wrong, choose light or choose darkness, choose. Choose. You will be judged. 

How Many More Must Die?

What happened in Newtown, Connecticut is not just a local tragedy, it is a national tragedy. It is a national horror perpetrated by a monster exacerbated by a culture and media that glorifies hate, violence, destruction and death.

The thing we should not be discussing, because it is not relevant, but which we will discuss, because people think it is the focus of this tragedy – is guns.

This terror was committed by an individual who used a gun as a tool. The gun was not the weapon, the person was. And behind him stand still others, using him for their own purposes; to steer national debate and the subsequent opinion in the direction they choose. They think to raise the relative threat which remains the greatest obstacle between liberty and tyranny, between what they want, but do not yet have. But as George W. once – erroneously – stated, “Let us not discuss or entertain conspiracy theories.” Indeed not. Instead let us focus on the level we can understand, a level that we all can comprehend, at a distance we can grasp, with voices that can be heard. Let us talk about guns.

There will be those who ask how could God allow this, why did God permit 20 innocent children to die, how could God permit this to happen? But we have separated ourselves from God. We have turned our back on God and filled our society with games and TV shows filled with hate, violence and death. We have taken God out of our schools and out of our politics and then we wonder what has gone wrong with the way we live, what is wrong with our government? And we wonder why our society is a reflection of what we have intentionally created.

We condemn this senseless act of unspeakable horror and we grieve for the families who have lost a part of themselves. Their hearts are torn and broken; the healing – at best – will be long in coming. We condemn this unmitigated act of violence against innocent children, as well we should, but then we go back to our Wii or Playstation or Xbox and play another game of Saw, Black Ops, Modern Warfare or God of War.

Overseas, U.S. drones target individuals while collateral damage – the deaths of women and children – can number in the dozens. George W.’s mercenaries customarily tortured and executed prisoners and drove down Baghdad streets spraying bullets in every direction and then laughed if someone died as a result of their hail of gunpowder and lead.

In Newtown, Connecticut the weapon was not a gun, the weapon was you.

We all share blame – for allowing the evening news to air violent crime, shootings and murders on a daily basis.

We all share blame – when game designers create games in which the winner is the one who has scored the most kills.

We all share blame – when TV shows and reality shows depict assault, violence and crime.

We all share blame.

A gun is not the weapon, we are, you and I, and our culture of Godlessness, indifference and hate; our culture of drugs, disrespect, war and violence and the loss of dignity of ourselves, of our family, our neighbor and our nation.

We all share blame because we collectively have turned our backs on God - and the culture we have become, the culture we see around us everyday – is the result. A nation that was founded on the Judaeo-Christian tradition is now the world purveyor in disseminating violence, hatred and war.

We say that if only we could limit access to guns, restrict gun ownership or ban guns that this tragedy in Newtown would never have occurred or that it will never happen again. But there are no guns in prison, and people die. There are no guns in China but in Tiananmen Square 7,000 innocent college students were killed. There were no guns in Cambodia and 2 million people died. There are no guns in Scandinavia and people die. Why is it that Switzerland, a nation with an assault rifle in nearly every home, has a crime rate so much lower than the U.S.A? Is it because that in Switzerland there is a different culture or that those who would commit crime know that if they were to barge into a school with a gun, rob a bank or grocery store or rush into someone’s home carrying a gun, they just might get shot?

When we remove our schools, our families, our neighborhoods and our politics from God, we can only replace that void with – what? Someone’s good behavior? We see what that gets us. Any criminal with a gun can kill dozens. In Newtown, Connecticut, 20 innocent lives have been taken by a madman; 20 family BBQs will now be less, 20 family picnics, 20 touchdowns, 20 school plays, 20 Christmas trees, 20 home runs, 20 soccer goals, 20 basketball hoops made, 20 birthdays – lost, all lost. Taken by a maniac who sprays bullets from a gun.

When someone comes at you with a gun the best place to be is somewhere else. But if that’s not possible, the next best option is to run. If you can’t do that, then you must fight. If you do not fight and the other guy means to take your life – you lose. If you decide to fight but the other guy has a gun and you do not, you most likely lose. If you fight and you have a gun and the other guy does too, the statistics show that the odds are considerably in your favor. You will most likely survive.

How many of the 20 innocent lives lost in Newtown, Connecticut would be alive today if the principal, when she ran at the shooter with her defenseless body, instead had a gun?

How many of the 20 innocent lives lost in Newtown, Connecticut would be alive today if the school psychologist, when she heard the shooting and came running out of her office, instead of running defenseless, what if she had a gun?

What if any of the teachers who shielded their students with their bodies had a gun? How many of Newtown’s children would be alive today?

A school administrator said she heard the bang, bang, bang of the shots, but she hid under her desk, unable to do anything – because she had no gun. How many of the 20 innocent lives in Newtown, Connecticut would be alive today if you and I had allowed her to have a gun? How many?

The meaning of this tragic event is clear for those of us who are willing to face the truth honestly. If the teachers had guns, those students would be alive today. We must not ban guns, we must not restrict guns, we must not limit guns, we must train how to use them.

When we ask the question of what to do to prevent tragedies of this type in the future, the first step is to do exactly as the School Board of Newtown, Connecticut has done. Train. Implement security measures and train in those measures intensely - and frequently. These measures likely saved many more lives at Sandy Hook Elementary School. But that doesn’t stop a madman from crashing through a door, that doesn’t stop someone from wearing Kevlar, that doesn’t stop someone intent on murder from carrying an arm full of guns. Nor will any law or prohibition against guns.

When a gunman walks up to a school full of innocent children, what is more likely to make him go away; a sign that reads “All weapons prohibited on school grounds” or a sign that reads “Staff heavily armed and trained. Any attempt to harm children will be met with deadly force”?

Deep Blue - Subliminal Covert Warfare

Subliminal Covert Warfare
Warfare of the 4th Kind
Copyright 1986 by Perry N. Jones

Deep Blue
            System Shocks
White Knight
Mechanisms of Relativism

Deep Blue – Operations Against Nation-States in the Ecological Environment

Deep Blue is a type of warfare the tactics of which lie below the level of human consciousness and beyond the level of human awareness. As a result, Deep Blue is subliminal and covert. By its very nature, Deep Blue operations are very obscure. The nation upon which Deep Blue is applied will most likely have no idea that they are involved in a war with a hostile nation unless Deep Blue is a form of warfare which they themselves have studied. Even then, there will be no hard evidence to directly link a Deep Blue tactic with a potential or real enemy nor will it be possible to identify any such action unequivocally as an intentional act or as an unfortunate act or natural disaster. Consequently, no one can say with any degree of certainty that a war is being waged against them and thus take appropriate countermeasures, even though the number of casualties and the level of destruction may surpass that of a more open and conventional form of war.

The strategy of Deep Blue is a typical one. Deep Blue seeks to reduce a nation’s capacity to fight through the medium of the destruction of, primarily, the enemy’s infrastructure. This forces the nation to whom Deep Blue is applied to gradually focus more and more attention on its rapidly disintegrating network of highways, rail lines, communications networks, power facilities and grids, civil targets and military infrastructure. Such a disintegration requires the victim nation to allocate greater and greater amounts of its withering financial capabilities to maintain the level of its standard of living, technological rate of progress and structural infrastructure.

Finances deplete in two ways; 1. Funds must be allocated to repair damaged and destroyed infrastructure and establish alternate routes of logistics and power and 2. Depletion occurs through the attrition of the commercial infrastructure which reduces the tax base. This financial depletion is as true of socialist-communist states and tyrannical dictatorships as it is for “free” western democracies. Indeed, the rigid top-down centralized command structure of communist states may render them more vulnerable to Deep Blue than more market oriented economies.

In short, a nations economy, slowly at first, but at an ever accelerating rate, simply falls apart. To those who know, it will be realized that a Deep Blue operation is at the root of all the troubles, but to all others, it will appear as if the economy is simply self-destructing at a faster and faster pace, accompanied by the unfortunate coincidence of a series of seeming unrelated natural disasters, i.e. floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc. which only serve to hasten the pace of dissolution. Natural disasters are only one of the many tactics in the Deep Blue arsenal.

Deep Blue is attrition warfare of a most malicious kind. Whereas attrition warfare in a “normal” type of warfare is directed – for the most part – at an enemy’s military forces, the tactics of Deep Blue in their actualization, make no distinction between civil or military targets. Indeed, civil targets may be preferred over military targets as military targets are more likely to be hardened and much fewer in number (reducing the potential for economic disruption) than potential civil objectives.

Striking the civil infrastructure forces the general population to focus their collective attention on the growing misfortunes of the nation apart from and clearly distinct from the military. Such a refocus naturally diverts money from defense needs while serving to highlight more and more areas which are in jeopardy and in immediate need of attention. This forces a greater acuteness of focus and the diversion of greater and greater amounts of money from the military community to the civil community. Consequently, Deep Blue gradually redirects a nation’s focus away from the outside world to a purely domestic focus. The external world will never be completely ignored, but neither will it be a cause of concern great enough to warrant more than passing attention and band-aid applications of aid, assistance or intervention.

Operations Against Military Targets

The possibility of utilizing Deep Blue operations against military targets cannot be overlooked. Indeed, the very nature of Deep Blue may provide an irresistible temptation for a nation’s military leadership. They may seek to strike an actual or potential enemy’s military infrastructure before or rather than engaging civil targets. Deep Blue provides a nation with the capability to erode an enemy’s military without the threat of counterforce.

Deep Blue actions have the advantage of being perceived as “acts of God,” natural disasters, human error or catastrophic failure, not an attack by an outside entity.

Military sites which are particularly vulnerable are those within a region of natural danger or geographical instability such as near earthquake zones, near volcanoes – especially if long dormant – within a hurricane, typhoon or tornado “alley,” coastal bases – including those situated along large inland seas or lakes – wintry or mountainous regions, especially if blizzards, avalanches, landslides, rock falls and similar occurrences have been frequent or recurrent, (but even more so if very large catastrophic events are long past – part of history – thus making the time ‘ripe” for another cataclysm), plains and dry brush areas for wildfires, wind or storm damage to housing, aircraft and sensitive equipment and similar areas of potential “natural” disaster.

Desert bases and facilities may be particularly vulnerable because water is always a necessary yet often restricted commodity and generally desert facilities are often remote and isolated from other habitations – whether military or civil. Deserts can also spark unusual wind conditions, strange electrical or electromagnetic phenomena, unusual temperature fluctuations affecting sensitive equipment and expected, but particularly intense, psychic stresses such as loneliness, flared tempers, depression, aggression, et al. Many of these effects will also hold true for polar bases and facilities. For arctic or Antarctic areas, attacks by wild animals may also complicate, hinder or curtail normal operations.


A nation employing a Deep Blue operation against another will find itself a greater and greater latitude to undertake actions and exercise force which it may not have contemplated earlier due to fear of reprisal, intervention, counterforce or opposing polarization of the world community against it by its enemy state.
The exercise of Deep Blue warfare stems from the application of technology and weapons systems derived from the field of Tesla (psychotronic/electromagnetic/subdimensional) physics. This is a branch of physics which has been overlooked and ignored by most nation-states of the West. However open Soviet sources reveal a great deal of research by the former Soviet Union. Such research seems to have begun in the 1930s and 1940s and to have accelerated and broadened over time.

Because Deep Blue is such an obscure form of warfare, easily meriting the additional appellations of “Warfare of the 4th Kind” or “Warfare of the Fourth Dimension of War;” specific tactics are delineated below – this is not an exclusive list.


1.      Short term, temporary, localized, “random” shortages of common household commodities and/or foodstuffs, i.e. toilet paper, paper towels, diapers, milk, vegetables – fresh or canned, fruit – fresh or packaged, soup, ham, eggs, et al; especially if in plentiful supply in the general economy.

2.      Short term, temporary, localized “random” outages, brownouts or bog downs of electrical power or communications networks.

3.      Interference with radio, TV or other communications networks up to and including total jamming or replacing with own or other broadcasts or announcements especially if spurious, misleading and/or causing general panic situations.

4.      Increase of vehicle breakdowns or accidents especially if confined to one type or area or one cause.
5.      Upsurge in accidents of some type, especially automotive, especially if in some substructure or module even if produced by different manufacturers.
6.      Run of unfortunate accidents of mysterious origin or type.
7.      Terrorism or guerrilla activity, gang violence.
8.      Computer simulation or similar activities produce false, misleading or erroneous results especially if duplicated across national or regional borders or networks.
9.      Computer virus.
10.  Unusual increase in floods, high tides, earthquakes, storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, rainy days, etc.
11.  Unusual weather phenomenon.
12.  Upsurge in UFO sightings and activity.
13.  Accidents at key intersections or on major thoroughfares preventing or delaying key personnel their timely performance of duties especially if responding to an emergency or preventing troop or emergency personnel deployment or redeployment or preventing or delaying couriers, reinforcements or unrestricted travel.
14.  Electromagnetic pulse without cause.
15.  Torus, radial, ground, horizontal, ball or other unusual lightning.
16.  Unusual cloud patterns, i.e. torus, radials, coronas, rays, anchor shapes, crosshatched, etc.
17.  Cloud moving against direction of wind, moving in opposite direction of other clouds maneuvering through or around other clouds or moving independently.
18.  Drone, robot and AI assets for attack, reconnaissance, interception of communications, jamming, creating false communications, etc.
19.  Direct invisible energy weapons and systems.
20.  “Star Wars” type weapons in civilian hands.
21.  Destruction of liquid fuels via biogenetic organism, displacement, weird disease or “natural” cause.
22.  Unexplained cessation to operate of police department weapons, vehicles, communications capability or lights in police buildings, facilities or assets.
23.  Unexplained cessation to operate of telephones, elevators, lights, air conditioning, heating or other building infrastructure in public building, high rise, radio or TV studio or tower.
24.  Unexplained disappearance of data in one computer or computer network.
25.  Unexplained sonic booms, distant explosion noises or submarine explosion noises; offshore, distant or mountain or hill noises, explosion noises, booming or rumbling.
26.  Eerie sky noises, booms, explosion noises or rumblings.
27.  Unreasonable or unexpected harvest shortage in major food producing nation or nations.
28.  Unexplained and/or unusual deep space radar or optical contacts. Optical, electromagnetic, infrared or ultraviolet contacts of objects in or around moon, sun, other planets or lunar bodies.
29.  Grass fires, forest fires, wild fires etc, especially if of unknown origin or if arson or especially if in or around or near military facilities, communications centers or assets or diplomatic facilities or transportation or logistics hubs.
30.  Unusual, unexplained AND significant explosion or other catastrophic failure at a military base, facility or military logistics or administration facility.
31.  Strange or unusual activity, possibly dangerous, by previously passive or peaceful sea creature.
32.  Unexplained night sightings of lights in the sky near ground level or especially if of apparently orbital altitude and/or if intricate in nature.
33.  Nocturnal luminescent clouds.
34.  Mysterious or unexplained dome of light if at or over sea or over relatively uninhabited region of land.
35.  Mysterious accidents or inability to operate in planned manner of rockets or other space infrastructure.
36.  Rash of ball lightning or St. Elmo’s Fire in a city or small town.
37.  Failure of orbiting satellites.
38.  Odd and/or unexplained events or sightings on other planets.
39.  Mysterious, odd, unexplained and/or unexpected communications received from, lights or objects seen about or radio emissions from other planets, especially if from Venus, Jupiter or Saturn or if from “empty” between earth and Jupiter and/or Saturn or from within or near the orbits of Jupiter or Saturn.
40.  Surge in solar activity.
41.  Unusual or unusually or infrequent and intense auroras on Earth or other planets.
42.  Apparent observation of plant, animal or intelligent life or activity or moon or Mars.
43.  Sudden upsurge or unusual space activity by a nation or government or group of nations or an alliance(s).
44.  Apparent observation of liquid water on moon, Mars, Venus, a moon of Jupiter or Saturn or free floating in space.

Determining a Deep Blue Event from a Natural Event

Differentiating a Deep Blue event from natural event is easier than one may expect. Although nearly every Deep Blue event, viewed in isolation, can be perceived as simply a natural event, an actual Deep Blue event will display characteristics which will clearly distinguish the event as artificial in nature.

A true Deep Blue event will tend to display all the following characteristics and there will always be a common denominator between events.

1.      A Deep Blue event will tend to be an uncommon or unusual event or be an event clearly out of the ordinary, or a natural or common event but of uncommon or unexpected duration, intensity, scale, range or ferocity.
2.      Deep Blue events always group into a pattern. This pattern may be two or more similar actions in a series, or a group of two or more actions in two or more series. A series consists of two or more actions or events identical in type but separated in space or time or two or more events related in type or kind but not identical occurring within a small temporal window but at great geographical distance or proximate geographical distance but with a fair* (see characteristic 9) separation in time.
3.      A series will tend to consist of five or fewer individual events or actions.
4.      A Deep Blue operation will tend to consist of only one series ongoing at a time.
5.      A Deep Blue may consist of any event as described in Tactics or of any event which meets these characteristics and may occur in any location worldwide or any superterrestrial location as designated by the operational group, but actions will not generally occur simultaneously. Generally, any one event must be fully concluded before the next can begin. A nation (or group) initially entering into the Deep Blue arena will tend to group events in place and time rather than dispersing events worldwide or temporarily. A nation or group employing Deep Blue operations may find its capabilities to undertake such operations impeded by the advanced technological capacity Deep Blue operations require. Consequently, all of said Deep Blue employing nations operations will tend be restricted geographically, if not temporarily, but also tend to be restricted to events of like kind during any one series.
6.      A series will tend to begin and end over a relatively short period of time, usually two to six weeks. This period will truncate as the nation employing Deep Blue operations accumulates experience and advances in technical capabilities.
7.      There will always be a common denominator between all events or actions in a series.
8.      Any operation or series will tend to be directed against a single organization or institution although this characteristic may fade as a Deep Blue employing nation or group gains experience in this form of warfare.
9.      The time period between one series and the next will be at least 100 hours, truncating over time by the advancement of the employing nation’s technical capacity. The time period between individual actions or events in a series will generally be between 1.5 to 2 or 3 times, up to 6 or 7 times the length of the most recently concluded event. The more actions in a series or the more complex the individual actions in a series, the longer the time period between the conclusion of one series and the inception of the next.


Deep Blue Operations Against Individuals

Ultraviolet – Operations Against Individuals

Ultraviolet is a Deep Blue operation applied against a particular individual or group of individuals, (probably small in number), who have some common denominator between them.

The objective of Ultraviolet is to render an individual or group of individuals ineffective in the performance of their jobs, careers, research, investigations, plans or personal or work relationships. Any individual or group so targeted must be contributing to the enemy nation’s defense, security or offensive posture in some way.
A long term objective of Ultraviolet may be the permanent incapacity of an individual to function in society through the mechanism of that individual’s own self-destruction or to so impose upon an enemy nation the objectives of the Deep Blue employing nation via the mechanism of the enemy nation’s body-politick. Self-destruction of an individual may be by death by suicide, accident, homicide, assassination, justified killing (death via the legal system) or disease. An additional possibility may simply be the isolation of the individual from other members of society due to the individual being categorized as a national security risk.

Ultraviolet may be conducted by a foreign or domestic intelligence agency, covert military, paramilitary or police unit, PsyOps unit, national security agency, shadow government or department thereof, multinational group or corporation, multinational shadow government, government in exile or non-state political body.


1.      Receipt of odd, unusual or mysterious mail, especially if receipt sends recipient on a “wild goose chase.”
2.      Unexplainable, odd or mysterious phone calls, especially if such calls create friction with recipients spouse, co-workers or superiors.

3.      Phone calls in the middle of the night, especially if “prank” or “accidental.”
4.      Intrusion into a home or apartment or other domicile of office when owner is away without anything being taken, although food may be eaten or left out or cooked with containers dirtied or pets may be fed and notes or messages left on computer, wall, bathroom mirror or floor or magazines left out and open or TV or radio or other electronic device left on when it was turned off.
5.      Knocks or doorbells or knocks on wall, ceiling or floor in the middle of the night, either “accidental” or especially if no one is there.
6.      Unexplained and isolated cessation of electrical devices.
7.      Loss of electrical power to home or office or occupied room or office thereof.
8.      Loss of telephone service while others retain such service.
9.      Utility company or companies terminate service claiming non-payment or late of bills or other although bills have been paid.
10.  Insurance company or companies suddenly increase premium especially if particularly high or terminate coverage claiming due to late or non-payment of bills or entry into high risk category.
11.  Calls or requests made to place of employment when target is not there.
12.  Unauthorized, unexplained or unusual number of credit checks.
13.  Credit cards are suddenly terminated or “maxed out.”
14.  Bank(s) recall loan(s) for unreasonable or no explanation.
15.  Credit is refused especially if accepted previously and no change in circumstances has occurred.
16.  IRS audit or investigation, especially into bank accounts, employment income, business income or investment income.
17.  Vehicle is towed from legal parking spot.
18.  Vehicle is stolen.
19.  “Freak” auto or moving vehicle accident even if a passenger.
20.  Unusual or “freak” accident at home or office or city street or at work or pleasure activity.
21.  Series of “freak” accidents.
22.  Odd and unexplained ads about target in newspaper or media especially if in “Personals” section, or erotic or sexual suggestive section.
23.  Unexplained media accounts or reports spreading misinformation, inaccurate information distorting accurate information.
24.  Unusual series of events, accidents or “coincidences” causing target to reconsider career, research, educational, personal, travel, holiday or vacation plans.
25.  Target is followed by foot or car.
26.  Identical double pretends to be target and talks, interacts or is seen with friends, neighbors, spouse, siblings, co-workers or superiors.
27.  Identical double commits target to financial risk venture, joint venture, partnership, home purchase, business purchase, large personal or business undertaking, target or business divestiture or investment divestiture or purchase.
28.  Personal correspondence arrives late, especially if damaged in some way.
29.  Subscriptions to magazines, professional journals, groups, memberships, newsletters and professional associations terminated without cause.
30.  A subscription or membership is initiated without knowledge especially if a financial commitment is required.
31.  Receipt of single or short series of newsletters, mail, communiqués, magazines or professional journals or literature without cause, especially if disinformation or misinformation.
32.  Unexplained surge in utility bill.
33.  Unexplained calls reported on phone bill.
34.  Recording of target’s voice being received by target but target never left said message.
35.  Phone call, mail or receipt of other communication from deceased relative or friend.
36.  Ostracization by others without cause.
37.  Sudden deterioration of physical home infrastructure.
38.  Unexpected or unexplained illness or death of pet.
39.  Message from dead religious, political, corporate or scientific authority.
40.  Unexpected package or gift, especially if left at work or office or business and if especially if of being sent by someone of opposite gender if heterosexual or same gender if homosexual.
41.  Message or note left on car, place of business, store or shop often frequented or any location where it would be easily seen and received by intended recipient.

Ultraviolet Tactics at Group or National Levels
1.      “Brainwashing” of target populations or selected individuals from a distance.
2.      Electronic hypnosis of individual or target groups or populations at a distance.
3.      “Legionnaire’s” or other disease affecting group.
4.      Illness, disease or death among plant, animal or human populations on a wide scale or down to select groups or individuals. Any epidemic of illness or disease among a group or population
5.      Death via heart attack, sudden stroke or illness, especially if unexpected and/or unexplainable.
6.      Random coincidences which delay personnel from timely arrivals at work, job site, investigation site or home.
7.      Zombies.
8.      Gang violence directed at police or military targets or infrastructure or civil infrastructure or some group or key person or personnel.
9.      “Logic bombs” causing mass insanity, confusion or irrational thoughts or behavior in population, group, target segment, key personnel or individual.
10.  Increase in temper, aggression, frustration, depression, suicide, especially if in target population, key personnel or key individual.
11.  Sudden unexplained paralysis, stroke or physical encumberment especially if temporary and of short duration (hours or days).
12.  Death during sleep especially if in apparent good physical and mental health beforehand.
13.  Mysterious, unexplained disappearance or deaths of key personnel.
14.  Run of mysterious accidents, falls, “psychological breaks,” murders, killings, serial killings, mass murders, tragedies, suicides or mass suicides.
15.  Insanity, suicide, felony, forgetfulness, incapacitating illness or partial or full amnesia by key personnel or individual.
16.  Home, office, corporate or research facility fire and all data and or research is lost, gone damaged beyond repair or destroyed.
17.  Surge in terrorism, guerrilla activity, organized crime or gang violence directed against military personnel, civilian military or government contractors or diplomatic personnel and facilities.
18.  Biological or genetic human “time bombs” – people who suddenly undergo drastic and sudden changes in personality, psychology or temperament especially if such change precipitates lethal action by individual.
19.  Upsurge in apparent poltergeist activity.
20.  Upsurge of apparent psychic phenomena.
21.  Unexplained, possibly fatal, mishaps and accidents occurring to key personnel or individuals.
22.  Subliminal broadcasting.
23.  Area or cloud seeding or spraying.
24.  “Wildcat” strikes, slowdowns or widespread “flu” at key facilities or industries.
25.  Riots, protests, marches and demonstrations especially if of unusual mass and/or regionally or nationally widespread and/or if apparently orchestrated from without.
26.  Mutiny, revolt, mass desertion, work stoppage or slowdown, sabotage or attempted or successful coup d’état by or on part of military or against military or section thereof.
27.  Sudden unexpected reversal or change of stance or position of political party, political figure or military department, group or officer, especially if full reversal, unexpected firmness or adamancy and if unexpected and unexplained.
28.  Odd, strange and out of character behavior on part of widely recognized figure or figures, but not criminal or necessarily dangerous behavior or actions (except perhaps to self), especially if individual does not remember or is unaware or especially reticent about such behavior or actions.
29.  Sudden rash of felonies, misdemeanors or pranks, or malicious or foolish behavior on part of political figure, celebrities, media personnel, military personnel, economic advisors or consultants or noted authors, speakers, trainers or consultants.
30.  Spate of prison riots.
31.  Mass hallucination.
32.  “Coincidental” or untimely deaths, incapacitating illness or criminal activity of key oppositional figures in Deep Blue-employing nation or group.
33.  Strange dreams, daydreams or visions, nightmares, voices or revelations by key personnel or person, or group or target population.
34.  Upsurge in religious phenomena, i.e. miracles, visions, visitations by saints or angels, Jesus, Mary, or archangels, Muhammad, Allah or other; miracle cures, healings or stigmata type events.
35.  Sudden reversal of key individual’s long held position or belief especially if religious in nature and if especially without cause or persuasion.
36.  Unexpected and unexplained interruption at a movie, theater, concert or event, possibly replaced with another show or activity or religious event or communication from God, saint, Jesus, Muhammad, angel(s), Mary, Allah, prophet, alien or orbiting alien craft, spiritual, extraterrestrial or intra or extradimensional being.
37.  Appearance of God, Jesus, Mary, Mohammed, Moses, Buddha, Satan or an angel or demon or other spiritual entity, spirit guide or saint.
38.  Miracle intervention, event or visitation at a shopping mall, large outdoor area or sports center or event especially if witnessed by scores, hundreds or thousands of people.
39.  The Rapture.
40.  Bird attacks.
41.  Sudden surge in attacks by forest creature or animals.
42.  Sudden upsurge of attacks by dogs or other domestic animal especially if a series of attacks widespread across a region or planetary and especially if of one breed or genotype.
43.  Upsurge in sightings of Big Foot, Sasquatch, Yeti, Loch Ness Monster, Mothman, dinosaurs, thunderbirds, pterodactyls, dragons, lake monsters and other land based phantom entities.
44.  Upsurge or sudden increase in shark attacks or ferocity thereof.
45.  Attacks by porpoise, whales or dolphins or other supposedly “harmless” sea creatures, especially if attacks by a pod or group.
46.  Undersea lights, shadows or reflections from unknown objects.
47.  Discovery of unknown or previously unknown submarine objects, entities or structures.
48.  Sightings, lights or reflections from beneath the sea of sea monsters, cities, undersea UFOs (USOs), shadows, mermaids and mermen, unusual colored, strange or unusually large fish or otherwise familiar sea creature, especially if by many people from a cruise ship and with photographic or other recorded evidence or if same by many people on shore especially if during an unusually hot or humid period and if around or during a common holiday or vacation period and location.

Differentiating an Ultraviolet Operation from the Natural Hazards of Everyday Living

The characteristics differentiating a Deep Blue event from natural phenomena may or may not apply at the individual or Ultraviolet level or may only partially apply. The following characteristics will always apply at the individual level.
1.      Events will always occur in a series of two or more.
2.      The time period from the third event on will decrease by 50% from the interval between the two preceding events.
3.      A friend or acquaintance, colleague or co-worker or disinterested third party but with a similar background, job, career, research, hobby or interest will be the recipient of at least one event in a series of four or more occurring within 24 to 36 hours of the previous event.
4.      At least two events of identical or similar nature will occur within 45 minutes to three hours of the same day or within 45 minutes to three hours of the same time of day but on separate days.
5.      There will be some common denominator between all events in a series.
6.      An event will tend to be an uncommon or unusual event or be an event clearly out of the ordinary, or a natural or common event but of uncommon or unexpected duration, intensity, scale, range or ferocity.

Alter – Alternate Personality

Alters are employed by Deep Blue employing nations and covert operational groups as assassins, serial killers, murderers, (mass or singularly), zombies, religious zealots or recipients of a revelation or spiritual communique’, alien contactee or abductees, et al.

Alters can also be used as deep cover intelligence agents, special operations forces, covert or secret organization operatives, special task group forces and distant operational mission operatives, et al. Code names for these forces and commands include ShadowWarrior,  Deep Star, StarGate, Phoenix, MKUltra, Unit One, Jade, etc.

Alters are a result of action caused by intelligence organizations, special operations groups, psychological operations commands or units, covert action organizations, national security organizations and “black” operational commands. Alters have traditionally been created by the induction of severe psychological trauma often accompanied by severe physical trauma. This trauma forces the psyche of the individual to split into separate personalities or “alters.” Often, the personalities of a multiple personality individual or alter have no knowledge of any of the other personalities or alters cohabiting the body. Each personality may even display differing physical characteristics to include different skin tones and textures, eye color, drug or alcohol dependency, variations in IQ or cognition, different language knowledge, speech patterns or accents, gait and physical capabilities. There is some speculation that the severe psychological and physiological trauma formerly associated with producing an alter has now been replaced by more humane methods.

“Human time bombs” and “zombies” are all almost certainly alters. A human time bomb is any individual who suddenly and uncharacteristically displays extremely uncommon and often violent behavior. This behavior can include assassination, murder, mass murder, serial killing, terrorism, bombing, etc. A human time bomb may also be an individual who, once in a place of public prominence, is the sudden witness or bearer of divine, spiritual or alien revelation, communication or contact or whom, when such an event occurs, is thrust into the public spotlight by the nature of said event. Said divine, spiritual or alien intervention will be contrived by and often continuously manipulated by the alter’s “handlers,” steering the alter to perform such acts as they require.

A “zombie” is similar to the zombie of pop culture fiction. An aberrant individual will kill and possibly eat another individual, even possibly during daylight, in public.

Human time bombs and zombies along with other alters are triggered by commands implanted during the creation of the alter personalities. These commands can be any word, phrase, image, video, sound or action and are often rare but not unknown among the common population.