Pres. Bush and VP Cheney were the creators of the Politics of Fear that ruled America for 8 years, got us into 2 wars, helped the rich get richer while Main Street suffered, took away our Constitutional rights and swept us into the greatest recession since the Great Depression. And Mr. Cheney says Obama is screwing up? With screwups you created Mr. Cheney, I think the President is doing just fine. He is still trying to clean up your mess and mend fences with all the nations you ostracized. Do you remember them - other nations? This isn't a world of only the USA, there are other countries out there too, or maybe you forgot.
Or maybe you just don't care the way you don't care about the US troops. Remember them? When you appeared before them and flippantly stated that basically they had to die because you hadn't gotten around to providing the equipment they needed to do their job while you sat on your fat butt and made money from their blood? Hmmm.
Ok, enough of my tirade. I'm pretty much over all this anyway. This country has drifted so far right that decent citizens can't live here anymore. People who believe in the Constitution and the Bil of Rights need to go somewhere where such things are still respected and admired and remain the law of the land - like Canada or Australia.
It won't be long before I'm there myself, suntanning on the beaches of Perth. Hello Australia!