Saturday, September 03, 2005

Tragedy in New Orleans - FEMA Drags Its Feet

Tragedy in New Orleans
FEMA Drags its Feet

Copyright 2005 by Perry Jones
All Rights Reserved

We all see the horror on the nightly news. Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. But that isn't the real story.

The real story is the lack of federal response.

Where is the government? Where is the Red Cross? Why aren't there air drops of food and water if it is too unsafe to get people on the ground? Where are the tents, the convoys of air and ground vehicles carrying food, water, clothing, tents and medical supplies?

Such things have happened in every other natural disaster in US history. But these things are not happening in New Orleans today.

Why not?

The President, FEMA, the Red Cross and the federal authorities have all refused offers of aid from many sources. Why? I offered to lead a volunteer group to go in and deliver food and water, but my offer was turned down. Why? Why was help from Russia, Israel, Venezuela and other countries refused? The President may have changed his mind now, or maybe he will in days to come, but in the first few days after this disaster - when it was most critically needed - all help was refused, turned down, denied. Why?

If my understanding of history and politics is correct, its all a setup.

The failure of authorities to act in New Orleans following this disaster, the refusal to allow people to go in so lives could be saved, the gut-wrenching, heart-breaking lack of response by the government allowing people to die, be raped, murdered and beaten is all a setup.

The setup is this.

It's to create the atmosphere for something else to happen further on down the line.

Exactly what, I don't know. It won't be to ban all guns across the country because looters and hoodlums are shooting at rescuers and rescue helicopters. That would be too extreme. It won't be to establish martial law across the country. That also would be too extreme.

But it could be to preposition "emergency supplies" in "critical locations" across the country. These "emergency supplies" would - of course - include military ammunition, ordnance and equipment, in order to "protect the people" in the "affected areas" from "rioters, looters and rampaging gangs of hoodlums and desperate criminals".

I suppose these things Could be going on in New Orleans. But I'm not there, so I don't know for sure. I have heard on the news, as you have no doubt, about helicopters and rescue workers being fired on by snipers and "hoodlums". Although I suppose that is possible, it doesn't make sense. But perhaps the gravity of the disaster has made people lose their common sense or caused them to forget moral values. Perhaps. It does seem certain that at least one case has occurred (that of a National Guard troop being shot in the leg while in a struggle for his gun), so maybe there are a few others as well. Maybe.

I feel a more likely scenario - regardless of who is doing the shooting - if there is any - is to allow the federal government to set up these staging areas so they will be able to move troops around the country with ease and without alarming the population, such troops to include the US Army (Federal, not National Guard), in order to control large areas of the country when, and as the federal government sees fit to do so.

Another possible reason for this "setup" - if there is one - only time will tell - may simply be to enable or allow the government to dispatch federal troops (US Army - not National Guard) to wherever it may deem appropriate as it deems necessary. The US Army is currently prohibited by law from any domestic law enforcement role.

As we see in New Orleans, the National Guard is "overwhelmed", for the first few days it was nowhere to be seen. Only now, 5 days after the disaster - are National Guard troops arriving on the scene in sufficient number to make an impact and establish control over the situation. The Administration may use this as an excuse to permit the federal use of the US Army and/or federal control of the National Guard anywhere in the country as it sees fit; in order to control the people.


Because this fits in with the long range goal of the federal government ESPECIALLY this administration. To take control of the people and the country, dispense with civil rights and establish a totalitarian police state controlled by the likes of Cheney, Rumsfeld and cronies thereof.

Is this just another "conspiracy theory" or does what I say have some merit?

If what I claim is correct, then the federal government will invent a "solution" to the lack of federal response in New Orleans which will further erode the rights of the people - as the 9/11 attacks did - increase the power of the federal authorities and serve to further their goals of establishing a police state in the US.

All this will be done in the name of "public security", or of protection, or some other Orwellian phrase that will sound good, have some idea of "common sense", "seem right", but that in fact will have the direct opposite goals in mind.

So we have 4 reasons that this could be happening.

1. To create prepositioned staging areas of supplies, especially military ordnance.

2. To allow the federal government to freely move troops around the country.

3. Some combination of 1 and 2.

4. Some other reason that promotes the agenda of the federal government in eroding the Constitution, establishing a police state and controlling the people so that they won't protest against the federal government or raise alarms against the further intrusion into private affairs by federal authorities.

To obtain more information about this you could go to:

or for a look from a different perspective


or my own


Truth is all that matters. Where it comes from and how it happens to appear is immaterial. Truth is truth. Lies are lies. Who is telling the truth? Who is telling lies? The truth may be difficult to be believe, but those who are ready for it will recognize it when they receive it. All I am seeking is the truth and I know that the biggest source of lies in this country right now is the White House.

A brave American once said: "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin

For a vision by George Washington - founder and first President of our country go here:

I am a patriot in the classical sense. I believe in life, liberty and free speech. I believe in small government and the freedom for each individual to conduct their affairs as they see fit as long as such conduct does not unduly influence any other individual in the conduct of their affairs.

The present US government seems to disagree with me.

This administration is despicable, vindictive and filled with hate, greed and dissension. It will cheat, lie and steal to enhance its own power and perhaps even kill to protect the power it now possesses. All I can do is pray and spread the truth through blogs and websites.

I am only one person, but as a nation we are many. The Spirit of God goes before us, against such, who can prevail? None. For no one is stronger than God. Though many of us who believe in truth may perish, victory is certain, and those who seek to deny the power of the people will themselves be defeated.

Praise God! And long live the United States!