The Bush Era comes to an end. With an unnecessary war, the most severe economic downturn since the Great Depression, millions out of work, foreclosures hitting skyrocket territory, ignorance of global warming thoughout most of his term and a myriad of decisions and positions that turned the United States into a mockery of its former self, George Bush represents the worst of what it means to be an American.
From a false flag operation that killed thousands of Americans which led to a false war that killed thousands more, George Bush has followed his game plan brilliantly. Civil liberties no longer exist in this country except with the sufferage of the federal government. Your rights and liberties have already been lost, you retain them only because the government allows you to do so.
An economic downturn which is the worst in some areas of the country since records have been kept is handing over property, cash and future earnings to the central authority. Soon, the vast majority of the wealth of this country, including your home, business, savings, insurance, benefits, etc, will be in the hands of the Federal Reserve which is no more federal than Federal Express. Your financial future will depend solely on the government allowing you to buy and sell, to spend and purchase and to save and invest at its convenience. The ownership of wealth will have all been transferred to the government. Good job, President Bush!
Around the world, respect for the United States has plummeted. George Bush's policy of "shoot first, ask questions later" has alienated most of our allies, further deepened the rifts between the US and our critics and hardened the attitudes of our enemies. My own Strategy of Peace is diametrically opposed to the Bush Doctrine of "shoot, shoot, shoot". We can see the results of the Administration's policy as we survey world nations, a great majority of which have low regard for the US or its current President. Nearly all express hope in the upcoming Obama Presidency.
The US military is strained nearly to the breaking point. With the current economy, recruitment levels should begin rising again, but they had been at their lowest level in many years. Recruiters have been under so much pressure to meet quota that a record number of Army recruiters have committed suicide breaking under the pressure of their demands. Equipment is in need of repair, troops are fatigued and morale is low. From one of the greatest and most powerful military forces in the world, we have squandered the military on a war and policies which should never have been implemented.
President Bush clearly duped the American people into trusting him, but I was under no such illusion, regarding Mr. Bush as the greatest threat to America since Hitler. Able to convince innocents of his religious fervor, Mr. Bush attacked all who opposed him, sending the IRS to investigate churches which spoke against him, leaking false reports and rumors about officials (Colin Powell, Gen. Shinseki, et al) who disagreed with him and otherwise being vindictive and attacking all those who opposed him. I have received reports about members of Congress who - during the anthrax scare shortly after 9/11 - were afraid to oppose Bush on any matter for to do so would result in receiving an anthrax envelope. My own sources tracked the anthrax scare to sources within the US Army to a location near Washington DC. None of these actions sound reminiscent of a man who respects and loves God. Mr. Bush was clearly able to delude and mislead the American people into surrendering their rights by heightening their fear of the bogeyman - international terrorrism and Al Qaeda (which the British Intelligence community claims is a US fabrication).
As Mr Franklin once said: "Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security."
Now we turn a new page in American history. A new chapter begins. An African-American will lead us giving hope not only to America but to the rest of the world as well. I am inspired by this fact and encouraged because the dream of long ago - of Martin Luther King - is fulfilled, at least in part. We may have a long way to go in some places of these American states, but at the executive level, the dream is alive and well. I also have hope that the American reputation will be salvaged overseas where it has suffered the greatest damage in the last eight years. But in any case, I have faith in God, that His plan is unfolding and that whatever may happen, all those who truly believe will be protected.